International 574 Woodgas Conversion

Hi Tom and all,this setup works well with puffbacks possibly the spring loaded valve would work better. When it puffs the gasses excape around the seal it usuall happens once after a fillup after getting air into the fuel hopper, but it is not too strong.
Marvin W was right the tension on the lid should be just enough to stop smoke from leaking from the lid after a shutdown this is the good thing about the turnbuckle.
One time though the gasifier was still hot and I didn’t run the blower very long and lit the hearth through the lighting tube and there was a 100yr explosion, I imaging there was a very high hydrogen content, it exploded so hard the dome shaped lid turned inside out!! I am not sure that a valve and spring would have ended up much differently I have seen Mike L puff and it works well also enough to relieve the pressure and yet not letting to much air in the top causing more explosions.


Thanks Ron for the explainations on how they are working,I like the leaf spring idea, good solid holder, and one could put valve spring under the leaf too try with more give, Thanks Tom for adding your design thoughts.And steeve and jeff ,for adding that Mike L works like Rons Allso, I found a water heater lid too fit my 16" wheel rim, After i finish my funnel,and get it sitting on somthing like valve springs,with tin behind the draging points i will start welding my lid reinforsements,and outer lid sheet.THANKS