Hemp vs Marijuana

That is good news, too say the least!

I started using CBD oil two months ago, starting with my first chemo break. Plus some other stuff. Maybe that is why the nerve damage in my fingers and feet is so much less. I can walk now without difficulty. Anybody that is interested in side effects needs to try strong chemo! What a trip! My first two month chemo break ended and now, surprise surprise, doctor recommended that I start my second chemo three month chemo break! Yes!

As far as pooping goes, psyllium husks is wonderful. Especially now that I’m running short pipes, so to speak. Don’t buy the trash name brand junk that is half sugar or what ever. Get the real stuff that is pure. More money but worth it. It’s the simple things in life and a good poop makes me a happy camper! Nothing better in life!

Never was a speller. Still have chemo brain, however it is noticeably better. Dang, I forgot what I was going to say next…


Someone once wrote, “When I was young I wanted a BMW. Now I’m satisfied with just a BM.” I continuously deal with that issue, too.


I had a bad case of the flue and insomnia with a banging head acke this winter around the end of december. I bought two differnt types and brands off internet, one is hemp seed oil from high preasure. the other hemp is co2 extracted oil from the entire plant, including the flowers.The second kind was on sale for 10 $ ounce bottle, normally 30$ ounce bottle, though it seemed too help quit a bit,and i am trying too cut back on the pot of coffee a day too.Glad too hear its helping others allso, good old pharma let go of the hemp’ somewhat though it still could be illegal too use the medical oils as head acek meds if your state has zero tolerance thc, allmost any emount percent could be used against an indevidual driveing a vehical. before i would smoke pot i would have too have a state aproved test unit in my vehical too feel safe from the law. Even with minor 3% THC medical canibus oIL for pain or inflamation reduction perpose, the potential for legal could exist from the zero tolerance THC content states.It Seems too me Quit a lousy measure ara as too a test for who is legal too drive.


Mr. Gilmore, you could grow enough Hemp to make charcoal fairly quickly and it’d be more consistent than most wood.

You could also make dried hemp to feed the Keith Gasifier systems, with a a little EGR in it for the temp regulating and the mileage of course.

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I agree Dan! I have been a cannabis user for 43 of my 61 years. People should not drive when stoned on pot or Dr. prescribed drugs.
Pain meds can be just as bad as pot or alcohol.
Just my thoughts.
The only pills I take are Tylenol, and Aspirin
All other pain meds are made at home, used at home. Stay at home.

I’d have to agree there! Most kids these days can hardly write their name properly.
I use diatomaceous earth for blood pressure control. 1 teaspoon morning and one teaspoon at dinner.(in my coffee)
Glad to hear you are doing better

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I give all my animals D.E. (from a farm store) it says food grade, but it has bentonite in it, would this be okay for me to take?

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If it said FDA food grade on the package it is okay for you to eat.

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Don’t know. We ordered our from Amazon got pure 100% Food Grade DE
Had a 50 lb bag with calcium carbonate for horse and goat and such. Used it to kill intestinal parasites in my cats and dog just a lite sprinkle on their dry food for about a week worked great. If you put too much on they won’t eat the food

Just googled DE with Bentonite
Both can case constipation especially if consumed at the same time.
Now I remember what Bentonite is.
Anti poop stuff. Its in all kinds of anti diareal medicine like pepto. And malox rolaids and such.

It certainly doesn’t stop the goats and chickens!! :goat::rooster::poop:

No it doesn’t! But look at what they eat!
Chickens are omnivores. And of goats will eat almost anything.

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Plese say more on this stuff. I hate poisoning my goats twice a year with worming drugs and my rabbits occasionaly have a cococidosis outbrake. How does this work?

Diatomaceous earth consists of the long dead skeleton of diatoms, a tiny, simple, ancient sea creature. That skeleton is tiny but quite sharp. Large animals and their thicker body tissues can tolerate the nicks from a diatom skeleton passing through just fine. Parasites can not. That is why it is a good dewormer.

It kills parasites by mechanical action, so there are no chemicals and no potential for resistance to develop. DE also works on insects by scratching off some of the wax coating on their bodies. That wax is needed to keep their insides moist. Insects that rub against DE die from dehydration, though it takes some time.


We sprinkle on food twice a week, all animals, and birds.

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I used to feed my goats a pinch of tobacco once a month for de-worming.


It’s. Good stuff but it is not to be used dry , nothing is supposed to breath it.

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Your right there it does say that breathing the dust can and will cause lung problems

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Lived in an Apt. that was infested with cockroaches tried the DE dry and mixed with water. The roaches just crawled around it.
Hard boiled egg yoke mixed with sugar and boric acid. Kills am dead!! By the thousands.
Because they eat their dead relatives.