Cross Flow Wood Gasifier - No Welding Required

How to build a Cross Flow Wood Gasifier that can produce alternative fuel . No Welding required….

[Cross Flow Wood Gasifier](https://Cross Flow Wood Gasifier)

If I had the time…

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Here GeorgeM. is a better link to that system with audio and without the streaming side bar ads:

This was my first system posted up on the topic “YouTube Small systems Builds” began in Jun '22 in the Small Engines section.

It is actually a pre-made charcoal system. Lacks a defined thermal-chemical reduction zone/area to be ever a good true raw wood gasifier.
150+ posts and responses on that topic.
Find this topic by title name using the magnifying glass search tool in the black band top tool bar.
You have some reading ahead of you to start learning well.

Steve Unruh