Discovering my freedom in Slovenia - start of a long book

Tom, they are making laws now that you can’t go into the woods, you might upset the wildlife and unbalance it. Lions, Tigers, and Bears, OH My!


What is the poison of seed oil? Canola is just GMO rapeseed oil, because canola sounds better then rapeseed and it wasn’t selling as well.


Oh don’t get me started.The local ‘animal sanctuary’ was busted by the state for illegally feeding their horses, because they were also feeding the deer. And the lady that runs the place is saying the state is wrong! Even though they state already HAD to defend a lawsuit brought up by farmers who had to deal with the same rules.

I have gotten to the point where I just say I agree there should be more nature, would you be willing to sign my petition to restore bears and wolves back to the city?

Every year I run into 30 nature lovers that illegally feed the deer, and don’t even know it is illegal.


well this sent me on a day long adventure of internet research, I had never known so many dairy products could be made from goat milk. It is just not a common thing around here that anyone keeps goats for a product, they are just for show or pets or to keep the black berry bushes at bay. Now I am entertaining the thought of some dairy goats, as they would take up much less room then a dairy cow that I diffidently do not have room for


I’d make sure I would get them Artificially inseminated because keep a billy goat has it’s challenges. :nauseated_face:


Marcus, Diana’s daughter in High school FFA class was to have and rise goats, we had three milking goats after each one had twins. That was some really good milk. Now we have chickens in the goat area. The chickens are to hard to milk, but we do have some wonderful eggs to eat.


You can’t milk a chicken Bob. They all have peckers.


I knew you would know that Tom, it shows you have a higher IQ level.


Y’all make me laugh.


Not true! Only 9 out 10 goats 9 out of 10 times. Maybe a bit more :slightly_smiling_face:


Jan, good olive oil is OK, its the sunflower, peanut, soya, canola… thats the problem.

Johan, do try that. I was surpriced my self how easy it is to get beef fat. Went to the butchers shop and placed an orded, in 2 days l got a call and picked up some wery nice fat, not just the inner fat (wich can leave a waxy mouthfeel) but also a lot of intermuscular fat wich renders in to a nice, soft tallow similar to pork fat. And in the end its cheaper thain the oil too! It was just 1€/kg raw.

Ha, the bastards got that covered too. Every mortality needs to be reported and a sanitation truck will come and pick up your mortality “for free”. How nice huh… lm sure the only reason behind this niceness is to help the people…
Occasionaly thugh, a cow does “get lost”, you know, wondered in to the woods never to be seen again… but this cant happen every time or the big guys down the capital get suspicious…

My biggest problem currently thugh is the bann on pig pasture due to some nonesence desease. The breed of pigs l have do real poorly if kept inside, bad feed efficianccy. They hace huge stomacks and are ment to eat low nutrient food all day outside, like grass etc, but keeping them inside makes litle sence so l got to rethink the entire situation…

Tom, that was my plan also but the big brother has eyes everywhere. I got a visit from the local wildlife inspector that told me to stop freerange my pigs. Apparently they saw them pasture while hunting. But get this: one of the reason for not pasturing he claimed is that a wild boar might inpregnate one of my minipig sows :smile: what a disaster that wuld be, get some nice new wild boar hibrids on the plate :smile:

Yes Marcus, you can do preety much everything with goats milk and aparently its better for human digestive sistem. Its fat is naturaly homogenised, great for the gut but bad for butter making thugh… but if you are serious about it, do a lot of research about breeds first because they wary a lot. Per instance, like Tom hinted, most billys stink like satans ballsack. But some breeds only do for the few days a year when the does are in heat. Also, milk taste will wary greatly breed to breed. We had brown ones when l was a kid and that milk had a real strong goaty flavour, quite unpleasant. I now got a white Saana breed, this milk has no offtaste whatsoever, its just a bit sweeter thain cowsmilk.
Oh, also, for an average family one good milker is enaugh. Maybee two if you want some sizeable cheesemaking. If fed well, the Saana or Anglonubian breed can produce over 2 gal a day. I dont feed grain, just pasture and hay, and myne gives about half a gallon, but she also is a wery young goat (one birth). Its enaugh milk for us, and its free since l dont need to buy aditional feed.


Ok, I didn’t know about that, thanks.


I’ve been wrong on timelines quite often Kristijan but I’m willing to bet our fake money that by this time next year we won’t be seeing a lot of petty bureaucrats nosing around. The banks are failing left and right and they probably are not going to work without wages. Police and military will be priority payees.


First Belated Happy 28th Birthday! (i hadn’t gotten a chance to sneak it into a post yet, and yes I know the age is wrong.)

Apparently, olive oil is mostly the same. The extra virgin cold pressed supposedly has extra phenols in it which was inconclusive on whether they actually provided any additional health benefits according to Harvard medical. The rest of the olive oils have the mono-saturated fats, and omega-3, omega-6 anti-oxidents as well as the joint pain relief.

Avocado oil is comparable to Olive Oil as far as the anti-oxidents and monosaturated fats. It also had a really high smoke point. I think it was like 530F.

Soybean oil and coconut oil are mainly poly-unsaturated.

And that is as far as I got. I like guacamole and chips so I am good. :slight_smile:


Tom, what a weird time we live in huh. Turbolent times. With the wars and the AI… who knows. Maybe we all swim out of this strong or all goes to hell, thugh the odds are in the latter…

Sean, thank you!
l read about avocado oil but never tryed it. Those “exotics” are expensive here, and l do belive the quality of olive oil is decent here. I do however need to start buying it localy, the south of the country has some world class oil, done home as an artisan occupation. The deep golden green bitter stuff that just about scorches your throat if eaten raw, in a pleasant way. Bread, salt and this and a snack is ready.


Well, every other year one can wander off never to be seen again, the other years you never know, wolves can haul off whole animals, perhaps just finding the tag and a skull, perhaps a hoof too… sometimes not even the tag can be found.

I am surprised that beef fat could be so cheap at the butchers, don’t they use the beef fat for anything at all? Most sausages is pig fat but there must be some use


Last week a out of towner was cruizing our road at a high rate of speed i had just returned from a duck hunt on the local lake i got out of the car and just hear a god aweful smash and crash, i took off running in my chest waders with shotgun slung on my back towards the sound.

Turns out my neighbor has a escape artist black angus steer that had got out of the pasture and was standing in the road. The kia cloberd it at about 50mph in the dark. Black cow in the dark on a blacktop road i could barely see by my headlamp.

The car was totalled the driver was fine, and the stupid steer had a limp and some road rash but we got him back in the fence and i seen him yesterday feeding like nothing ever happened. Tuff critters them cows, plastic modern cars not so much


Good information to know.
Happy belated birthday to you, may Almighty God bless you Kristijan in all you do, and keep you and your family.


The owner of the steer will probably have to pay for the car. That’s the way it works on this side of the mountains.


Speaking of hunting, I’m just curious, I find ammunition very expensive here, how much is hunting ammunition in the U.S.?
Say a pack of 12gauge and a pack of whatever bullets you use?