Does anyone know?

Kinnda like asking why dogs eat grass, eh?
Ist picture is of my recent after dark 4th of July evening illegal burn pile . . after. After I had 5:00 AM hosed it down good on the 5th to kill all of the heat and any peep of smoke before the going to work commuter drive by time.
2nd photo is my new one year old New Hampshire Reds chickens I had to “train” by seeding in a a cup of wheat to start working this new weird to them now blackened area. They are suspicious of new things. And they are very well fed. They are used to now dusting in all of my grey wood stove ash for mites.
3rd photo is after they were done scratching and digging. Lots of brown earth and grey ash stirred up. Good. Camouflages this newly burnt site from overhead fire watch patrols.
4th photo is a spot that was the previous burn site from four years ago. Yep, we can sure grow the mushrooms up here in the rainforest.

Steve Unruh

I think they are real “charcoalers” :wink:
Why using green gras to produce “methane exhaust” if you can have the real fuel for free ?.. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also works great for their accid burn…

And in French or Walloon would that be “charcoliers”?
Ah-h-h-h. You are probably correct on the stomachs acids buffering. I do not want to shut off my walking nitrates energy concentrators.

A lot of thoughtful comments here, but here’s my thought: I have read that way back in history, people used to brush their teeth with charcoal before they had toothpaste. So I think the cattle eat the charcoal so their teeth look good when they hang out to socialize in the pasture.

Pete Stanaitis

Here in Africa we have a lot of plants that are highly toxic to both ruminants and single stomach animal.
There is a certain type of plant in our area called cenicia , it looks like a broad leaf grass. In cattle it causes loss of condition and in extreme amounts liver failure, in horses it looks like the animal is drunk, staggering around, after long term exposure will result in death ! If we catch it earlier enough we feed 1-2 kg of activated charcoal in water or cooking oil tubed down the throat, some win some loose !
Hope this helps !
Thanks Patrick