Cardboard as fuel or feedstock

yes- I watched the one where he turned the whole shabang over and made it way easier.
he does love his Deere John paint schemes haha.


MikeR. you clearly illustrate the differences between individual-use small-scale; and from-others/for-others large-scale.
Specifically . . . packaging corrugated cardboard.
Me; the Wife; and foster kids when we have them in the course of modern living do generate packaging cardboard.
I’ve found the non-printed corrugated cardboard, hand torn reduced down into squares to be the very best of woodstove getting up to heats accelerant fuel. Burns quick. Burns hot. Burns clean.
The glossy shiny printed sided corrugated cardboard I can burn to IF I direct all of the stove ash to the land fill. Instead, I use and reuse it as ground covers for oil changes, dripping mechanical repairs, kneeling pads and such. Then landfill it.
IF I was to direct our own generated corrogated cardboard to worms food then be little to none for fire starter. Food versus heat. Tough choice. Certainly on a household basis not enough to divert for gasification fuel stocks with these better usages.

Now at an Urban collection point . . . certainly enough for some limited diversion use.

Stuie, this a personal choice I made a l-o-n-g time ago. Live out far rural. As much as possible to NOT be an Urban wastes contributor. And certainly not part of their wastes solution. Not be a cockroach.
Others have come asking about gasification solutions for CAPO operations accumulates shits. Human waste shits residues. Mixed municipal solid wastes as fuels. They do not get much feedback here.

I do not want to become a rural dung-beetle either.
A carpenter ant . . . a wood grub . . . a beaver, yep! That’d be me.
Steve Unruh


Yes, just a small 5 gallon bucket set up. I put the paper from the paper shredder in it. It balances out the moisture from the coffee filters. It wouldn’t surprise me if there are microrobes doing some of the heavy lifting on the paper. It goes considerably faster then when I first started but I only started with some leftover fishing worms, and I didn’t have enough moisture in with it.

I am not convinced cardboard is that great for garden soil, because it also blocks some of the oxygen getting to the soil. I think you are supposed to poke holes in it and few people do. But it is significantly better then black plastic. The corrogation is an insulating layer so it prevents some of the heat build up.