Small Engines to Woodgas Run

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

Remember the plan was bi-partisan and passed both houses almost unanimously without any mention of Global Warming or Social justice or any other garbage. Just energy.

You have to look at it from a different perspective. What we are doing is getting into wars to help keep oil prices down. We spent 2 Trillion in the war in Iraq against folks that were stealing oil destined for Europe and other countries and selling it on the black market. Then came over and bombed us because of our history of wars. The rise in oil prices tanked our economy which then required trillions more in bail out money.

It is =far= cheaper to not depend on oil and spend the money on investing in ourselves. It is MUCH harder to do then anywhere else in the world because of the 10s of Trillions in todays costs of existing oil infrastructure that keep prices low and is subsidized, but a lot of that infrastructure is 60-70 years old and that will need to be replaced and it will need additional subsidy money. So add trillions more.

We already need electric infrastructure and subsidize it. BUT the additional cost of infrastructure falls through the floor if people are producing their own energy needs rather then relying on power plants.

It just saves a ton of money and even government overhead.

The government is saying. You want freedom? Here ya go! You can earn/save money. We don’t care.

Now if you want US made solar panels the top 5 companies are
First Solar - American owned
Qcells - South korean company
Silfab - Canadian company
Jinko Solar - Chinese Company
Mission Solar - south korean company

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Oh you think I actually like financing how many aircraft carrier tasks forces?
Like creating a few hundred thousand of young men and woman 20 years cycled thru wars now fighting PTSD?
Think that I actually am actually an America-First flag waver?
No. I do not like these. And many other excessive, and stupid just for show programs.

Gov’mint hog troughing is not a one-sided problem.
Two wrongs do not make a right.

Mr O’malley I am all about what each and every individual is doing about for themselves and thier immediate touched corners of their world. I am narrow focused in the here&now.
40 years of Intelectualizing and big subsidized Universities and Gov’Mints bio-mass systems, research papers, and Awards accolades, have advanced us where with offsetting use of wood away from petroleum addictions where??
Get 10-20 of the actually driving woodgasers on the DOW at the same time woodgas making shaft power and you will exceed all of $100,000,000’s of hog-trough’ed public money that has been spent on subsidized still always ‘not-good-enough systems’.

Your problem, and too many others problem is; until they can conceive solutions ‘for-others’ ‘for-all’ they claim it’s still “not-yet-good-enough”. I used NI-cad batteries in the 90’s. Good enough. I used NlMeH batteries in the early 2000. Good enough. Now using various generations of LiOn in portables. Good enough.
Real Life is not the third grade teacher saying if you do not have enough chewing gum for the whole class you cannot chew yours.
So the next day I brought two 17 stick pack of gum to that class. To share out. Equity Justice they would say nowadays.
OOOH! No-No!! Still not good enough. Was not what was actually being demanded. It was about control. Aaa-thority.

I do not want solar panels. I am pissed as hell having to be taxed paying for my neighbors solar panels.
I grow trees.
I want now a DuroMax 16,000 watt inverter-generator.
No Gov’mint subsidies asked for. None needed.
Washington State gasoline; like California gasoline, like European gasoline is priced up much higher to pay for mondo-social-changing programs.
Wife and I lost in the forced COVD shutdowns at least $30,000 in fixed business expenses without the offsetting allowed business activity. Control. Aaa-thority.
We did not want; or qualify for any of the Gov’mint stimulus printing press funny-money checks. This social-welfare not-getting we could eat. For the personal refusal control.

We personally use much less gasoline that ever. Almost no diesel anymore. Almost no propane either.
We can now afford to pay for $10.00+ a gallon for Value Added (social advancements) Taxed (VAT) carbons-offset gasoline. I will not like it. But know that is the next evolution coming where live. Because we have to pay for the full I-5 Interstate highway across three states Canadian border to the Mexican border electric charging stations every 50 miles.
Let the electric vehicle Believers pay for their own charging stations.
I will buy my own DuroMax 16,000 kW inverter-generator. Gasify my own trees limbs and tops. And make for my own use electrical power from WOOD. Solar-Electric.
Steve Unruh


A mandate against small engines wasn’t ever in the Obama Federal policy. In fact, the use of mandates was to be avoided because there are too many exceptions when you get into a country as big as ours. They really aren’t needed. I fully expect most city/suburbanites to switch to electric with their next upgrade without any mandate. No messy gas, oil, loud noises or trying to get it to start is enough for most of them. I am against mandates. The object is not to force people to change and let the market win.

The mandates are being pushed by the far-left socialist/communists, trying to tip over the US. Most likely led by people backing Kamala, and not helped at all by Granholm. The ‘new green deal’ was written by someone not familiar with the current US Energy policy and wrote it from a European perspective… plagiarized is a more accurate term so it didn’t really doesn’t work and a lot of stuff listed was already done, but it was about the social change more then anything to do with energy.

The subsidies themselves don’t really cost anything because of the avoided costs from other subsidies. What we subsidize and why it is subsidized is a long discussion and could be it’s own board, and goes back pretty much to the conception of the country along with misinformation campaigns.

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Subsidies. Subsidies. Subsidies.
Take one and the downhill slide goes on from there for you personally.
Like being just a little bit pregnant. You are. Or you’re not.
Like weasel mouthing that while you did put the Mary-you-wanna toke to your lips; “But I did not inhale.” Be at least honest with yourself. YOU did.

My actual hate of Subsidies goes far back before any of these modern era back and forth spin-talks. As far back as the early 1960’s.

To an individual, they weaken. They weaken the resolve that you will accomplish something came hell or high water. By your own determination. By your own strengths.
I learned to hate subsidies watching many in my family lining up to get the “free” Gov’mint cheese, canned meats, dry powered milk and powdered eggs. Farmers subsidized to grow. For the National Interest they said. Soon later Farmers subsidized to NOT grow. For markets pricing stabilizations they later said.
As a kid I ate a lot of those free Gov’Mints foods. Because as kid we were told we were poor, and it was free. Free. Yeah. Like the early free tastes a drug dealer gives to get you hooked and dependent.
But some in the families refused to suck from that many steps removed subsidies free Gov’mint hand outs.
Instead they would go seasonally and smelt dip in the rivers. Fish as much as they could. Get a deer yearly. M-a-y-b-e when the freezer got empty go out and get that deer again in the same year, a time or two more.
So who learned to provide the best foods for their families, eh. Which taught their children to provide for themselves, eh.
Who learned to actually food gardens, too?
Who learned to raise family chickens for meat and eggs, eh.
Not the Gov’mint cheeses eaters in my family. Not my parents.

Anyhow. This is my topic started.
I want no more PV solar or electric car subsidies talking here.
Take that talking onto one of the dedicated Solar power topics here on the DOW.

Sure talk all you want about IC engine generators to be wood or charcoal gassed fueled.
I’ll help. I’ll contribute.
Just leave your intend usage to feed your Gov’Mint subsidized systems talk out off this topic.
If I want to be prostlized to, I’ll go to couple go the local area churches.
I’ll drive down to Portland or up to Seattle and join in on one of the world changing crowds.
I’ll go to the winding-up now Republican and Democratic parties primaries rallies.
I am an INDEPENDENT voter. Voting by decision. Not by knee-jerk rote.

I am an independent power producer.
I am a firm believer in Don’t Ask. Don’t tell. I do not ask them for help generating my own power. I do not tell them about power I did generate.
Steve Unruh


Here is a rather long video that actually explains and shows engine-generator loaded running the electrical power output effects of simpler, least expensive, single cylinder IC engine-generators.
One of the only out of many out there that does show actual engine-generator running.
Easier to see that viewing skipping forwards to 16:50 minutes for his presentation of the actual synchronous engine-generator. Then view on through to occiliscope comparisons of engine-generator frequency-voltage wave forms versus stable Grid line power. Then him RPM manually jacking with the engine-generator as happens a lot on smaller units when woodgassed. And showing then also the effects of cutting in, and out, electrical loadings.

Go back if you wish to his first 16:50 minutes explaining how electronics suppling low voltage power supplies actually work if you wish. His showing the different kinds of AC electrical inputs problems.

He does not cover the effects having a large DC battery, or battery bank in the system will have.
And because he is addressing only the effects on DC power supplies. He only briefly mentions the effects of DC line carried thru micro rippling voltage and frequency spiking being received and read as data information by digital-logic power users.
He does say that using an engine driven inverter-generator is problely the safest way to go for the electronics consumers.

On topic of best engines to woodgas run I am now firmly convinced for electric output useages it will be IC engines driving Inverter-generator systems.
They intentionally vary the engine speed for different output power needs. They then create internally the proper outputs voltage, frequency, and output shapes. Not being engine RPM dependent.
They can power on any woodgas variable quality or quality suppled. Self sensing too low of power capability they then self-shut off thier electric output power. All kept safe.

A scream-o’-matic synchronous generator as you hear this video; earns it’s nickname and will keep pumping out bad power until the engine it’s self would cough and die.
He even briefly mentions many AC motors do not like this. They will run hot; with shortened lives. So more than just picky sensitive electronics are affected.
Steve unruh


A while back I tried to school myself on inverter generators and whether they were reliable preps. Being electronically retarded I didn’t get to far but it seems the main points of failure are the capacitors and that these are generally bonded to a control board and not repairable without being able to come up with a new board. I’d like to hear some thoughts about this.


I think TomH. from the real experiences of very hard using food carts venders I have seen and spoken with it is a matter of buying good quality brands from the get-go.
Honda’s Inverter-Generators electronics for certain.

The Yamaha’s electronics are probably fine. I am not so sure about their engines. Mine, and others I’ve personally seen are RPM set-up and driven harder getting into oil consuming fairly quickly.

The Harbor Freight may; I say may; be a mixed bag depending the size of the unit. H.F. sources from different manufactures model to model on most of their products. So is the original manufacture going for quality or lowest price? Highest profits? Their large 9500 units now putting on the years and thousands of loaded running hours to show very good primary electronics durability.

Most folks buy Inverter-generator units based on price, price, price . . . lowest! just like standard generators. Scary what you see insides when their guts are opens up. Loosely assembled hanging about parts. Sure you could replace if you could find replacement parts.

Not saying all Honda small engine product are good. Every single Honda engine I have with tool-less snap-on/snap-off plastic fingered air cleaner covers have broken off fingers now. I must plastic tape stretch wrap hold those covers on now to keep pressure applying, to keep the dirt and dusts out.
Where as the Mantis/Kioritz engine we are talking about on the other small engine topic use the same soft plastic cover material but held down with a simple metal screw post and metal wing-nut. Never break off. Those are not cheap to buy engines. 3000-10,000 operating RPM.

My thoughts on critical needs equipment stays the same - have three. Sometimes three of the same-same. Other times like the chainsaws and vehicles overlapping sizes for different primary use needs. Any of which can substitute in for another just being not quite as efficient to use.
Only one laptop I am typing this on right now. Only ever had just one at a time. Not a critical need for me. So when they have either physically failed; or ports and keys worn out in the past 15 years (a used Apple and a new Dell): or been too tweaky weak from the get go (all Chromebooks), I just do without.


Hi Tom , i am a lot like you regarding electronics i was and still am to a point , a points and condenser man rather than electronic ignition so i understand where your coming from , but as far as wood gassing generators go inverter generators win hands down for ease of use .
Not wanting to blow my own trumpet but way back on the Yahoo group days i remember posting a video of my first inverter generator a 8kva chineeseium cheapo , well 1500 bucks new cheap back in the day , and i found a used one from a coffee truck for sale for $200 ,and as i have moaned many many times its the only large inverter generator i could get my hands on here at a cheap price , well Tom i have bought 3 of the same brand made inverter generators so far all around the 8kva mark and the original inverter is still going strong to this day , mind you i have had to change the engine a few times over the years and i have just finished re building one after having taken all the inverter out to get at the carb to strip it and clean it as it was all gunked up and would not stop leaking petrol from the bowl , its a machine i want to keep as a petrol one in case i ever need to loan it or use it when i am not well enough to go out side and start the gasifier up .
Nowdays i will just buy the open frame inverter generators , in fact i bought 2 just a few months ago 1 for 200 bucks complete with another one minus the coil a 3200 watt Aldi machine , and another 3200 one for $50 all good and running , both machines loaned out to friends 2 weeks ago as we were hit by a summer thunder storm and had power cut from nearly a week ,due to damage from falling trees and power high voltage towers falling over
If you get the chance to buy a cheap 2nd hand unit try it out you might be surprised how well they run .


Thanks Dave, I am thinking on getting a new or good used one if I can find one.


You have to scan craigslist or marketplace, and they show up after a huge storm about 6 months to a year later, when people don’t want them in their garage anymore or the carb gets all gunked up from gas sitting in it.


We just had a storm go through 2 weeks ago , i loaned out 3 generators to friends and was lucky enough to have enough solar to keep both battery banks topped up and powering the house non stop for 4 days while everyone around me in the distance was humming along to the sound of generators .
Just be super carful if buying one non runner , look beyond the oh its a gunked up carb , just make sure you can even get to the carb without removing all the electronics like i just had too do , it was a bloody mess of wires and plugs not all color coded , aim for getting the open framed inverter generators they are far easier to work on engine wise .


Sounds like a great candidate for chargas. :slight_smile:

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Hi Steve et al,
We had a slow down at the shop and were able to set up a generator and flat belt pulley for the gasifier. It’s something that’s been rattling around in my head for a few years since I saw an old farm video that showed the uses for a engine around the farm before the electrification of North America.
The Engine is a GX690 and the generator is a belt driven 6000 watt with 240/120. The engine will run at 2700 rpm and the generator at 3600
The frame is off of one of our ex rentals-1000 lb reversing plate tamper and the hood of course is an old 45 gallon barrel. We wanted it to look old school but be easy to start up and go.
I got home last night and started the gasifier and was happy with the gas produced since using Douglas Fir cut to small matchbox size.
The generator was sandlasted and painted green on Friday and I’ll bring it home tuesday. Probably won’t be able to try the buzz saw until mid March. It’s good to smell woodgas again.



One of my all time Fav small ish engines , would love a V twin Honda engine to play with on my charcoal gasifier just don’t come up that often over here .
Great build there Paul , cant wait too see a video of it running on wood .


Thanks Dave,
we had a customer bought a used paving machine and the right hand cylinder was full of water and some pitting so he asked us to order a new engine and mount it and when asked what he wanted with the old one he gave it to me so we had it bored and new pistons and rings.


The conversation has kind of moved on but I’ve been looking for a suitable genhead for a “wild AC” battery charging setup. I wanted something brushless, electrically efficient and long lasting.

I would setup the pulleys for the right RPM and general voltage. Battery charging is more or less constant voltage with managed current. The genhead’s “wild” output gets rectified and fed into switched magnetics to manage the current and avoid excess voltage rise, indicative that the current is too high for the batteries. Current should be tapered as the batteries approach full. Alternatively… something like an EG4 may do all that.

The circuit that I am describing is a fancier version of the circuit in a standard alternator (eh sort of). I want something simple enough and cheap enough that it can be overspec’d, spare parts set aside and serviced by someone with a simple electronics background.

The genhead should last forever with light maintenance - lube, swap in spare bearings every 5-10 years, keep it from getting really hot. Probably the biggest risk is the head ruining a bearing and crashing the rotor / destroying the magnets.

So this is the unit I found for the genhead (below). I’m posting an Amazon link but the same unit is available from AliExpress and “Bonanza?” for less than $800. There is also a 15kw version. Both units are probably rated generously here… seeing the 8kw described as “5kw” constant in various places.

This might even be the genhead buried in various inverter generators. I see it over and over again like some factory in China ramped up for a huge production run.


Anthony here is a video of the first widespread commercial application usage of the then new strong rare earth permanent magnets:

These were developed and used in service trucks, RV’s and man-lifts in the late 1980’s thru the mid-1990’s before true full wave inverters were developed.
I sought out and E-Bay ‘Buy-Now’ got five of these.
IF you can struggle to push out the co-axial dual wound armature from out of the Magnet housing . . .then the real problem would be inserting it back in without taking off a finger or edge chipping those hard brittle magnets. All of the since late 1990’s permanent magnet auto car starters etched this well to.
Thses are Redlines are nearly non-electronic. With just a discrete component control board that senses circuit connected then powering up a one or two constant duty relays for battery power. Easy to flip-switch On-Off convert for a totally non-electronics usage.

Yes. An electrical consumer. Versus your electric power making generator.
But the huge incredibly strong permanent magnets having to spin close; and fast; will be the same.

Even if these Chinese units are 95% efficient that 5% as heat will add up at 5kW to 8kW power levels.
I do not see enough foreced air cooling for long duty cycle using.

Color me as very skeptical. You buy. Then you are their out in the real-world Beta-tester user.
Steve unruh


Anthony, keep an eye out for this one:

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That generator on Amazon is soo tiny, I question the specs and therefore also the high price.
I would go for something “automotive”. That would be locally available at more sane prices. Alternators and generators are made in a wide variety of sizes. From mini-cars to diesel locomotives. :cowboy_hat_face:
You can build your own using the ideas of wind-generator pioneers Hugh Piggot (Scoraig Wind) Hugh Piggott’s blog | Scoraig Wind Electric News


Hey guys here is a video the YouTube algorithm AI fed to me, noodling-away at 01:00 in morning with insomnia; evading can’t-go-back, futile dreams-nightmares.

At the very beginning 0.33 → 0.54 minutes"Doug" says they lived 12 years off grid intentionally fully stripped down with just some little electric generator on-demand when wanting electric power. He/they evolved into the Honda 7000 inverter generator.
At 7:08 he shows thier electrical consumers they have now expanded, upgraded into now with a solar-power base. Key IMHO was them stripping down to nothing for years then only building back up as they choose for electrical usages.
Then again at 7:58 → 8:50 he goes over still having to use his Honda 7000 some for expanded power suppling now needs.

Ha! Ha! He sounds much like one of my DOW friends presenting. Hint: think, Get Outside!
Him and his wife living-it, Live much like an even longer known DOW couple that I’ve been friends with for a long time. Think far northern US mid-continental. Hint: think Birch syrup making.

Both DOW couples like Doug & Stacy more into developing a living the life; than Idealizing systems fine points, quibbling.

On topic: buy into a larger inverter-generator system FIRST that has shown it can be easily-easiest woodgased fueled.
The DOW examples now being Dave in Australia. Matt Ryder with his.
Steve Unruh