Life Goes on - Summer 2024

Great idea Giorgio :+1:
This reminds me of a story i was told once, the man told me, during the war his older brother and his friends was to help their local country-store owner with a problem
 he had got a invasion of rats (brown rats) in his chicken/sheep shed.
The boys had heard how poisonous carbon monoxide was, and got a bright idea, they persuaded the store owner to borrow his Opel with charcoal gasifier, along with various borrowed vacuum cleaner hoses and stuff they led the gas down under the chicken shed, and let the fan do it’s work for atleast an half hour.
One of the boys suddenly called on the others, he was pale and stuttering

Of some reason the chickens got curious on whats going on, and almost everyone of them had going in their little chicken door to check

The boys shut the fan and ran away

I don’t know what happened next, but
 atleast 20 dead chickens
 and a bunch of dead rats hidden under the floor to rot
 was the result.


Haha! Both our daughters are adults now and have started their own families. I try my best not to fall into the trap :smile:

Tom, let’s just say I’ve started to cut down on utubes :smile: (mainly because camera memories and clouds are getting full. I’m procrastinating - deleting old ones or pay extra are equally boring).


This is an old powerful lift, which my neighbor had “carefully” stored in the bushes, we had some kind of trade, well, I had a manual hydraulic pump at home, which I installed on a base and connected with a hose. I then delivered this to my brother Pavlo, who needs it for a car service.


Your place seems kind of peaceful to me even though it’s filled with equipment and projects. It has a nice sense about it.


HAPPY 4TH EVERYONE!!! :boom: :bomb: :sparkler: :fireworks:


someone asked @JohanM if they have 4th of july in Sweden - he said they skip from the 3rd to the 5th. :grinning:


Haha, glad you reminded me Don. If I don’t meet him for a while I sometimes forget how witty @JohanM can be :smile:

We don’t have an independence day, since we’ve kinda always been independent, but our national day is the 6th of June. Not many people celebrate it much though, but appreciate a day off from work of course. I actually had to look up what it’s for and google reminded me king Gustaf Vasa was installed June 6th 1523. A long time ago. No wonder I forget :smile:


Arrg. High 70’sF and 80 per cent humidity. Stick a fork in me because I’m done. Haven’t had much issue with the deer flies up to now but they seem to get excited with this kind of weather. Been emptying canning jars and cleaning them and cutting up an old air compressor to get the tank. Decided to build a gasifier for my saw mill and not mess with propane. The 420 cc harbor freight engine on it doesn’t exactly roar though a log on gasoline. Wondering what will happen on WG. I have seen some cheap manufactured mills with 300 cc engines on them so I should at least be able to equal those. Kind of excited to start doing something not garden related. That’s in coast mode now. Just keeping the weeds controlled and tying up vines and tomatoes. Haven’t had to water in a couple weeks because we have been getting pretty steady rains. Fertilized the whole thing with swamp water yesterday and today. The plants seem happy with it.


In light of today’s holiday, my wife broke out the strangest of thrift store finds. A teacup where one side proclaims “Let Freedom Ring; 1776-1976”, the other, “Bicentennial of the United States, 1976” and the bottom, “MADE IN ENGLAND” (of all places).


When I began working for a couple—the husband from the US and wife from England, I asked if I would have the fourth off as a holiday. She said, she would contact the Post Office. I thought, “Yes,” since they get every possible holiday off. When she told me I could have the fourth off, she concluded by saying, “I should wear black.”


Did you respond with like ‘give me liberty or give me death’, or ‘kill the tory scum!’? Maybe more passive agressively played “God Save the Queen” by the Sex Pistols everytime she walked in? :slight_smile:


No, when it dawned on me what she meant and her origins, I thought it was rather humorous.


June 6th 1523, the good old USA was still 253 years away before being established.


Happy Birthday Sweden! :slight_smile:

You can tell they are founded much earlier by the technology involved in the traditional celebrations. From a page on the Sweden’s National Day, “How do we celebrate this public holiday? Many will get together with family, relatives and loved ones to enjoy this day – outdoors if the weather permits!”

253 years later, gunpowder was a lot cheaper. So we celebrate with fireworks. :slight_smile:


It’s no wonder that I get a little jealous, the boy came with his new company car.


Jan do not be jealous. Those 2018 and up generation trucks are a nightmare after their Warranty period ends. He should be lucky it’s the company’s truck.


What usually goes wrong?


Due to the Displacement On Demand/Active Fuel Management cylinder deactivation the lifters will collapse and wipe out the camshaft. If he hears an engine tick he needs to contact the dealership immediately.


Thanks Cody, will talk to him.


It’s a diesel Cody, duramax.