Cryogenics vs Sygas Separation Looks Good

I think you just do it the other way. They use a compressor (which you also use for chilling of course), but O2 is pushed through the walls of the fiber and n2 goes out the tube.


zeolyte psi is 14.7 temp ambient. Zeolyte is light and fast and primitive. you can DIY zeolyte not PSA. Your machines only operate with compressed air syngas doesnt compress plus 4 more gases to evaluate. Zeolyte takes out ammonia well so you have hreen hydrogen from that.


Processing gas via 1atm or diffusion into liquid has llkons if problems because of volume it takes millions of gallons or millions of cubic feet.

Im moving on. There is a big economic opportunity to be able split this gas do please help yourself. This is called Syngas Splitting just like Biogas Splitting. The value of the gas goes way up. Use charcoal gas and zeolyte denitrogen filtering, this makes the syngas much better for engine use or further processing.


I think this is a dead end but… I came across a (computer) overclocking enthusiast that is making their own liquid nitrogen. Here is the video for any mad scientists here that want to play around at these ultra low temps: