Life Goes on - Summer 2024

Wife and i was out pickin “Lily of the valley” yesterday, we want to share with all our DOW-friends.

You have to imagine the flower scent though, as there is no smell-web, (i wonder what this place would smell if that was reality? Smoke and tar :smiley:)

A piece of wood was left to rot, so it followed me home also :smiling_face:


I was surprised to see the container of the SteveU recommended engineered fuel sitting there.

I have lilies of the valley at my place as well. I think they are putting fertilizer in the chem-trails now because all my ground cover plants are going wild this year.


There was no mutated lab bat from the wet markets of Wuhan that generated the Covid plandemic. There is a indisputable trail of documentation and plenty of whistle blowers now proving that it was an engineered disease with a already patented deceptive remedy. It was long planned and designed as a depopulation and population control event. It did not work out as well as they had hoped but still plenty of damage was and is still being done. I think the human immune system is more adaptive than most people, including the designers of the scamdemic, are aware. We are now awaiting the Globalist Hail Mary. The mutated bird flu passing to cattle and humans. A huge shit show will be coming to a town near you in the coming months. Be awake. After they kill off all the chickens and then cattle, you will be getting Kentucky Fried smeat, or you will provide for yourself. If you are not stocked or stocking up on vitamins and high calorie storable foods then good luck. They floated out the H5N1 virus before without major effect. Obviously they have now tweeked it some. Don’t fall for it. People will again get sick and people will die, but their offered prevention and cure will again be were the real damage it done.


Goran, scandinavia amazes me. You guys are faaar far north of us yet somehow you got similar yet so different climate thain us. I dont think Lilly of the valley are in bloom here yet, or just.

Fun fact thugh, we were taught that the smell molecule that this plant gives off is similar or the same to what a humans egg cell gives off to atract sperm cells.


Kristijan, you just revealed how you go about dowsing for Lilly of the valley :rofl:


While I gave it a shot at trying to figure out what you are saying, there are multiple mRNA vaccine delivery systems, I think you mixed them all together. mRNA is more typically encased in a non-replicable virus and the virus is encased in a lipid. The lipid isn’t the delivery mechanism, the virus is. So even if DNA is coated in lipids, there isn’t a delivery system to get into the cell.

Here are the ones in the US. Certainly there are others, the US didn’t supply other countries, those vaccines were developed independently. If there are issues Europe, Russia, China, etc. all have their own vaccines, and probably their own unique delivery systems, and certainly I don’t rule out pre-1970s technology in those cases.

Ok, several points here. Yes, you are correct when I lumped the various manufacturers together as a lipid nanoparticle delivery system type vaccine. That is not correct. The J&J vaccine uses an adenovirus vector while the Novavax is the spike protein itself plus an adjuvant. However, from the following graph you can see that the vast majority of vaccines delivered in the US (97%) as of April of last year were Moderna and Pfizer, both lipid nanoparticle type.

The adenovirus in the J&J vaccine is not wrapped in the lipid nanoparticle. It doesn’t need to be. The shell of the virus protects the mRNA inside and provides the delivery system by attaching itself to a cell wall by the usual virus infection means.

The mRNA in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines does not have a virus shell so it has to be protected some other way. They do this with the lipid nanoparticle. From the article you referenced:

“The following lipids are in the new COVID vaccine. Their main role is to protect the mRNA and provide somewhat of a “greasy” exterior that helps the mRNA slide inside the cells.”

A graphic representation of this:

The delivery system of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines is the lipid nanoparticle. If DNA is inside the nanoparticle it will most definitely be able to get into a cell.

Most other vaccines in the world use the adenovirus approach. China produces a lot but doesn’t appear to have the global reach of Pfizer and Moderna. AstraZenca’s adenovirus vaccine was very popular in Europe but is being discontinued and is being replaced by Pfizer and Moderna at least in Britain.

Pfizer, a multinational company, developed the vaccine along with BioNTech, a German company. It sells its vaccine around the world.


How does the dna get from the cytoplasm to the nucleus? Wouldnt it just get dissolved?

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Experts say the problem occurs when the DNA is in a replicating cell. At that time the nuclear envelope breaks down and the foreign DNA can mix with the cell’s DNA and become incorporated into the newly formed nuclei of the daughter cells. Given the lower concentrations of the DNA particles and the likelihood of infecting a replicating cell, it is not a guaranteed result. But it is far from a zero chance probability.


That makes more sense. I wonder what the probability is. It has to occur during mitosis. But I’m not familiar with the mechanics of the split dna and how the new envelope forms around it.

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Dried up enough today in the bush to go fiddlehead and mushroom picking with a couple visiting little granddaughters today.

They are 3 and 6 and got bored pretty fast so they played with grandma while my daughter and I picked.


marty, thank you for the explanations…the problem is psycholocical…now is come out the vax is very dangerous, ( what a lot of experts told just in the beginning).
who has the poisons of the vax in his body, like to push away mentally this fact, mostly…
the whole thing was and is a big coup, also calculated on the psychological aspect of human behavior…splitting or dividing people


I have been very blessed. I have had all the Covid vaccines without incident and Covid twice, which for me was like a bad cold–I’ve had worse colds.


Way more fun then typing invoices :grinning:. The boys finally finished my toy. The 50 cc was over according to the experts. Yeah right, and they happen to find a 140 cc Honda clone. I was asked to fix the intake​:grinning::grinning:.

Parts. One inch pipe

Lasercut. Got the parameters right for once


Painted black and it fits😵‍💫how on earth is that possible. First time right

We had fun allright. Maybe it belongs in the small ic topic :grinning:


is that the modification for woodgas? :slight_smile:


Chargas would be fun😀. First take it out for a ride. After the rain and after repairing the clutch cable


I saw an interesting older Powcon welding machine for sale near here, probably Goran will know more about these machines.


I noticed that at around 9 minutes they had the same case branded ESAB. I have never heard of powcon or the other names they used but ESAB in a good quality welder though I feel somewhat over priced. I have used a lot of different welders. They all weld. The main difference is duty cycle. That is the main difference between a 2000 dollar welder and a 200 dollar welder. I’m not sure what the difference is between a AC power source rectified to DC or inverted to DC. As far as arc stability, that is mostly a concern with gas shielded welding. Personally I have found that machine providing DC welding current from a motor generator to be the most stable for basic stick welding.


Inverters convert DC to AC. Rectifiers convert AC to DC.

My understanding and I will certainly be corrected, some invert from DC back to AC to get a cleaner waveform typically at a different frequency and higher voltages which is useful for AC stick welding and TIG Aluminum welding. Which means you can squeeze it all into one box.

The duty cycle is relative to the efficiency or cooling of the circuit. Higher efficiency means less energy is wasted in the form of heat. The analog example is probably using copper instead of aluminum. Copper conducts better and is more efficient, but aluminum is cheaper. So instead of using copper windings in motors they are using aluminum especially in consumer products because they can save 20 bucks in the manufacturing costs.

But the digital world, the components and the logic have vastly improved because there is a larger market, and there have been technological improvements. So the relative cost went down, and efficiency went up, but as always the top of the line costs more then the bottom end of the market. :slight_smile:


Hi Tone, no i’ve never heard of Powcon, interesting machine for sure.
Maybe because Sweden has been big in welding machines, Esab, AGA, Elga, Swedish Phillips, and a lot more, we haven’t imported much welding machines but from the 90s maybe, where all the companies are moved or sold to other countries.