Life Goes on - Summer 2024

I think it’s a '65. On both earlier and later, the lights were more flush with the fender.


389 it is :smiley: :+1:
Nice running engine.


Pomegranate tree survived another winter, forgot to re-apply a layer of woodchips before the grass sprang up so I’m having to restart by killing off the grass with some cardboard. My little metal cage has protected the tree from curious deer and any family members mowing in the area.


You can use landscape cloth then cut a slit in it to where the trunk grows. I like the cardboard idea though too and i might use it because i dont want to buy landscape cloth for my 200 maples. That solves weeds and how do i find them…


We’ve got gobs of plain cardboard from all the crap my mom and I order, the plastic coated stuff goes to the municipal landfill/recycling hub. We save recyclables to barter with them when we have a lot of garbage to get rid of. It’s a weird system, normally it costs money via Garb Cards to toss garbage, unless you bring Plastics, Glass, or Paper/Cardboard.

My uncle has been slowly using some of the cardboard for the garden plot I started and he took over. I gave up on that plot because it doesn’t get a lot of sunlight. I plan to make some half barrel raised beds along the pond for next year. Might get a late winter planting in.


Generaly l dont give much about art. Find it a waste of time. Well, you culd argue everything is art but l mean art art. But sometimes l get a art stroke.

How do you guys like my new house gutter? It represents my favorite animal


Wow, you’re a true artist Kristijan. I’m glad you didn’t carve the the other end and the pig’s normal drain point :smile:


Now you did it J.O.
Roof gutters have two ends.
You now planted the idea into his mind.

Never, ever, feed an Artist. Keep them lean and starved. Scrabbling from idea to idea. Only way you can get any work out of them.

See. Now I crave for a better camera. When I should be washing up a day or two sink full of been used dishes. She cooked. I ate. Now I must wash. Loving, caring, is sharing.


Haha, I hope so :smile: See what he comes up with :smile:


Summer report from Sweden

Friday evening, stuffing some chunk bags in the volvo, leaving a spot in the middle for the dog.

Saturday morning, on our way to a woodgas-meeting at Niklas place (Omstallningsresan)

The weather looks promising.

Re-fueling stop along the way.

Nature :smiley:

Arriving to Niklas place without trouble feels great! After all it was the first long trip with the volvo.

Scania truck with SMP gasifier.

Old Volvo Duett, EV-converted.

Steam powered generator, for charging the Volvo Duett above.
There wasn’t much time to snap pic’s, lots of talking and fun.

Probably the hottest day of this year :hot_face:

On the way home, some rain and thunder in the air.

Almost home, stopped by at in-laws to say hi, and leaving some “weed killer” about 8 liters of hopper juice (from half trip)

Cindy sniffed in the hopper juice bucket, and ran away, sneezing, good to know she don’t want to rub, and tumble in that stuff.
All in all: 320 km (200 miles) 6 bags of chunks consumed, about 2 liters of dino for experimenting with hybriding (and some help in a killer-steep-hill)
It all went well, and im as happy as can be, volvo run better than expected, and a fun day.

Testing the gas before going home from in-laws.
And for JO: I had my first intake explosions, 3 “hard” bangs in a row, about half-way on our way, nothing more after that :thinking:


Thank you Goran for the pictures and real glad you enjoyed your outing :grinning:


I admire you, don’t understand, I get nervous just being on a bigger road.


Thank you Göran. Wonderful report :+1:
Unfortunately I couldn’t make it. Had to spend my weekend at work.


Thank you mr Wayne, it indeed was a fun trip.
Today the sun-burn really, -burns :smiley:


Hi Jan, nothing odd with that, i get nervous on every bigger road too, even in a “normal” car :grimacing:
You may have seen on youtube which road i prefer to drive to work?


Thanks JO, yeah, it’s a shame, that “work”-thing is really irritating most of the time, (it’s fun the 25 every month)
But it really takes to much time…


Göran, could you please describe the speed controller panel? I’d be interested in knowing more about the instrumentation you’ve built.


Here is a bonus:

You may recognize the feeling?


Hi Hans, i may draw a simple schematic?
In short it’s just switches that shifts, for example fuel pump, 1-powered as standard.
2-off. 3-fuel pump powered by pwm module.
Other 3-way switch: 1-injectors powered. 2-off. 3-injectors powered and pwm module powered.
The other switches is: on for shutting off the temperature gauges, one for each temperature gauge, shifting between 2 “channels” (2 different thermocouples on each gauge)
The others is extra switches (always good to have if i come up with new ideas)


I love it

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