COMMITMENT - Make wood-sweated DIY Engine Fuel for 365

I have no problems with fellows who are trying to earn a living with gasification.
Just as long as they are honestly up front about it. He is. Matt Ryder is. Ben Peterson was.

Of course they will give out aid-bits to promote their works. Garner interest. Make sales. No sales. No income. Then no more information generated to bleed out.

I did learn soon in gasification to hate, literally hate those who worshiped the all-information-should-be-set-free-for-all-of-mandkind. Sheee. WHO the hell vote these guys to play God’s left hand angels, eh!! And soon learned to hate those who catered to this crowd-think.
These types are living in the late 80’s, 90’s of loo-loo that the Free-new-information-age-will-free-us all!
Suckerberg’s answer to the Senator under oath of how he was going to make the money to pay for Facebook/Meta: “Advertising, Mr Senator. Advertizing.” So now you must subscriptions PAY NOT to be screens squeezed deluged with streaming advertisements. Subscription PAY now, to hopefully not have all of your on-line activity collected, analyzed, alogarithm calculated to custom craft what ads and interest article and links will be unasked for streamed to you. My wife buys these subscriptions for her E-mail service and others. On the surface they even seem to work. Wife’s $$$ → off to someone for a created-needs service. Sheee.

So SergL. is willing to gasify old tires and consumers plastics. Not my interest at all. Just simply read away on those endeavors.
Steve Unruh


Ha! Ha! The women in the family are always giving me reasons to continue my turn wood into power pursuits.
By, “Taking care of you, Mister old Grumpy.”

The local store had 2 of their 5 freezers one by one fail. They cannot afford to readily replace them. So no more store ice cream to bring home.

So my Wife bought us a Cuisinart countertop ice cream maker. You prefreeze the bowl. It has a couple of pounds of coolant gel in it. Needs a good true 0 F degrees capable food freezer for that.
Hey. It works. No fancy electronics. Just an on-off switch and you monitor for results. I like the ice-cream it makes.

Same time frame my Sister moving out of one of our south houses into her own new place left behind her newer LARGE Whirlpool refrigerator. Too big for her new house refrigerator alcove space, she said.
Anyhow time for you to join the 21st Century, brother. (Our old one was 28 years old. Noisy now. And runs too long.)
This 21st century fancy has an ice maker. Has an ice and filtered chilled water in door dispensor cubby.
Of course it was insisted that I hook this all up for use.

Hey. I like it. Not drinking beer anymore in the hot summer days, I use ice water instead. Ice my coffees and teas.

These are the relatively minimal intermittent power usages I work towards shifting to wood energy.
Steve Unruh


We made a gallon of icecream exactly like that last week. Added last year’s berries from the freezer. It’s all eaten by now. No children involved. Could be I’m the one most guilty. Mmmm…lot’s of cream…pure energy.


The kiddies these days use liquid nitrogen. but you can substitute dry ice if you are feeling cheap. :slight_smile:

We used to use icicles and coarse salt, and had to hand crank the thing. By the time you are tired from cranking, it didn’t matter if the ice cream was actually completely solid or not.