Return to Alabama

For those of you who have sent me a check this week or Paypal for the past few days, I apologize that I am pretty far behind. I will try my best to get orders caught up and have a stack of books to go out tomorrow.

I have about 10 envelopes on my desk I haven’t even opened yet, and an equal number of Paypal emails. Sorry it’s taking some time to dig out. Work piles up when you announce a new book - and then leave for the week! But I’m getting there! Thanks for your collective patience.

Just glad you made it home safe. Who would think a truck could burn wood. I remember reading something a long time ago about wood gas but had never realized it could be done. I have to thank Carl Z for the info that got me started on this adventure. I am glad WK started this so the rest of us could go on this wild ride. My build has started. I think I became the proud owner of a 2001 Dakota tonight.

That sounds great. Bring it over so I can see.

As soon as I get it.

You guys are lucky to be down south and have 318 non-rotten Dakotas. They are rusted toast here. Rarely see one. I was pretty impressed with the way my 2.2 liter Cavalier pulled my trailer till wifey blew the tranny. I’m dealing on a 2.2 liter S-10 right now. Hope to get it … Don’t even have a place to park it with all these piles of ice and snow … M

Sent out 22 more books today. If you’ve sent me a payment (with an address) lately, it just shipped. I haven’t emailed everyone yet, but I wanted to get them out the door ASAP.

MMMMMM- I wonder If I was in that pile?
Looks like your busy so I will leave you to your work.
Have you thought about t-shirts for Argos?

Yup! Yours went out yesterday. Will be emailing shortly.

Just FYI, I emailed everyone to ask for mailing addresses about 2 weeks ahead of printing, and there’s about 15 people who haven’t responded yet. I realize I should have gotten addresses from the beginning, but a surprising number of you have moved since then. :slight_smile:

My email may have hit a few spam filters, and if so I understand. Regardless, I can’t mail books without addresses. I’ll be sending out a second email to try and reach those folks later today.

If you see this and your book hasn’t gotten to you yet (especially in the US), please email me your current mailing address and see if I mailed yours!

Hey ChrisKY
My book finally arrived today. Rare sunny late winter (early) spring day. Drying the book out now page by page doing the reading in the sun. I photoed it propped up on the side od the pick-up bed. Wind gust - oops! Bed still puddled up with rain water. Darn good paper. Drying out well with good page separation and no ink bleeds. Good quality selection guys.
I’ll book report later on the other book thread once I’ve been able to view it through.
Steve Unruh