$13600 a day making air batteries? Deflate that

Id like to obtain grid power generation opportunities so I internet-wise evaluated several gasifier areas

Right now Im looking at air batteries. I try to be objective but if you are alone you’ll just think you are handsome.

The internet says Ill get 1000 kw from 1 kg of activted charcoal. Thats pretty good. Youll get $.05 per kw for $50 and a tax credit of $50. There are 136 kgs of charcoal from a ton of cooked wood plus the wood vinegar which has an ambiguous but positive value.

A ton of wood is 20 55 gallon drums.

Consider air batteries on a pallet six feet tall.

My investigation into methanol was disappointing. I found a gallon of wood vinegar on Etsy but the galllon only has 5% methanol.

Do you know about this?


I made some batteries. I made a battery that looks like an open face sandwich and a battery that looks like a Ho Ho.

This reaction does work. Whats different this time is the availability of Aluminum foil so you can scale immediately.

The work inolved is dirty.

A classic battery is one layer a.foil one layer electrolyte fed via sponge and ine layer activated carbon.

The pieces of the battery hate each other. The more of one the less of the other. Expect half times two working ratio.

The carbon aspect is straight forward. Powdered carbon is best but its messy, blocks are cleaner but have less O2. Open carbon is best x2.

The a.foil is on the bottom and behaves well. There is argument for heavier plate to help with cleaning.

The wheels come off when approaching the sponge electrolyte layer.

You have to understand the reaction fully then you have to shop for a media like a paper towel to soak up the electrolyte enough to deliver useful amounts of electrolyte.

The massive failure comes from the evaporation of the electrolyte in the open face battery. Its good for four hours max. The clean up is Carbon dirty, electrolyte wet dirty and wet cardboard dirty. There will be lots of a.foil leftover You can practice this so its useful somehow.

The Ho Ho batteries are more chill but they make half as. much electricity. The good news is these spools can be put together real fast, they can he fed O2 and electrolyte from internally placed feed hoses. The lack of space keeps the sponge moist but it blocks O2 hence the O2 feed not air. The electrolyte needs to circulate somehow.

Finding the exact feed rate and feed condition is a goal. I think the sponge carbon tools might not be needed.

The reaction has two faces. One is bath and the other is superficial.

The bath reaction is a result of a deep punch reaction. This is when a small square of a.foil is added to a cup of electrolyte. and the a.foil reacts by hissing and moving and making smoke and hydrogen. If the volume of the liquid is reduced that reaction is lessened, the extra anions were needed but are no longer available.

The superficial reaction only teases the electrons but never really reacts. This is the electricity.

Exactly the best application on how the electrolyte is applied is not known but the sponge overkill and carbon overkill really helps.

The Ho Ho batteries can be spooled together and externally fed and require less maintenance and are much more dense. Thats alot.