Life Goes on - Summer 2024

I use galvanized lath for my various sifting screens rather than hardware cloth. Another thing that as double in price the last few years. It works like a grater.


bruce, thank you for the pictures…interessant design, simple and effective i think…in what diameter it distributes the crops?
i, till now make the seed by hand, and have learned it during the years to get a equilibrated seed, but think also about a machine for it, maybee where i have the harrow behind to cover the seed…
interesting always seeing your engines you find!


Thank you for your interest in my activities…the spreader went 2m at idle in 1st gear.


Most of the time, I don’t harrow behind it, and just let the rain do it for me. And a lot of times I don’t even bother tilling beforehand.

Every once in a while, you can find a lawn spreader for cheap or free. they usually hold like 20lbs. Get bigger fatter tires for it, and replace the box with like sheet metal. We used to have one that was an electric motor that held the spreader pan. If you use them for any nitrogen fertilizer you HAVE to wash them out. It corrodes the metal.


Apparently, I missed John Deere citing lack of demand, ended production of the moldboard plow, two years ago. :slight_smile: They still make a reversible square bottom plow, but it just isn’t as elegant.


I don’t know why the whippersnapper who works at the oldies radio station thought it would be funny to play music that was popular when I was in high school, but I can assure you, it was not appreciated.


That is just pure evil.


Baby elderberries swiped from the roadside. Slugs got to their leaves but some of them appear to be growing new ones. :slight_smile:

Baby maple trees. :slight_smile:


Here are the twins


Elderberry is some tough plant for sure! Got many anecdotes of it growing in the most odd ways


I read it was really easy to clone. Apparently it isn’t tough enough to beat slugs. They really feasted on it. I pulled 2-3 off the 100 pots of maple trees, but probably 20 out of the pots with the elderberry. Without the slugs, and even with some stems about half the size of a pencil, i probably would have gotten around 70% success rate. Which is pretty good considering they were flowering, and it was the ‘ideal’ time nor the ideal parts of the plant.

It is a tough plant but I don’t think it is as tough as the wild honeysuckle that is considered invasive that I am trying to get rid of.


Hell week begins… National Cherry Festival in Traverse City. Typically about a half million people come for this turkey. They usually line up a few has been bands for expensive entertainment. This year it’s Nine inch Nails, Jefferson Starship and Bret Michaels and one other I can’t think of. I don’t go near the place but it means clogged up roads and stores and because my internet is WIFI the tower we get it from will be jammed up so I may get on line around 2AM. All the prices get jacked up to milk as many dollars out of the tourist as possible but the locals have to pay it as well. We make sure we have everything we need before it starts. Most of what we have to deal with is the noise from the Blue Angels part of the air show. They show up with their jets and a C-130 for their gear. They have been practicing for two days now and the edge of their route is about a mile from here. Just a little annoying. Raining again and I didn’t have anything else to whine about so I thought I’d share. :frowning_face:


I was under the impression, you dont go anywhere anyway, and prices around TC are jacked up all summer long unless you know someone. :slight_smile:

At least I know you will be up at 2am, so if I go to the Nine Inch Nails show, I can stop by afterwards. :slight_smile:


One of my mom’s fine poultry stock(she loathes poultry), and at least two chicks. There are like 12 but they are pretty hard to see in the taller grass.


I love harvest time. It’s much nicer than the payday when I was working in the city. Because I noticed that children do not eat money, and even for a lot of money, it is almost impossible to buy clean food in our chemical age.


True. Unfortunaly we havent had fruit for 4 years now, late frost or hail was the cause… but this year we do. Its cherry season here also!


I totally agree. Now they want to put mRNA vaccines in meat stock. Just because it can be done doesn’t mean it should be. I used to think the military industrial complex was the greatest threat to mankind. Now I think it is the pharmaceutical-medical industrial complex.


Maybe i should bore you some with my other wood-related interest? :roll_eyes:
Well, wife and i took a little trip to visit a chainsaw collecting friend of mine, as it has been raining all day, and i needed to pick up a parts-saw, and deliver some parts for him.

Always when visit his museum, i need to “touch and feel” his McCulloch bp-1, the only one in Sweden, a “holy grail” (we have talked about this odd model somewhere here in forum)

This is a oldie, a RM Wade drag saw.

This is only a fraction of his nice collection.

Home again, i got a parts saw home, i needed the con rod, this saw was severely stuck and rusted… well, there is always a way…

I would call it victory :smiley:

As a bonus this nice one followed me home, a Hornet 1948 made in Guelph, Canada.

It just hit me this should maybe have been in the “having fun with small engines” topic, sorry.


Took the kids to Paul Bunyan Amusement Park/ This Old Farm.

They like the amusment park side of the park. Father inlaw and I like the Old Farm side.

Took a lot of pics. So i thought i would share

d share.


That was neat. It seems they had some of everything there. Thanks for sharing. Thanks also to Goran for sharing his field trip, too. Y’all add spice to the forum.