Food self sufficiency tips and hacks

But you are a free one from their controlling you of every breath you take.


Is that EU rules? I was reading about a farmer in Belgium complaining about all the accounting they have to do down to the kg of fertilizer and where it goes and what they can grow, and when they can plant, whether it is a good time to plant or not. It sounded very controlling. I thought maybe part of it was false. The article had to do with EU elections.


It absolutely isnt false. Unfortunaly. And geting worse and worse. You literaly need more papers for a horse thain a human. Buirocrasy is insane.

But thats if you are a registred farmer. For now at least, noone cares what you do on ypur own. But ofcorse then you cant sell anything. Legaly.


No need for chemical fertilizer.


Ha! Ha! With me down at the old place the sent on site nemesis’s by coincidence were blonds.
A younger really cute gal. An older actually fit handsome man blond once full blond head of hair going to white.
First we were demanded to mechanically removes all traces of two new particularly invasive weed plants. Odd thing both of these originated somewhere in Eurasia and were at different times bought to North America for roads cut banks erosion stabilization. The evolved bugs and many sheep&goats that kept them in check in their home areas countries were not brought in also.
Very labor intensive. Expensive of gasoline and diesel fuels we did try to remove all top growths. And burn the cut off growths. For Scotch Bloom the smoke is very mucus membranes irritating. Later they said we must black plastic bag up all noxious weeds growths removal and pay to dispose of in a registered, regulated land fill. Never complied with that supidity.
Then we did try the evolved bugs introduced imported and inoculated. Was a then approved procedure. Not cheap either. Became an annual needed re-do expense with limited results. The south central Eurasian dry climate bugs for the Meadow Knapweed would not winter over in our cold wet climate. Or they would eat their only one plant, and then die out from starvation. Year of two later these aggressive plants from ground seeds dropped would reappear.
Classic chart graphed phenomena then of rise; fall; and rise up again.
With us getting the annual $$$ fines in the rising up eras. Letters threatening they would send out-of-jails day-released work-crews to “abate” our problem and the bill us for the expenses.
We then leased off 40 acres to a pair-couple of goats raisers. That for time did help. Then they traced down their greater spontaneous self-abortions problems to the natural toxins in the scotch bloom flowers. They would portable fence the off of the heavy growth areas.

Wife and I cut down our responsibility then by allowing her two, many states moved away brothers to inherit 19 and 20 acres of the original 62. They then hired commercial chemical toxins sprayers services. This was very hard on all other beneficial growths; and all the critters living there.
Oh that worked to 90-95% just like all other attempts.
Then re-spreading growths within two years. Then expensive, full area re-applications of a newer, more toxic, new-modern herbicide mix.

On our remaining then 18-19 acres on our side of the road I contiued with the original written plan agreement of annual mechanical removal of tops growths before going into seeds heads developments. With; out of sight of the road small undisturbed patches of the “noxious” patches to act as the selected bugs winter carrying over preserves. This was before the now widespread use of drones. And on two edge perimeters, accessible viewable even I did some limited backpack spot spraying first of individual plants. And then even strip chemical burning. Sacrifice the few to preserve save the rest. Actual areas ground combustion burning would have been Illegal, then getting the Southwest Washington Air Quality Authority on our asses, $$$$ fining us tied into our ownerships titles.
It was soul-crushing to keep holding back the very real in our faces pushing Tides of Change.

Now what had been once 62 acres suppling the communities with milk and butter. Then when that was made too regulations expensive to comply . . . with beef cows. All being “Weeds” controlled by one-two, at most three family members.
All of it has now been over the course of 20 years now all sold off and is occupied by 21 families. They can split up all of the annual green growing problems, and expenses.
Not all of them. But the ones who do use chemicals uses at least 5-10 times the volume that we ever did. Fanatical actually on the fencelines. At any single weed appearances.
The old bearing fruit trees: pear, cherry, plumb all gone but two.

So I was wrong. My original two blond Natzi nemesis’s came later in all shades of Authority. That Authority given power under many different banners of For-All; for the farmers; for the betterment of the eco-systems. Lies. Damn lies. Claimed by Believers as TomH said with their heads sop far up the Spin-of-thier-asses they never see daylight.

Who won? The Banks. The modern cultural fully bought-in.

Like Kristijan has found the hard line, the wall to back up to and not be moved is growing on your own land for your own. Giving away to selected family and friends as personal “gifts”.
Under the tables secretly barter trading.
Have the children do road side pop-up, then take-down selling.
At least a 3000-5000 traditions of you only tell the THEM of your era just the minimum. Get accounted, recorded as producing minimums. Pay them the absolute minimum’s in their demand Caesar’s coinage.
Because those 3000-5000 years of histories says the societal bureaucrats, know-betters, overspecializes, as not actual producers will drag the whole thing to a collapsing point.
Then it is the daily real producer 10% survivors who will be the kernel of re-starting the cycle.


These things in EU is why we are registred as farmers but we refused to be a part of those subsides to avoid the bureaucresy and rules involved, just as Kristijan says. Plus the ridiculous amount of money they wanted to take from you if you wanted to be certified organic and the rules that came with that. We did as Salatin did and went for total openness instead and gladly told and showed people how we were working and why. Better to be certified by the customers instead, after all they are the ones that matters. In my eyes if you need employees you grew your business too big, better to have another family a few miles away also living off the land.
Many small are better than one big. Veggie gardening for all, better to ban lawns since mowing is actually mostly done for the neighbours and you don’t want to be the guy that doesn’t take care of it, plant useful things instead.


There is one saying, I think not only in Czech, about state interventions. It goes likes this:
If somethings works, regulate it.
If it still works, tax it.
If it stops working, subsidize it.
Repeat until hell freezes.


It’s the same in the U.S. Kamil. We pay people not to grow things, originally, because many of the Representatives and Senators from the agricultural states either owned farm land and fattened themselves or the monied big growers that funded their political careers. The very reason we have Alcohol in our fuels. Now we find ways to regulate the small farmer out of business so that the big agri-businesses have maximum control over the food supply and it’s distribution. The plan has been to decimate the food supply so that the populous will have to go to distribution centers to receive a food allowance and that’s only if you are a good little sheep and maintain an acceptable social credit score. This a video from about a year ago but it’s still ramping up. If you think this food is being stored like this because a caring government want’s to provide a beneficent life line for it’s people open your eyes a little wider.
Now for the silver lining. People are getting a clue. The farmers across Europe are taking a stand. Enforcement of anything takes money. The mercenaries posing as migrants that are pouring into all our countries will want to get paid. Anti-fa and BLM showed during the urban chaos a couple of years ago that they are working for a wage. If you don’t remember them calling out Soro’s for delays in their pay package then you weren’t paying attention. Money is disappearing. Minor authorities will not be paid. They aren’t going to go and harass you for growing your tomatoes if they can’t cash a paycheck. This is not a rant, nor a conspiracy theory. It’s right in your face and while you have a minute you better figure out how you are going to eat something that will keep you alive and well.


It is to help keep farmland from being turned into subdivisions and strip malls as it is better for the land if it lies fallow for a year or two… They don’t pay much.

The alcohol is multiple issues. First we were buying MTBE as an oxygenate to reduce pollution, from qatar who jacked around with the prices, so when oil dipped they jacked up the price and pocketed the money. Alcohol works just as well as MTBE. And we were buying corn as price support and at one point literally dumping it in the trash because no one would buy it. Grains exports from the US are either outright banned or trade limited in 180 countries because we would put their farmers out of business. Making ethanol from it, and turning the distillers grains into a high protein animal feed bypassed the trade restrictions. And last, E85 was the closest alternative to oil so OPEC used that as the upper limit of how much they could charge for oil. It was at 130/barrel equivalent and has since dropped to around 70. Right in 2014, when all the sudden there was a glut and oil prices tanked, ethanol was cheaper then gasoline on the commodity market.
Big farming came into vogue, when tractors got bigger and then interest rates exploded and corn and milk prices bottomed out, plus and advancement in technology. Instead of moldboard plowing they figured out, a big tractor with a A big disk or chisel plow, and go faster breaks up the soil better. You only need 1 maybe 2 passes over the field before planting, but you are doing a 60ft swath instead of 30 with the 2 12 bottom plows and going twice as fast. With the new ultra shallow tillage, I literally watched 3 guys till and plant 1100 acres in a day with two tractors and two trucks to refill the planter. You can’t even get the equipment into the small fields.

The attempt to get small farmers back into the game is really the organic market and the extension of the crop insurance to cover more crops, and the extension of the food stamp program to be able to buy organics. The smaller organic market has a premium, plus it is typically more labor intensive and non-commodity markets so it is more labor intensive just in finding buyers. But they can be profitable with small plots of land.

You can call it conspiracy, or government control, but it is just a shift in direction. Instead of doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.


It may just be a shift in direction, and your points are reasonable. The concern is, lots of things that sound reasonable, things we’ve trusted for a long time, have recently shown themselves not to be so. My list of trustworthy sources is getting pretty short. It’s a good time to keep your head up and eyes open. When your eyes, and ears, tell you one thing, and authorities tell you something else, just be careful assuming your authorities have it right.


All of these pretty words and seem-reasonable logics rationals compare little with the gut emotional impacts of having to face down You-Musts Enforcers SeanO’.

JohanM mentioned Joel Salatin having his on-farm showdown with a car load of Virginia Department of Agriculture enforcers. Crafting his living “farm living” after Joels then written book, “When Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal.”
The redhaired girl Inspector KristijanL described was a very real to him experience too. He has said in the past Enforcers visitors forcing him to stop raising his mini-pigs for his families meat. Has said he knows now he dare not actually show making a pond impoundment for his fish project.
And my the blond weeds control Natizs: one working towards soon an easy life on State of Washington Public Employees Retirement full pension. With all medical benefits. The other young, a recent University graduate and still a very, very strident believer. They were were very much in-my-face real.
Add on the the time I was in ditches I had to dig to chop out and cap the water to our two houses from out own private well and ensure we were then Public water dependent. Above me observing was a water service official. The Towns then Mayor. And their called out county sheriff with a gun on his belt.
Sure. I did it. I told then I finally knew how the Jews felt digging their own execution ditches 1941-45. My 80y.o. father-in-law so hopping mad stayed inside the house knowing it was all really a political pay-back from when he was previously the Town Mayor.
Then me again. . . State Agriculture inspectors. County and State water quality on site inspectors over our across property drainage ditch by-pass we had granted good-faith to prevent bad raining years flooding of 1/4 of that town back in 1940.
Theses maps reading desks-jockeys now insisting that it was a fish bearing stream. That map forced designation change, when we were not looking (father-in-law busy with his Alzheimer wife; me with 12 hours work shifts to pay taxes) that designation change forced through by a neighbor who want to steal 2+ acres off of one side of our historic properties.
The neighbor worked for the Washington State Department of Natural resources. He knew the inside levers to push and pull.

These are all down local gut viscera’s; not Imagine-eens. Not made-ups. Not Urban legends.
Not Net-head spin talking repeats.

I am about the individual right down at their own individual living levels.
Not about national policies you aways seem to want to drag back up into.
National and State have proven all too well now to be too bureaucratically bound, complex and it’s own self-serving class.
Nothing there for DIY folk.


Laws I mention are just a shift in direction to diversify without tipping over the whole system. Most of it is just small step changes. There is no real agenda except the realization we are getting shafted similar to the MTBE issue. And there is carryover from politics from other countries that assume we operate the same way.

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I like your attitude, and hope you’re right. Probably I should make allowances for other possibilities anyway.


That was the Obama policy outlined in 2008. I will tell you as much as you want to know about it in PMs. It is long and seemingly convoluted. As anticipated, the far-left picked up on it, and is trying to leverage it to push their social agenda. And the far-right is dead set against changing anything. However the actual policy was purely energy. no global warming, no social justice. Just how do we get to a better position since oil prices have contributed to 5 recessions. And most stuff was set 30-40 years in the future to give us time to develop and drive the price down for cost effective technology, and implement it.

The Energiewend people in Europe, were trying to make the Paris agreement binding with monetary penalties so they could sue the US and China for emissions. Germany’s solar plan probably would have killed off solar for 30 years, that policy was backdoored by oil and coal interest to the point solar would have failed.
Except, China started making solar panels, no coincidence.

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Raw milk can carry harmful germs, such as Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium, E. coli, Listeria, Brucella, and Salmonella.

This is a law that was put into place because of health issues present in food. There are legal ways around the law.

IF they got rid of the law, the ‘vegetarian’ far left, would attack the milk supply saying it was unsafe for everyone, and it is an important source of calcium and nutrients for the general health of the population especially for low incomes. Pasteurization doesn’t make it not organic. Ultra-pasteurization doesn’t even heat the milk.

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It’s not the gov. place to tell me what, or what not to eat. People can make up their own minds to join a co-op. It’s a fact that illness back then was not from the raw milk, it was how it was handled after the cow, I’ve been drinking raw cow and goat milk for 67 years, there is nothing wrong with it.


Exactly spot on Al, the rules come so sloppy handling is made ok. No care taken about neither peoples health nor freedom of choice, more in favor of big cost-saving shortcut-taking corporations.


Same-same always. Sell fear first. Then offer up a better solution. Get your times brainiac’s to supply the better-idea solutions.
With the power and wealth consentrators always top of the pyramids being boosted up higher and higher. With their begat’s then assuming heredity entitlements.
As Privileged.
Better Educated.

Remember this. When wars could only size up to the capacity of providing the stomachs. Wars had at some point limitations.
Napoleon to become a bigger Emperor had to prize-promote better ways to all year around feed his armies.
Cities had limits to growth too based on live-in-your own grunge limits. 500,000 to 1,000,000.
But to get really, really big . . . grown to Mega’s . . .
So who serves who? To whose benefit?

Refuse to be a Matrix battery-cell.
Grow and eat at least some of your own foods. Daily fresh milk.
Freedoms expressed, are freedoms preserved and passed on.
Steve unruh - Not Naked. Not Afraid. Not entertainments made oblivious.