Gasifier Engine Driven Charcoal Production

A guy down the road from me planted a bunch of Hybrid Poplar’s some years back. They grew about 8 foot a year. They are a messy tree and probably not good for much but they would make cooking fuel and charcoal.


I bought "Forest in a box " and planted hundred of trees on property line . Most all could have been plowed under . It has happened several times where I need to redo my property line . The trees failed to thrive and also were run over .


Venezuela has both. Oil exporter and 70% hydroelectric


The Curupao Power Plant, which was inaugurated in 1933, still provides electricity to Guarenas and Guatire. Is this coal , oil or hydro electric power plant ?

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Good morning! There must to be a problem with the name. I never heard about carupao, Wich is not that bad, but Google doesn’t know about it… That’s bad. If it is in the Miranda state for sure uses fósil energy


If you have a hydro plant that is out of service for lack of water but there is water beneath hydro plant I could suggest method of using wood gas to move water above hydro plant for demand usage . By time project is completed you will either no longer have water under hydro plant or hydro plant will be operating normally .

Thank you!
By now I need a gasifier. It must to be very easy to build with common things that you could find in a Venezuelan trash can and with no or little welding…


IgorV. very similar to those DIY wood-for-power developing in the Eastern Europe countries.
Look there at their videos on youtube.
One no-weld guy took a metal tube center. Top and bottom capped it with metal plates. The plates pulled together with nutted external threaded rods. Like a musical drum wire loops center twisted tighten can do the same pull-together binding.

And here on the DOW Gary Gilmores Simplifier charcoal fueled gasifier system for small engines IS no weld too. Made from metal buckets and plumbing parts.
Use the magnifying glass search tool above and search this up.

Henry stop beating up on this guy. Go back to your GEK failures; grid-tie loo-loo land self-made hell.
Quit sending me links to environmental problems in Nepal. What’s it worth, eh. When you cannot even solve your own wood-to-energy problems with the actual trees growing on your own property. “Act Locally”. FIRST. Prove FIRST. Then talk.
Steve unruh