Dealing with Modern Techs Privacy Intrusions

Slightly related issue: In the thread about water heating, I was going to post a comment about using a heat bell between the flue gases and water jacket. I tend to confuse “heat bell” and “smoke bell,” so I checked with Google to clarify. Google was sure I meant Heath Bell, so that’s what it showed me. It asked if I mean Heath Bell, but as far as I know, there’s no way for me to say no. So I tried “heat bell” (in double quotes). This got rid of the major league pitcher, but nothing about heat bells until the bottom of page 7 of results.

I tried DuckDuckGo, and it showed the pitcher, but asked if I really meant “heat” bell. I clicked on that, and the first hit was “Stratification chambers (Bells) explained” (rocket mass heater forum

So I am again reminded that Google shows me what it thinks I want, not what I asked for. I’m not suggesting evil intent, but it’s something we need to take into account when looking for information.


My text messages are cryptic and boring.
And there is no perfect, ever.
“The pursuit of Perfect is the Enemy of ever getting anything done.”

But for me close to perfect so far:

Get the F1 Pro model Oak pre-stripped out with no social media and then keep it that way.