Hi Joe!
First of all, you need to decide on the amount of time in your life that you plan to devote to this new knowledge of life outside the artificial life support system.
If it is 5-10 years old, then it is better to buy a mobile home and an old dilapidated house with a plot. Moreover, the condition of the house itself is not important at all – it is much more important to have a source of water and electricity on a piece of land. It is difficult to live without them, and extracting them can be very expensive and unjustifiable for such a small period of time in 5-10 years.
If you plan to spend more than 20 years on this knowledge, then, first of all, you need a wife, and secondly, you should seriously consider the option that Steve Unruh proposed, i.e. to settle next to the elderly. This may not seem like an easy task, but it has at least 3 huge advantages compared to the option of starting everything from scratch.
The first huge plus of living with the elderly on their land is the many years of hard work and good feelings they have invested in improving their living environment. The main household issues, one way or another, have already been resolved, so you can continue to improve, and not start from scratch, not knowing what pitfalls await you and your wife on your land.
The second, even more significant, advantage of living with older people is their life experience. Ordinary everyday knowledge, which is often completely deprived of a city person. You can get the knowledge that bread does not grow on trees firsthand.
The third advantage of older people is the history of an entire country, and possibly the whole world, undistorted by propaganda. After all, they have, in addition to their personal life stories, the stories of their loved ones and relatives from other places on Earth. And for the education of children and grandchildren who are immune to the next propaganda from all the media, truly free children and grandchildren, it is very important to know how people lived before, their stories, their dreams and hopes, to which they devoted their lives. What succeeded from this and what did not – all this is very important for children. And they can get all this from the elderly in an undistorted way, communicating every day, doing together those things that they are interested in and that they can do. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this connection between the past and the future.
If you plan to live on Earth for more than 100 years (for example, 1000 years or much more – for an eternity), then you will need to plant trees on your site, including those that will live for so many years (cedar, oak, etc.), and also write in your Ancestral Book what your look at the purpose of man on Earth, and explain to your descendants why you planted these trees, and what knowledge and feelings you want to convey to them after such a period of time with the help of the Living Energy of these trees. These trees will be a beacon for your soul, so that it knows where its relatives are waiting for its incarnation in a new body.
It is also necessary to determine the size of the site. It’s one thing to grow some greens and a couple of cucumbers with tomatoes for a summer salad on your table, and it’s quite another to provide your family with all the products, starting from bread and ending with meat, milk and eggs. And even more so if you also want to provide income solely from products from your land. Then you will need to calculate everything carefully: how much money you need, what yield of a particular crop, how many and which animals you need to feed from your land, what equipment you will use for this and how much it will cost to maintain it. And a lot of things will have to be taken into account, or at least try to take into account on this interesting path … 
Now it seems to me that the easiest thing of all this was to find a wife who would be interested in this path. But I remember that I managed to solve this task not the first time, and it took more than one long year to find such a wife. But now they tell me that I’m lucky…