Simple charcoal cooker

Alabama gasification is probably why the whole caribbean is warm :joy:


Speaking of the devil… Look at that! We got babyes alredy! It got desquised in the scallion patch. Thod it was a weed and wanted to pull out, but nope, a young banana!


Awesome, your bananaplantation just doubled :smiley:


As l brag about my exotic plants, pandas and monkeys, l didnt expect anacondas!

About 30 feet from the house. Whatever shed this was a monster. Even after shreding it a bit with a weedwacker it was still well over 160cm! No worries thugh, everyone eating vermin is welcome at our house and l know this kind isnt poisonous.


Happy it isn’t a venomous snake, wouldn’t want those small feet in danger.
I would probably have to swallow my heart after my sense came back seeing a snake that big 30 feet from the house, would not expect that.


This cooker is very similar to a traditional Thai cooker which has been around for many years. It spread to Africa quite a few years ago. The Thai cooker is made from fired clay and the insert (the fired clay) usually needs replacing about once a year. This looks like it would have an advantage as only the parts that are damaged would need replacing. Also the Thai cooker has the cooking surface all the way to the top whereas this one is recessed below the top which would give certain advantages. Bravo to you Kristijan, you have substantially improved on a very old device.