Kissimmee Small Farms Conference 2012

Recently I was asked to speak on Gasification for the University Of Florida
At the same time Wayne and myself were making tracks from Michigan back to Alabama on wood.
I had very little time to prepare for this event even one hitch or glitch in the system and I would have not made it to Florida on time.
Also I ran short on wood getting there so had to switch over and run gasoline for 100miles on the trip. When leaving from Wayne’s I had packed enough to make it to my doorstep. I decided to conserve some of the wood for the show the next day. Once ended I left Kissimmee on wood and made quick tracks back to Palm Coast on wood. Driving in and though sun and heavy rain no videos this time sorry. Can’t wait to get back out on the road again had an absolute blast. Pics. posted below along with the original Michigan meet and Greet Thread link. HWWT Sean

Hey there Sean, does that teaching a crowd thing come natural or does Wayne’s enthuiasm just spill over? Thanks for spreading the practical alternative… Doug

Hey There Doug,
Nothing Natural about it. I was as nervous as ever I am just not used to being in large crowds yet. Really helped just getting back from Wayne’s talking about woodgas for the past week. While preparing for the show I flipped a switch (truck kill switch) in the wrong position and killed the truck for the next 20min. I was running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off. Tried to start on gasoline no go tried again to start on wood no go. GRRRRR Once calm I found my simple error and corrected it no one noticed. I am very honored to one of the many spreading the word of this technology. Sean