DOW Bee Keeping. " YEHOVAH BEES"

It is a screen vent. I might put tape on it. It has turned really cold today the scout bees went back to their hive colony where ever that is. Looks like rain coming and more snow in the mountains around us. So the swarm might be postponed in the bee world.


The YEHOVAH’S swarm of bees finally showed up. Dana was again working in her green house just below the nuke hive when the swarm of bees arrived. With in 20 minutes they were all settle into their temporary new hive.
The other day one of my layens long hive bees looked like they were going to swarm, not sure if they did. I will let them swarm if they really want to, you might ask why. Because these are Almighty God The YEHOVAH’s bees they know what to do and were to go if they want to go.
I just provide a free place for them to live. Well they do pay me in a little honey, but I leave them plenty of honey for them to winter on until next spring. No sugar water water for them. This is want God told me to do for His bees, and I will obey what He spoke to me. It was that quite voice in side me that I heard.
Well now it looks like I need to build one more Layens long hive for this colony of bees. And then move them into the bigger hive.


Great news Bob, as you also leave honey for your bees in winter, when do you usually harvest honey for yourselves?

We lost our bees this year even though they had plenty of honey left and they were strong hives and then we thought a new swarm was moving in a couple of weeks back but at a closer look they were robbing the place but I guess they needed it better than us.
Anyway, what looks like a mig wirespool on the second picture, I am guessing you use that as a hoist for the swarmcatcher?


Hi Johan, are there swarming bees here in Sweden?
I’ve never heard of, or seen one.


I think it is mostly other beekeepers bees that swarm and move, they send out scout bees to find places that are more suitable for their needs and you need to provide a better spot for them to live. They usually swarm/move if they are too crowded in the spot they live.

But truly swarming bees as in ’wild’ bees I don’t think we have in Sweden, I have never seen any but I haven’t done any research either.
As a sidenote I have never bought bees, I have caught swarms both at home and at other peoples houses.


Same here. But also beekeepers try their best to avoid swarming. Maybee not the best reason for the wellbeing of bees but best for honey production.


If they have space, a lot of times they kill the old queen, and move along happily. usually they swarm when they run out of space. However, if the old queen finds the new queen cell, she will kill it.


I feel trying to keep them from swarming is some of the problems we have here in the USA. Verona mite laying cycle on the drone cells is interrupted when bees swarm, the weak bees die when they swarm. The old hive gets a new queen and the old queen flys away with most of the workers and drone bees.


Thats exactly right Bob.


You might be interested in this electric harp. They kill giant wasps


Today I was making a new hive boxes. They are 1/2 The size as the Layens hives I made before. They will hold 15 deep frames. The larger hive boxes are just to big for this 72 year old to move in to place after being built.
Building the hive boxes like the last ones, out of recycled pallets that have been laying around getting the gray barn wood look.

I had to stop with the building because of thunder, lightning and a flash flood of rain in our area.
It flood my wood working shop area with the back yard grass not able to soak up the water coming off the roof.

I put the tools away and called it a day. Time to take in the Sabbath day of rest starting at sun down Friday until sun down Saturday.
That will give things time to dry out. Slalom in Yeshua Name the Messiah Son of the living YEHOVAH Almighty God the Creator of all things seen and unseen.


That hive looks big enough, or a bit heavy looking as it is. interesting seeing your gift from GOD honey be hives, probley much healthier than white or brown Suger, since I was diagnosed with pre diabetes, I use about 3/4 tea spoon honey, and about 1/4" on end of a tea spoon handle of MUNK fruit powder,or little less to sweeten my coffee.


HAVE you ever used munk fruit powder sweetener.

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