Wood Vinegar as fuel

Been doing another big test on an old smokey from the scrapyard with the new diesel


Oh yeah, forgot to mention, this engine test is the prelude for the new “raw” wood gasifier to be build
This engine is going to be fitted with spark ignition and ECU

2 versions:
A: a WK gasifier for these 150 HP engines
B: an new Erawan gasifier to run even bigger…

Also, to be tested, the diesel made from full woodgas gasifier producer gas, including tar and condensates


Koen, I’m curious if temperature has an effect on the fuel like biodiesel? If you were to put this fuel in a freezer, will it gel?

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Hi Bill,
Since this diesel is more like the diesel from the GTL process, its less prone to gelling
Quality is better then original diesel and a lot less poluting.

Wikipedia gives more detail
