Discovering my freedom in Slovenia - start of a long book

I need to find a manuer speader tank like that. It is a beauty of a retort kiln. Wow. You are your own boss now. Expert charcoal maker and bagger. As we say in America “I am not working for the man any more”. Well except for the wife is supervisior over you. But you can say “I am not working for the man” now. Good job on your business adventure in ready to use cooking charcoal.


He went from Working for The Man, to Working for The Ma’am.


If I called Dana Ma’am, I would get the LOOK from her. We man all know what the LOOK is Right.


Wow, things are getting out of hand this way :+1::+1:. Cool! To make a living like this! Really dark sided guy now! No more night shifts. Good luck, but you know what you are doing.


Given your numbers in the other thread, is that one Kursk batch per day? And how well is that for pay?


Aah yes. The look :smile:

JO, the first month was nothing like that :smile: l messed up. Usualy my routine was 8 hours of work at the job, 8 hours of work at home and 8 hours of sleep, roughly.
Being my own boss, it was 16 hours of work and 8 hours of rest. Work here meaning phisical work. The genious me wuldnt figure the problem for a month. My previous job was not phisicly demanding so my body wuld rest at work. Not any more. Started feeling worn out. The first hint that something is wrong was actualy my “fat-o-meter” showing me l lost a lot of weight. If anyone is interested, this is it :smile:

Its a belt l wear for 10 of so years non stop and it accuretly shows the state of fatness :smile: this month l ran out of holes. That sound the alarm.
So JO, yes, now a reorganisation is in plan and it will include some of what you mentiined :wink:


Marcus, theoreticly max capacity is one batch in 24 hours yes but at this pace l wild run out of materials too fast. Plus, the biggest drawback isnt the kiln but fuel prep. All the charcoal l make is from clearing our overgrown hayfealds, 30 years of neglect resaults in a mess of thin trees, bush and thorns and geting enaugh wood for a batch is a days worth of work.
I try to make one or two batches a week.

For pay, good. The demand is crazy and its the best way to cash in the messy wood. Cooking cord wood wuld be better sold raw but l dont have that. Truth is l started this more out of land clearing point of wiew.

Finaly, its starting to show resaults thugh. When we came here, this was a jungle.

Now we finaly have some nice workable land. Life is good.


What a beautiful breath taking view of the work able land for home stable living for the family. God is blessing you all with the hard work you are doing with your hands and body.
May The Yehovah keep you, and give you Kristijan good health and streath and to your whole family in His Name Yesuha for His Name sake.
Thank you for the picture of your country side and home.


I remember the way back pictures of your lands, it’s turning into a nice little slice of Eden :sunglasses:


…Leitinger valley :nerd_face:


And i bet the slop of the land could help collect water for gardon portion.Maybe even a pond for pumping too a gardon for food.Nice land location view.


:smiley::smiley::smiley: so easy to imagine that one. Had off for Kristijan! No talk, just do, respect.


This one is for you Kristijan BCS Soggetto Falciatrice - YouTube


A beast of a machine isnt it :smile:


Allmighty machine. :nerd_face:


With all of your farm coming together and your rabbits are free range? Or do you have hutches where you can harvest the dropoings to be used for the garden?

Been reading on meat raising rabbits a lot the last few days and found there is a rather decent market local to me of rabbit breeders selling the droppings 10$ for a 50lb feed bag and it seems to sell fast to small gardener as a great cold manure fertilizer


I actualy hadnt had them for about a year now and just got back to it about a month ago. Reason is, yes, l like to free range them. But this requires the garden, flower beds and young trees to be protected or fenced and we hadnt had that done yet so we harvested all the free rabbits. The ones we have now are closed in the barn.

In order to harvest the manure, thats just the pellets, they need to be in a mesh floor cage. Thats not wery ethical in my mind, and a stressed animals meat probably isnt best for human health also… even if put comfort to the side, wire mesh tends to hurt their feet and special, purpose built floor pads are crazy expensive.

But even if harvested, its realy not the pellets that are the most nutritious. Its the piss… if you never saw this in real life, man thats some powerfull stuff. Its redish brown colour and smells of ammonia, looks almost like etching solution and it also behaves lime that to metals and wood. No problem harvesting that stuff in any cage sistem, or let to soak in the bedding for a great compost.

I always wanted to try something else thugh… the pellets shape just says “gasifier fuel”. Some day :smile:

The main reason l free range thugh is disease control. Cococidosis is a terible parasite that can wipe out the entire stock. I once lost 40 slaughter ready rabbits in 2 days. I set the remaining free and the mortality rate dropped 10 fold.

Oh, l forgot to mention. I got disease problems because l choose not to use antibiotics. Most people raise them with feed pellets that have the stuff pre mixed in, so they are on constant medication. I chose not to go this path…


I agree with the free ranging idea for most animals, but unfortunately that is not something I will be able to do there is way to much predation that happens around here. The coyotes are out of control bad my neighbor counted 72 in one night crossing his fields and all the neighbors have lost cats small dogs and chickens. Yet no one wants the coyotes gone. And we are in county jurisdiction that says no firearms may be discharged so I wont be able to take care of the problem anyway. i have seen sign of a few bobcats in the area as well and there are 3 different cougars that have been seen within a few miles, so ill be stuck with cages just to keep them safe when im not home


Lol. Think you got predators? We have the Birds of Prey rehab center about 15 miles from where I live. So, great horned, red tails, merlins, a few bald eagles… Of course we have black and red foxes, mountain lions, coyotes. I’m told they’re reinstating wolves. I’m sure there are a few more I’ve forgotten. Not that I mind actually. I just figure this is where the wild things are.


We have red tails, gos hawks, bald eagles, golden eagles, falcons, ospreys and wolves are on their way from the east side as well they have been spotted in several places on the west side of the cascades now. BUT. Those ones I cant do anything about since they are all protected species. the others at least i can apply for permit to trap and remove except the cougars nothing I can do about them unless I catch them in the act of depredation. not to many fox around they are more east side dwellers. But plenty of raccoon opossum stripe skunk and civit cats as well. all of them will take an easy meal

Really puts a damper on free ranging any livestock