Wood stove optimization

Extra W added wooops sorry ,
Tom i will go have a look at one as soon as he works out the price , he is not too far from me , and i am sure he will let me explore the item before even thinking about buying one and i will let you know as soon as i find out .
I buy LIFEPO4 batts and super caps from Ian and he is a clever chap when it comes to big boy toys like this .


That is pretty neat. I initially thought it looked like a Solo stove with side door and a blower fan… but I don’t think that is quite the design of it after he described the airflow.

From how it was described it is more like a sideloaded sheet kiln, that Bruce Southerland had/has. However, I hadn’t thought of it in a long time, and batteries have come way down in price.

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Maybe this is the design of the stove…


That looks right to me Tone though with the internal vessel insulated. Otherwise he couldn’t come near that external sheet metal. The question is what is that vessel made of. In the video I am looking at certain points a charcoal that by color is pretty close to forging temperatures. I’d like to lay a blade in there and see what colors it could reach.


I think that is pretty close. He did mention something about air being pushed down into the chamber from the top, and not just across the top.

I am kind of wondering what emissions are from this, because it is a borderline incinerator, and those don’t necessarily burn cleanly. In fact that is why we removed them in the US in the late 70s. The figured out especially the chlorinated plastics caused issues.


When Ian gets back from his mini break i will see if i can go over and take a look at his one just out of interest and see how its constructed .
In the mean time he has posted a video of the smaller stove he has as well , this one is more like the one i have a Biolite but mine has a TEG built into it the powers the fan and charges a phone/tablet .
