Life Goes on - Summer 2024

I think I have something that will make @KristijanL grin, cause it sure made me grin

First time with the 50, That Will Clear Your Sinuses


I missed the skip to 5:50 part, and thought your new profession was an art thief that escaped to argentina. :slight_smile:


glad to hear that your wheat is ok this year…seems you have made only a little experimental field ?
dont forget to threat with the copper powder for some years, so it is more safe…take in mind that also the tresher is infected with the fungus powder and from there can take place a reinfection…so i have done.
last days we thought about your wheat…mind transmission?


kristijan, have you a idea if copper sulfate can be produced “at home”?
ciao giorgio


yes, it is sulfuric acid and copper (technically copper oxide)

This dude rocks for home chemistry videos, highly recommended. :slight_smile: I don’t know if you can still get sulfuric acid where you are in Europe, some places they won’t sell it. (it is usually sold as a drain cleaner) but you can make it from epsom salts which may be what he is doing in his previous video. Just be really careful with the copper sulfate, you can do more harm then good.


Серной кислоты должно быть всё ещё много в свинцово-кислотных автомобильных аккумуляторах. :wink:


The hot and dry weather continues in our regions, so we have to use the morning hours for work, so my wife and I picked some potatoes in the morning (approx. 300 kg), we have some more work like this waiting for us.


…fergie is offended when you use another tractor…be careful!
wish you a good harvest!
on our place the green grass is disappeared, all yellow and dried out…


Giorgio, I was prepared for such a comment, :smiley: Fergie had a more difficult task, when we pick the potatoes, I drive across the field with the seeder to level the surface and lift the remaining potatoes to the surface, of course without the last prickly rollers. I combed another field where there was buckwheat, but now weeds and grass have grown, well, in this heat and drought, the weeds are perfectly suppressed with just one pass, and the soil is thus protected from drying out. Fergie only needed a bucket of wood chips for the job.


Hilarious :rofl: the guy with the Buick patch, like he is an outlaw biker!

Although, my first car was a Buick Wildcat, similar to this one.


Hi all!
I understand that the question is specific and a little off topic. I’m going to go as far as possible from the borders of Russia, somewhere in Europe.
How do the police in your countries treat deaf drivers? Is it permissible for a person who cannot hear to drive a car?
In Ukraine, people like me are allowed to drive only a personal car (up to 3.5 tons) and without having to work for hire.


Have a good trip Joni.
Say hello to the folks in Ireland, Scottish Northern isles, and Iceland. Boats and ferrys across lots of waters. (Nope. Greenland is not considers to be Europe.)
Steve Unruh - only half-deaf


Hi Joni!
From what I understand there are no restictions for deaf drivers in the EU.


I love these kinds of videos. With a little bit of knowledge and simple kit a homesteader can turn a short list of cheap bulk chemicals into a broad range of useful, even critical compounds that might be difficult to source otherwise.

These youtube channels are good about using easy to source precursors and simple equipment. More generally classroom style chemistry is taught assuming a well stocked lab. That’s not going to be the case for a homesteader.

Similar to the youtube videos, I found an old textbook that presumes very basic equipment and very basic stocks from the early 1900s:

It teaches the science as well and at a pretty basic level because the understanding of the time was basic. In this context… that’s not a bad thing. Some readers may prefer to skip the lesson and focus on the practice. That’s there too.


I like watching him. It still isn’t something I would try at home without various protections. :slight_smile: It is good information to know and understand but even in the case of copper sulfate. Which I looked at doing as a way to recycle small pieces of copper pieces a few years ago, it wasn’t necessary cheaper then just buying it in bulk. And since I added charcoal to the pond, I no longer need it as an algaecide. :slight_smile:


Hi Bruce, actually there is a whole “subculture” in Sweden, all involving older Us cars, -50s rock’n’roll/rockabilly, USA-culture influenced, where the lifestyle is centered around the car.
Many car-clubs uses vest’s with patches since the -70s, the whole subculture has been around in Sweden since the -50s, back then they was more of troublemakers, today more “peaceful” all about “the car”, partying, picking up girls, driving slowly round and round in citys, playing music. :smiley:
Buick Wildcat are nice cars :smiley:, i owned a -64 Buick Skylark when i was twenty, baby blue, with “ready-to-burst” hi-jackers, and Buick Special tail-lights. I have to search a photo of it.


Marcus, thats a vermin control caliber in the US right?

Giorgio, yes, the seed from last years harvest was too infected to use as seed so we had to use what we had left from the previous year.
We will try desinfecting the tresher with peroxide and copper sulfate.

What do you mean with transmission?


I have seen people knock out woodchucks at 300yds with them. It was like 40 years ago. The kid got chewed out by his dad, because the .50 caliber rounds were more expensive then the .30 caliber rounds, he should have been using instead. They saved the .50 caliber for other vermin like hogs, deer and bear. :slight_smile:


Everything is a varmint cartridge if you use it correctly :grin:


It never ceases to amaze me how much money people spend on playing games. I thought Roblox which is aimed at kids was bad, and they had stuff for the equivalent of 50 dollars.
There was another game, I played where the challenge for me was to bot it, but people were claiming to have spent 5-10k/yr on to be a top player. Their gimmick was, feeding off emotions, so you could buy a cheap pack, attack someone else, but they bumped up the prices of the next packs so if you got beat, you had to reboost your character.

I have pop slots, which is a free slot machine app, where you don’t even win real money. Just free entries into various sweepstakes, and discounts at casinos or tourist traps. They have a pack that cost $1999. I can’t figure out if it is like wendy’s triple cheeseburger, that they only offer to make their double look like a more sane option or they are trying to get you to move to a real online slot game so you might actually win real money. There isn’t even a chat to brag about how much fake money you have. I really don’t get it. It makes all those people that spend 1000 dollars to build a full-size arcade game and use a raspberry pi to emulate all the video games with look cheap.