Gassification scrubber

Can activated carbon be used to absorb both CO2 and tar? But can CO2 be separated from it later? Based on, wet scrubbing is first necessary to remove tar and then CO2 is absorbed using amines or others.

Always best to design gasifier with no tar.

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Tq for ur reply jeff, but how do you do that? Have you designed one? :wink:

Activated carbon gets saturated fast. Water culd scrub CO2 under high pressure and low temperature so like Jeff sayd best you design a tar and CO2 “free” gsifier.

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I would say we don’t worry much about CO2 because we are running wood or charcoal through our units both carbon neutral materials. Usually when someone says carbon dioxide scrubbing they mean mitigating fossil fuel burning…

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I am using rice husk as the biomass for gasification

Properly designed a gasifier shouldn’t make tar (the exception is at start up where the gasser is cold). Good luck filtering tar… not an easy thing to do. Wet doesn’t work up here in the cold.


Hi Azline, I use charcoal gasifier so others would be more help with raw biomass.

A long time ago I gasified some rice husks in an open core gasifier. Love rice husks for thermal applications but just a bit too much tar for engine use. Had to run cool to reduce slagging. Maybe if the temperature was raised and a slagging gasifer was designed.

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Lucky its not cold here then :sweat_smile:

Yea I know, thats why I am using a downdraft gasifier to reduce tar…but its still a problem eh :neutral_face:

My open core was a down draft. A lot of down drafts make tar. Mine had to run at lower temp for rice husk because they would slag and plug up the gasififer. But there were slagging gasifies that run above slagging temp and kept above slagging temp until the slag was free from plugging the gasifier.

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I see…will look into that jeff! thnk u! :smile: