Life goes on (original thread)

lol… Herb, I really don’t think you can do a bad job, especially that bad… now if they spin it that way, there might be visits and someone shot, but it won’t be you.

Hey CarlZ thanks for pointing this latest idealizing Flop out.
The advantage of being on slow dial-up; old and slow myself; and an actual lifelong avid paper book reader is I’ve had the patience and determination to go back and detail read though 15 to 20 full search pages of texted-based Internet word hits links about gasification projects.
Past the easy pictures, waded through many of the long, tech obscured worded, governments/university/industry reports. Shelled out, and bought the available gasification books in english language.
Slugged through even some of the downloaded, and sent to me, non-english language books too.
From all of these decades of accumulated Flops documented now it became easy to see repeated, again and again the same Reasons for far over $100 million USD equivalent in accumulation “Bio-Mass” project Flops, abandoned; equipment sold off for pennys on the dollar at best.

When the guys at the last U.S.A. Argo’s DO;
When all of the Finn Eco-Mobility folk at one of their get-together are all producing and IC piston engine running at the same time they are put more cummulated shaft power onto the face of the planet than any one of these Flop projects ever did in it’s projects life-cycle.
And either group of DYI’s did this for under a cumulative $100K USD equivalent invested costs.

Why previously here on the DOW, I put up a topic thread saying that successful gasifiction really was pushed, pulled, driven into real in this world useable shaft turning success by DETERMINATION. Period.

Wishful Idealistic Optimism doesn’t cut it.
Hopeful Bubbly Enthusiasm doesn’t cut it.
As you say Carl: you can be buried in fuel potential and that will not cut it either.
Money thrown at it once again proven not to be the missing secret, secret launch key.
Others than me now have said, the last openly was member ToddT, from firsthand experiences that throwing Big Brains and Degreed Smarts at it IS actually a Failures tipping point.

For the most condensed read of all of this, detail read and study the FOA 72 download paper.
Pull out all of the sponsored systems failures. Study and detail contrast them to the only TWO reported systems that actully launched and stayed in long term operation generating Needed power for their groups.
Each, a half a world apart. Hugely different fuel bases. Widely different systems used.
Both groups sucsessful had these in common as concluded by the report’s writers:
They were DETERMINED to work past all of the shortcomings, and setbacks.
They were DETERMINED to use their OWN Local sourced fuels to make power for Themselves, for actual NEEDS.
DETERMINED to use their OWN Human Local resources to keep it up and running.
A Narrow point focused GOAL; and THIER Determination were the keys to make bio-mass energy a working reality for THEMSELVES to fill Their Own actual NEEDS.

Drive On Wood focuses on these same sucsess keys.

Ha! HA! Any more detailed critique I would say would be viewed as breaking some members here sacred bubbles and be viewed as antagonistic possibly igniting a flame war. Not my intent.
Been kicked out of; and stagger walked away from a few “All bio-mass for All” Bars now.
I like it here in WOOD Fuels land.
My views by now are well know.

I actually am aware of three exisitng projucts of this scale Up, been running, and now in the shaking out stages to successful users long term generating.
These ALL DO fit into the sucsess factors keys of the two in the FOA 72 report.

All three of these are being now DOW joined members Determination driven into reality.
Francios Pal even been putting up pictures of his through AdminChris.

Steve Unruh


Piece of cake . You will have them eating out of your hand .


Herb, flare BIG man, Flare Big.
It’s TV. Give them as much of a visual show as you can.
Your words will get clipped/sound-bited down.
“No secrets. Simple.”
“Wood Makes Power”
“Wood Makes Power”
“Drive On Woodpower”
“Drive On Woodpower”
“Power Your Life With Wood”
“Power Your Life With Wood”
“I Do”
“I Do”
“You Can Too”
“You Can Too”

You will git’ter done

I feel the same Herb. Judging by your videos and posts, you have a heck of personality. That combined with your knowledge and wood gassing success, all will go well.
I hope to see a video of the results.

After burning thru Ron’s wood I left the empty crates unattended at my fathers garage. It seems he found a place for them - in his chicken coop!

what happened to Dave Orwell’s project? It was a 1 ton Ford, had a real nice cooling rack back of cab, be had the gasifier down though the flatbed off to one side. He was doing such a nice job and he was so dedicated. I think he was in the trash business and was planning on using it in his business. I was looking forward to seeing it going, he started working on his bout the same time I did, bout the same time Wayne started posting videos. Just wondering!

I have complete faith in you abilities.
One look at that Caddy and they’ll know ya got some serious skills!
Besides, I’ve seen ya deal with pressure effectively :slight_smile:

Have some fun with it!

Good morning Herb.

Dave was making real good progress on his build and a very good fabricator. I got to meet and talk to him and his wife at the first Argos event . He dropped of the the radar like flipping a switch.

I suspect he may have health issues and I fear they may be serious .

I sincerely hope he is doing well, great project, great guy!

Hope this isn’t too off topic, but I went through the front suspension of my new 92 Dakota and replaced two outer and one inner tie rod ends. Took it to my local shop, waited a while, they put it on the rack and their computer crashed. Couldn’t do the alignment. Guy there told me 1/4" total toe out is the spec… I’ve done tape measure wheel alignment before, but does this sound right? I’ve always used 1/16" toe in as a default.
Good shop, though. Owner gave me a couple of junk 22" wheel spacers for the build as a consolation prize.

You always want a little toe in, never toe out on any front end I’ve ever heard of. I put new tie rod ends on my 07 Dodge Magnum and did the old tape line up about 2000 miles ago and tires are wearing just fine!

News broadcast 70 years ago this very night!

God bless America

weekend fun with the kids

here’s my grand daughter ready to drive on charcoal

Hey Jim,

New generation of woodgassers .

Thanks for the picture

To all of us that are Fathers , Happy Fathers Day !! To all the future Fathers, greetings also .

Here is the ultimate solution for a tight char bed. Redirecting...

Hey Don ,

Nice safety feature . Instead of running into the back of another car just gently roll over them .

That is funny. I think your Tracker is just about the right size to do that too.