Life goes on - Winter 2020

I bought a lottery ticket ‘‘once’’. I obviously did not win. Figured the Gods had a chance but did not react in my favor. TomC


I had about the same experience. I did that a couple of times probably 20 years ago when it was all the rage where I worked. The jackpot was sky high and we all chipped in to buy them at work. I took part just to help be part of the group we worked second shift and the entire department running one production line maybe 30 people all got in on it. The plant in charge blew a head gasket she called our supervisor in and yelled at him for about half an hour about screwed she would be if we won on friday and he had to put a stop to it. When she was done he simply said they did this on their break yesterday it is perfectly legal there is nothing I can do about it. Well that lasted about another half hour. At the end of it all he walked down into the tech office where myself the electrical tech and the mechanical tech where working he handed the mechanical tech a $20 and said he was buying into the lottery which he had avoided the night before. When I asked him how he would square that with the GM he simply told me after an hour I told her I would make sure it wasn’t a problem if we won. And now it won’t be as I will be able to leave too.
I dont think I stopped laughing all week.


Somebody should collect a bunch of such anecdotes and write a book called “How not to run a Business”.

Seems to be a huge problem across north America. I heard one study found something like 90 percent of managers were either of no benefit or actually damaging to their organizations. Most of that due to mistreatment of their human resources. That’s a huge loss of productivity and human potential, not to mention severely holding the organizations back from realizing their true potential.


I could probably write that book just from 2 big companies I worked for alone. That same head of the plant told me one night I had to stop applying for a promotion into the engineering department because she couldn’t afford to lose me from my job as a technician in manufacturing. That was after both my supervisor and the head of engineering told me they desperately needed my vision system skills for a upgraded they where trying to design into the next generation production line. Needless to say I didn’t stay too long after being told there was no path to advance within the company.


The lottery is a tax on poor, unintelligent people who are really bad at math.

Bob, who dumped ash all over your nice black truck? That’s just mean.


This cold ash will melt, and it did when it started raining. But the ash that fell on May 18th 1980 from Mt. Saint Helens did not. What a mess that was in Moses Lake, just about 70 miles south east from where I live now. It was 5 inches deep on my vehicles. The hole county was covered in it. But where I live now they hardly got a trace. I hope and pray that doesn’t happen again.


Last week my wife and I had a short trip to the surrounding places, we drove to the Kočevje region in a deserted area to the former Kočevje village of Ponikve. Kočevar people and Slovenes began to settle here as early as around 1400, who made a living from agriculture and forestry, and also had a water-powered sawmill. The village was burned down in 1942 and abolished in 1955. The surviving residents mostly emigrated to America.


What do the marking on the tree mean? I have never seen someone go to the effort to paint something like that directly on the bark.


Hiking trail?

Well, no real woodgassing yet for me. Experimenting with that small Atmos boiler. Doing ok, if I don’t mess up. You guys helped already. I buils an extra heatexchanger behind the boiler to cool the gasses down to handwarm temperature. Then a hay filter and charcoal filter and extra exhaust fan for the pressure drop acros the filters. Working great! The only thing you see coming out the pipe is some condensed gas/water. Once a week a full bucket under the filters. It saves me a boilerload of wood. Thanks everyone.!


Wish everyone has a great Thanksgiving Day :smiley:


Thanks Wayne. The same to you and everyone else.
I am starting my day cleaning up some scraps from my mill destined for the woodshed.

Anytime you get to work up a pickup load of wood is not a bad day.


Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. God has blessed me so much. My prayer for us is that we will all have an attitude of gratitude all year long.


Happy Thanksgiving!
It’s a quarter to ten and I am having a bowl of stuffing. My life has devolved into a chapter of an Erma Bombeck book. The beautiful creature in this photo is going through the change…and forgot the stuffing in the toaster oven. She made a wonderful traditional turkey dinner, it was delightful (sans stuffing). Now she is turning the kitchen into a rendering plant inorder to extract the last possible nourishment from the poor bird. Captain Scott could not have done better with the dog harnesses at the pole.
One advantage of all this that wasn’t in the marriage manual, is that, during a hot flash she strips faster then those ladies outside Ft. Benning, I remember from so long ago. She doesn’t mind darting out to the cold storage and getting the egg nog when she is having one either.
Overall, I am extremely thankful to God for placing this kind and gentle person in my life. Sometimes, I can’t believe He trusted me to take care of her. I hope all of you have received God’s blessing as well. I also hope you are wise enough to be grateful to Him for it!


Hey BruceJ.
A couple of us were just discussing we are thankful, saved by the women in our Lives. Saved from more years of bachelor foods. Saved from soapbox climbing.
Saved from easy outs.
Having to work a lot to keep those most-important life-centering boots from walking away.

You betcha’ I’m thankful.
Best Regards to ALL on this season.
Steve Unruh


Air moisture freezing close to the ground. Only 100 feet above the mountain is hidden in fog. Today the sun never managed to free it up.


Preety same here. But unfortunaly l am on the other side of the fog line…


JO, yesterday we were having the same conditions, today the SUN burned it all away. With 50*f shining bright. If this keeps up throughout the week, I might get some more wood chunking done.


We’re having variable weather, yesterday was nearly unbelievable, it reached 8C. Today plus 2, which is still pretty nice for this time of year.

This morning while doing chores I looked up and saw this.

Usually that’s a sign of cold weather, but it was pleasant.

And I finished a temporary-permanent cattle shelter yesterday…

Not that the cattle have felt like using it yet… :smiley:


Nice! What did you use for fasteners for the poles?


I used 6" and 8" ardox spikes. Not sure if you have them, or if they’re mostly a Canadian thing. They’re spiral formed shank, said to have 2/3 the holding power of screws. For this I wanted something with more strength, the cross sectional area of the spikes and lower tensile strength makes them tougher. Otherwise I would have used lag bolts for the crosspieces.

We got a light snow last night as a little cold front came through, the cattle figured the shelter was better than getting iced up in front of the feeder. :slightly_smiling_face: