Attention Daucie Rose

Hi DaucieR
If you type in Propane Carburetors and into the small “search” box at the top of the LH sidebar it will bring up three readable topics about potential using these for woodgas that this has so far been discussed on.
At least 15 different guys commenting on actual experiences and may-be’s about these so I would narrow you too far with a single direct comment link. See someone you would like to directly inquire then click on their name in blue; bring up their member page and “contact” them with a direct personal message, or follow up ask directly on that thread. This will reactivate it to the top of RECENT POSTS.
Plus, now taught how to fish, you will be just that much better fed here on.
Steve Unruh

Morning DausieR
I forgot to mention if you do NOT on a composed Personal Message click the little box “send a copy to your E-Mail” before sending off, IF/WHEN it does get lost you do not have anything stored to re-send or foward. Fella recently asked via PM for cylinder head resealing advice. My long detailed return PM to him apparently got lost and I had to then re-type a whole 'nother responce.
Most PM’s sent and recieved end up in the recievers Spam box depending on how that persons spam system is set up. That’s where I usually find those sent to me. Then have to manually trasfer them up into my IN box.
Do always have to watch for one of the leaker spammers with the funny addresses and names.
Admin Chris Seanz has been very good catching these and blasting them back into cyber space.

S. U.