Thanks Gordon, Now I feel like a bozo… Safe trip up the coast. Please bring me a slug back or some of those “good” mushrooms. They should be in the pastures soon up there … Mike
Here is a link to Fredrik’s setup from the link posted before.I remember watching a video of Fredrik’s Jeep and trailer before I started building and it was inspirational.I don’t know where to find it but would sure like to see it again.
Paul, Fredrik had fabric filters in the 2 side units but he went to something else and then they were just reserve and then started making babies so he has been busy. I hope he checks back in with us. Eerin’s (spelling) car got wrecked and I don’t know if he built another one. Them young farts :o) … Hope you are doing OK nort of the border, eh. Mike
Hi Mike,we’re doing well here,things have slowed at the shop and I can almost smell Autumn in the air and that gets me in the mood for playing with fire and woodgass again.I haven’t driven on wood since mid June when it turned hot.We live on a hill surrounded by a second growth forest of Douglas Fir and some pine and I was a little concerned of starting a fire if the gasifier was to sneeze back.
It only seems to happen when I demand more gas than it’s willing to give which isn’t often but I’d feel sick if I was the cause of a fire.
I wonder if anybody else has those concerns or do I worry too much?
My wife and I are going out today for a proper woodgas drive.
"but he went to something else and then they were just reserve and then started making babies so he has been busy. I hope he checks back in with us. Eerin’s (spelling) car got wrecked and I don’t know if he built another one. Them young farts :o) "
Yes,it would be wonderfull to hear from those guys again.I talked to Johan a few times over the years and still point people to the Vedbil site to familiarize themselves not only with the concept,planning,building and driving on woodgas but most importantly the fun and enjoyment there is in it.
Thanks for the thumbnail picture links MagneK.
Ha! Still a bit muddy BillyB. on the end flow reversals. Not to worry. Many are now saying muddy inderstanding about most of what I put up anymore. Just run with it. Try it. And then own it.
Thanks for checking in and reporting your results GordonA. We own one of those 3.3L Plymouths too. Our is OBDII. There were 2.2 million of those put out 1989-2005.
Washington State weather turned a sesonal corner last Sunday with a jet ream shift and then low pressure centers and thunder storm rains. Will be off and on showers this week with clearer, cooler weather by next weekend. Hope you have some 50-60F clothing with you. If not; buy some of the Huskie purple! Wave to BrianH and two WK builders/drivers I-5 north of me. Watching WA state DOW sign-ups there is plenty of interst up here. Ha! Lots and lots of trees and brush western wet side!
Yes PaulH. same wildfire concerns here since the first week of July. Scary dry by July 15th. All loggings shut down here by the 30th of last month. Forest accesses resitcted most od August. And even I stopped backyard firewood chainsawing and steel wedge splitting not wanting to be spark resopnsible for burning up our valley for the 4th time in the last 110 years. Now wet enough to woods work again and the blue jays are saying early Fall. West side was 60 days dry/drought this year but not so Hot, Hot. East “dry” side Oregon and Washington got hammered with lighting started wildfires.
Steve Unruh
Paul, We are dryer than a popcorn fart here right now so I am real concerned. Despite the green trees, my whole place (14 acres) could go in a matter of minutes. The fire departments around here got rid of their brush equipment years ago and would not be able to handle anything. Our local department used to have trucks that could actually drive into my property but now they only have big long city trucks that would have to stay on the highway. I stopped maintaining my fire lanes due to my age. I figure if it burns, I might be able to collect charcoal for decades … Cup half full or half empty ?? :o) … Mike
thanks for starting the thread. lots of interesting links to investigate.
i find the idea very logical. one of the areas i think needs attention is the hoses for transferring the wood gas to the engine up front. one of the questions i had is how to use gauges like Wayne does ie: connections to communicate the conditions on the trailer up to the driver.
Hi Robin, I use my rear view mirror for the vacuum gauge which is in plain site on the cooler … I could add an LED to light the vacuum gauge but rarely drive at night but have used a flashlight over my shoulder in the past. My Tcouple readings are in the cab on a digital meter … Was tough surveying here today. I need to retire … Mike
Robin, a few of us are playing with an 8 channel t/c transmitter from Ocean Controls, as well as some differential pressure sensors from Freescale. Hopefully will have more to report soon!
thanks Billy, will look forward to your report.
hi Mike, so you do have a gauge, but it is on the trailer. you must have keen eyesight!
(yes, retiring from surveying is very high on my list of things to do too. Lyme disease never seems to quit. the ticks sure don’t. but the bills keep coming in so i’ll probably keep doing the jobs i can still handle.)
but if i can find the time and cash to build my own gasifier, maybe retiring will be more of a reality than a fantasy.
Robin, I figure you could build a double rotor unit for around $150. Wayne’s design is far superior for running a V8 truck on the four lane but most of my driving I’m not in a hurry. I just want to keep moving at a reasonable speed. I hate horses. Talk to your local well pump guy and collect a few leaky pressure tanks to build with. Just braze the holes shut. I can not weld like Wayne does so forget that heat exchanger and the fins. I’d be blind after fin 11. Collect chain link fence posts or whatever larger pipe you can find for your cooler. I am usually available at 608-623-3000. I now have unlimited long distance anywhere in the USA so can call back. I have to work on a drawing now … One I forgot to do … Mike
will be in touch! a low-budget gasifier would be perfect…