Life Goes on - Summer 2024

Chris, where is that? I could spend all day there!



This old farm has been open since 1979 i believe. 40 acres of buildings and rows of machinery and stuff. The owner collects anything and everything! His motto is once it enters the farm, it’s there to stay. Each building seams to consolidate similar items. Seems to be more stuff every year.
He purchased the Paul Bunyan Amusment Park in 2003 and moved all the rides and building to his location.
His collections are quit impressive.
Your right, one could spend the whole day looking at everything, easily.
My pics really only scratched the surface.

Its located about 5 miles East of Brainerd MN.


What you and the others said, thanks for sharing Chris.
From what it seems I could easily be stuck in there for days but I fear after the first day the rest of the family would be waiting for me in the car :smile:


:joy:funny you should say that. Sounds like most of us here are of the same mind.
Every time my father in-law and i exited a building the family was another 2-3 ahead
 by the time we had gone threw the first row they were no longer insight

We later found them back on the ride side of the park.

And when i talk about the amusment side, these rides are nothing new. They are the same rides i rode when i was a kid before they were moved to this location. Besides the bumper cars, Faris wheel, most are traveling carnival size, fold out semi trailer type that have been permanently installed.
But kids still enjoy them. And ask to return every year. They can ride as many times as they want all the rides are free with price of admission.
Its always a good day spent with the family, walk back out to the car at noon for a picnic in the grass then back into the park till closing.


Now you have to talk to the This Old Farm collector(s),and get them interested in gasifiers of all types. Maybe run one of the rides off of wood gas generated electricity!
Thanks for the photos, Chris. Happy family, great stuff! :cowboy_hat_face:


Those Allis Chalmer model G’s in the fifth picture up from the bottom are like gold now. I always thought I could build one. A while back I saw a video of someone that is now manufacturing somewhat of a clone only with much better hydraulics.


Can’t believe I actually found the video. Still I don’t think it qualifies me for a junior techie badge.


First harvest of this season ends in the storage.


The Twins, in one of the first pictures reminded me of a prototype of the Gs. :slight_smile:

There have been a few people that have cloned them over the years, they were really popular with vegetable growers because you can see where you are trying to cultivate. It was also one of the first tractors that was popular to be modified to electric so people didn’t steal the gas.


Morning chores, the chickens are going out.

Some finished pieces of wood and some in progress.

Open greenhouse and check vegetables.


I’m amazed how you all find the time for all the fun.

I spent this morning fixing three flat tires - one trailer-, one bicylcle- and one wheelbarrow tire, while having a neighbour watching over my shoulder. He complimented my tools and fetched a flat wheelbarrow tire of his own to be fixed.

After that it was time for a blocked sewer in the basement. Sneaked down 10 feet of a 2" plastic hose and alternated with the garden hose, compressed air and a rotating cable into that. Wife acted the tap and air operator according to my instructions and in the middle of it my father happened to swing by, only to give already tried or impossible suggestions. Just enough to make communication between the tap operator and myself impossible, stepping on the garden hose and knocking things down from the shelfs into the mess on the floor.
When the plug finally let go and it was time to clean up, wash all the tools, move all the furniture, drawers, boxes and buckets of obtainium back into place, I couldn’t see a single person within a mile’s distance.


Once we had the idea it would be nice to take a family bike ride. The weather was beautiful and it would feel good to get some exercise. Five bicycles emerged for the first time that Spring, each possessing two flat tires.

After pumping up 10 tires, I had enjoyed all the exercise I cared for.


I wish you had made a video of that operation. I bet it would go viral on the Utube. I know just picturing it in my mind was pretty entertaining. :joy:


You gave me a big smile, thanks JO. :grinning:


Seems our fathers are maybe related?
Or is it something genetic that develops with age? The ability to show up with questions/suggestions at the wrong time.

Something odd is my father showed up when i was almost mad at my drain in my basement garage, i ran one of them pressure washer cleaners front and back, and it got stuck in a “Y”
As my father has worked at Motala municipal services (yes, sewers, drains, water) imagine the amount of advices i got thrown at me, from he that is older and wiser!!
When i accidentally broke the pressure hose, water spraying everywhere, my father fled, on his way out he pulled down an old clothes-hanger shelf, where i had my new, expensive ice fishing drill, hadnt even tested it yet, it fell to the concrete floor, with the drill crown first, the plastic “boot” broke and the expensive blades was beyond sharpening.
A bag with about 30 (angeldon, how to translate that?) followed, what a mess

A coincidense? Yes, this has happened, about 10 years ago
 :rofl: :joy:


Ill say genetic development since it appears to be a transnational phenomenon, the father genes just hit a point of " what can i say to irritate my adult child while he is busy?"


Usually women are more likely to irritate me. :slight_smile:

However, it starts young

I wish I would have been able to get a video of this. The other morning I saw a turkey out feeding with it’s young in the taller Ill say genetic development since it appears to be a transnational phenomenon, the father genes just hit a point of " what can i say to irritate my adult child while he is busy?"grass. Then along comes a small deer fawn that wasn’t even nose to beak with the turkey
 It’s mom was about 30yds away and was just watching. It circled it once, then put it’s head down and charged the Turkey. The turkey half-heartedly pecked at it, the fawned danced and charged and missed, circled back around charged it again. The turkey kind of swatted at it again. Then the fawn did it a third time, and finally I think the turkey got it as the fawn circled around and left it alone after that.

It was funny as heck to watch. :slight_smile:


thanks chris for all the nice pictures
really a interessant museum, only a pitty , when it rains and all the nice engines outdoors
wheels are rusting in the ground, till all is away
they should give stone plates between


jan, with your garden pictures you became actually the “likes” king
really nice vegetable production


we love all animals of course, except
but sometimes
recently earth wasps have made a nest in the dry stone wall near the table of our summer terace

this kind of wasp dont harm till the nest is small, when the nest gets bigger a peacefull coexistence is not more possible, they attac you when you pass by only near

instead trying propane or alcool treatment ( diesel would be effective, but than is there the smell) what needs always a long time, we tried our cooker gasifier for to see if they die witch carbon monoxyde gas
works well, only the rubber hose was a bit too small diameter, so the gas concentration was less
this system is interessant when a nest is behind board walls, where you can - or should - not give fire
we have had this problem last year