Australia Power Pallet

Its been a tough 2 weeks , my best mate Brian Passed away unexpectantly ,i guess we all thought we had more years ahead of us ,and so we have to move on to pastures new ,and that does mean we will lose our men’s shed where we play and get filthy black each week playing with charcoal and wood gas and it now means we have to find a home for Brians Power Pallet machine , so if there is anyone in Australia wanting to get right on into it then please get in touch and lets see if we can find a worthy new home for this only run 19 hours machine .


Hello Dave

So sorry to hear this very sad news about Brian passing .

May he rest in peace .


Sorry to hear this Dave.


My condolances Dave. Life is to short. I have to shorten my list to get things finished.

Use the powerpallet yourself? How does it function in real life? Long runs?


My condoleances Dave. Life needs to be lived and enjoyed as if it is the last, every single day. Both silly and easy to say, harder to do though.
My thoughts are with you.


Sorry to hear of you great loss. I know that was a shock and that he will be greatly missed.


Very sorry to here about Brian huge condolences to everyone down under! It is a huge loss. Hopefully you can find a new playmate and toy space. Feel free to post. It is a hard hump to get over for anyone. If we can do anything even if it is reading a venting non-sensical off-topic posts. I think everyone here understands, it is part of the healthy healing process.


Thanks everyone , i have just got home from Brians funeral , it was a full turn out of family and very old and close friends ,.
This is where the hard sad work starts finding homes for Brians collection of very old engines , bikes ,generators `trucks and everything you can imagine a scrap man collected over his life time , the gasifier is 1 of 3 i bought , and i have one there that i am going to put on wheels so i can bring it home and my friend Guy took his home last week, and so it would have been nice if i could have found another like minded person to join our challenges in gasification , we have a little more time before we have to empty the shed maybe over the Christmas holidays we are hoping to hand over the shed to the owner of the scrapyard .
We have 2 or the 15kw machines up and running at the moment the 3 cylinder Kubota sparked diesel engine, with gas heads, they run real nice easy to start once up to temp making clean stable power , the 3rd machine was work in progress of sealing the hopper ready to fire , thats the 32KW machine with the 4 cylinder 1800 rpm engine .
I will probably take photo’s or video’s of the machine in the hope someone local might be interested , and in the mean time i will try and get a outdoor shed/cover set up for my machine , but its hard work living on a property that has no flat land on a 30deg mountain side .


Hi Dave,
Condolences from Thailand, words are difficult to say, but have my prayers…


Thanks Koen , poor old Briand had waited years to play with a fully functional wood gasifier , His love of charcoal and the small machines he loved to play with did give us all many years of pleasure , and so i am grateful for that , and it was only fitting that at the end of the service was a short video of Brian i took about 6 years ago when we loaded the gas bottle gasifier into the back of the old Harley Servicar .


That’s a beauty…
Would love to have one of those here…


Sorry to hear this about Brian, Dave. May his memory always be a Blessing to you and the family. May the Yehovah Almighty God continue to bless you and show you what you need to do at this time with everything. Concerning where you live and go and what to do. That He will grant all of you His peace in this time of need. I ask and pray this to the Yehovah God in Yeshua Name.


Thanks Bob , i’m finding it very hard at the moment without my best mate to lean on , a very slow road ahead at this time of the year for sure .


I will continue to pray for you Dave. Peace be with you.


Sorry to hear about your best mate this happened to my dad not long ago . where shoots are you from i might be able to jelp with finding a home for the other gasafirer


Hi Dave,
Condolences for your loss. What part of Australia are you from? I may be interested in some of your projects.


Hi Phil and Chris , i am in Melbourne , and i have to move items from Mount Evelyn asap let me know anyway as always nice to hear from local’s interested in wood and charcoal machines .



I’m near Rockhampton QLD and unfortunately won’t be able to make time for a trip to Melbourne.

That’s a shame Chris , still let me know are you looking to run a machine on your property for making power or are you looking at running a car/ute or just wanting to get your hand into Gasification .


Hi Dave,
At the moment, I’m trying to figure out if gasification to run an internal combustion engine might a simpler system than I’ve been contemplating. I’ve been researching building a 35 kva power plant that incorporates a retort kiln to turn sawmill waste into charcoal. I had been thinking of running a steam engine at around 100 psi similar to one i read about in a solar steam project at White Cliffs. I only stumbled onto this site today so I haven’t yet figured out if the gassification in a retort kiln is the same as the gassification to run an ICE.
Do any of your projects run a retort kiln or produce charcoal?
Kind regards
Chris Major

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