Bug Reports Go Here

I have always used a (Windows xx.x) laptop computer, saves time and trouble, as a mentor used to repeat often. My eyes, and my butterfingers work better that way, and DOW is the least data-intensive site I use regularly.
Here is a sandbox site for the Discourse forum software platform that is used by DOW. See if the problem follows?? :cowboy_hat_face:
Discourse Demo

I am also using the https:// version, because I was tired of looking at the ā€œUnsecuredā€ site warning.
Drive On Wood! - Woodgas Power.

I am on a Verzon account. On my my old phone verzion put a program in my phone to cause it to not charge ofcouser they wounld not admit it . When I up graded to a new phone and did not trade the phone in, but keeped it, the phone is now okay. Now I have a good spare phone if this one breaks . I think Verizon is doing the samething, mess with my old tablet. They canā€™t make monies if they donā€™t sale you the latest new bells and whisles on the smart phones and tablets.

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The Devil has many names Bob. One of them is Verizon. You need an exorcist. Also there is little chance of you having 5G in rural location. Do your happy dance.


To late Tom we have been 5G here for a long time now and it has affected me a bit. For a long time and has afect me bit, for time long and me efect me no what was I talking about


I was thinking when I use this tablet it operates different then my phone. @Chris is it possible my tablet is not on the more user friendly mobile app for DOW. And can I put it on that app?

Bobmac which browser do you currently use on the tablet? Have you tried installing another app like Opera or Firefox? They make Android mobile browsers.


do you have a separate application for the phone? I just use the web browser on my phone and I donā€™t get any ads or timeout/spinning wheels. It could be your internet connection is flaking out. Does it happen everywhere you go? Like if you go to mcdonalds and use their free wifiā€¦

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Thereā€™s no separate app. The website detects mobile browsers and optimizes a few things. Should be no difference in loading times or reliability.

Iā€™ll take a look at this end, but I suspect itā€™s your internet and/or the tablet.


I have high a high speed conection. Iā€™ll check to see if they have slowed my connection down. And like I said, I bought this tablet back in 2017 which makes it old 4G tech. , I am using ā€œChromeā€ and I am with Verizon. Thanks Chris

are you doing a cellular connection with the tablet via 4g? (4g isnā€™t old, it is actually better for long distance. 5g is better with signal bounces and more bandwidth so it is better for cities and they are moving the 4g gear from the city to the country)

IF you are on a cell network, you have to drive 5-10 miles and connect and use it. It makes the radio on the device switch towers which then updates the device tower list. Given they upgraded all the towers, the tower idā€™s probably changed. My mom is infamous for this one because her cell phone wonā€™t work because she refuses to take it anywhere because it is better to be lost in the middle of nowhere without a phone or map when you are 80.

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I have a hard wire internet high speed provider in my home with 4G and 5G, secured wireless router. And verizon cell service.

Here is what I am seeing now when I open the DOW site.

I open to DOW to show this @Chris . Need check HTTPS I think?

I tried something, I uninstalled DOW, and then reinstalled it. Now when I go to the forum page I get a white page with Drive On Wood! But no logo at all now. I had a logo before on the white loading page. FB , my Emails , You Tube , all other Websites seem to be working okay at the moment. But this site is still stalling out and dropping out with the ā€œAh Snapā€ page. I have a real old I pad and am charging it up right now. I will load my DOW on it and see what happens when I log in. Wow I got all this typed with out it dropping out with the ā€œAh Snapā€ page happening.

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Bob, that link I provided should get you to the https version of the DOW Forum.

I have been a reluctant customer of the big V for years, they made me buy a new phone last year because my 4G phone wasnā€™t 4G enough and would no longer work. so I bought a new 4G phone, and actually, I like it much better. Consider a new computer, device, phone, whatever you like to use. Time for a well deserved upgrade. 2017 is a long time ago in computer years! :face_with_head_bandage: :grin:


Again, everything is working here. We do use HTTPS:


install firefox. They automatically send you to the https site when you enter a url like that I think newer versions of chrome do as well. but I donā€™t know if you can upgrade it on your device.

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I have the newest version of chrome.

see if you have https:// first mode turned on

Just so BobMac is not being left out to hang to dry on this newly developed hard now to use the DOW . . . well me too, for the same time period. The last two weeks now.
My system is completely different from his. Is a three year old DELL laptop. Windows updated manufacturers installed system 10.
Lots of Dow header white screens with a never completed loading spinner.
If I make one active change; even a ā€œlikeā€ then I cannot move off, load-open to view another topic.
And IF I try to edit a comment Iā€™ve loaded in the same time frame; edit will not load up.
Like BobMac, only going completely off the DOW, reentering can I get active again.

This is not affecting on any other sites or Net usages.

Something has changed here with a system upgrade. Or someone has gotten within the DOW system and is obvious selectively manipulating.
Soā€™O.K.for old determined hard asses like BobMac and me. Weā€™ll push through with a big wet kiss to whomever.

But what about newcomers to the DOW as lookers, eh?
Are they getting through? Walking away in disgust, not needing new difficulties in their Lives?
Restrict down the new-blood participating to the DOW because they do not use the latest, greatest hardwareā€™s and softwareā€™s and the site dies a slow death.
We ainā€™t complaining.
We are alarming!
Steve Unruh


My android phone has been taking longer then usual to load anything on the DOW sight sometimes have to back up one page and try again and my work personal computer doing the same as Steveā€™s white screen loading on the DOW, sometines reload will fix sometimes backup one screen and try again and the last 2 days has been 3-5 times reload to get page to load.

Not to poke the conspiracy theory bear cub but that is 3 washington state anti internal combustion engine agenda behind enemy lines goobermint over reaching controlled now with same issues with the DOW sight