Electricity generator on chargas

This Acme engine has a factory CR of 1:4.15 and was designed to run on kerosene, there are similar engines with a higher CR of 1:5.6 that are made to run on gasoline.
This head has a factory displacement of approx 115cc, which I reduced to approx 90cc, this head and a thin head gasket will give a CR of approx 1:6.5, and that will be a big change when running on wood gas, Tom, I hope so , so that this item will not lie on the shelf for a long time.


You probably get more done in a day than I do in a month Tone. I used to do a lot better. Still haven’t gotten back to the saw mill gasifier since summer. Getting pretty sick of working on food storage though.


Really interesting project. Flatheads make it easy(easier) to increase an engine’s compression ratio. I’m surprised you aren’t taking it higher still? Wood gas is happy well above 10:1. Maybe the gas flow dynamics would be impaired by such an aggressive reduction of the “head space”?

My woodgas “plan” engine is a Predator 670cc which has the now more common over head valve configuration. It is 8.3:1 compression from the factory and harder to modify because of the valve position but I had a head shave in mind. Not sure how much clearance it has but a little clay would tell you.


brought at home tired legs and some treasures of the scrap…
pistons with 4 rings, magnetos in unknown conditions, carburettor, oil level sticks, pressure column, cylinder…with water traces all, but will see what is to reuse…
the kohler motor- electricity generator, i have posted recently in life goes on topic was left by the american army in 2 world war here, me told the scrap man


I believe a lot of the Post-WW2 Italian tractors were made from various tank parts, were they not?

“Why waste all that good steel and tracks, wheat has to be planted, make it a tractor.”

Or from the Bible, “Arms into Ploughshares”


the pistons from the scrap yield have 4 rings, 2 are oil rings…
in the acme motor, a good friend has given me, the piston has only 1 oil ring…
this piston but has a split on one side, so i think it is better to change.
what is the difference, or better, using 2 oil rings or only 1…?
what say our motor experts here?
thanks for answers