Life Goes on - Summer 2024

Please don’t show us pictures of your :scream: beaver Jan.

Here’s a story about a beaver. I’d turn off the music.


I cringed reading that because I have done the same and feel very happy to still have all my fingers intact. My hands are covered in scars from big mistakes, many with a hand held grinder. I still hate the safety guards to this day (osha is not my friend) BUT

I get it.


:grinning: :grinning: :grinning:


And this is another reason, why I personally don’t worry about SHTF as much as some, but also understand and don’t mind helping people who are prepping.

While this isn’t projected to hit earth, it is closer then some satellites. And if you go into further reading, they are still trying to study the spin on the thing, and whether earth gravity will affect it’s spin and whether we will see asteroid quakes from it because it is moving so fast so like the ripple of wind from a car going by you fast.

I see zero discussion about any electro-magnetic effect about it. I don’t know if it is because nothing will happen or no one thought about it.

“On April 13, 2029, Apophis will pass less than 20,000 miles (32,000 kilometers) from our planet’s surface – closer than the distance of geosynchronous satellites. During that 2029 close approach, Apophis will be visible to observers on the ground in the Eastern Hemisphere without the aid of a telescope or binoculars.”


Been trying to scheme up a pattie/cookie splitter to use. I’ve seen @RPMHartman gravity splitter and it looks great. I’d rather it be manual though. Looked at some of the DIY manual log splitters but I’m wondering if it’s possible to miniaturize them for the thin cookie cuts?

I’ve still got probably 60 feet of that 36" diameter red oak and it takes forever to process with just a Fiskars hatchet. Maybe the simplest solution would be making a sturdy table for splitting kindling and cookies that has a lip so my chunks don’t go flying everywhere. I think bending over to pick up the errant chunks is the worst part.


Something like this?


Yes exactly like that, but I doubt it would need to be half as big for just 3-6" long cookies of wood. I actually had started to make a copy of Herb’s splitter using a truck inner axle and a hatchet head. Weighs about 25Lbs right now. With some assistance that can split a cookie. Herb’s splitter works purely off of gravity so his had to be heavier.

Edit: I’m going to replace the hatchet head with a splitting wedge head, will add 5 more pounds and give a more aggressive taper. If I can split cookies with just a little downward force I may be able to make a manual splitter with a return spring. Maybe a moped or motorcycle spring would be enough :thinking:


I think some charcoal guys would like these 139 gallon barrels for keep char dry, good deal I think


$335 Freight shipping! OUCH


Oh I didn’t look at shipping my bad


You might find some barrels on Craig’s list OR Facebook in your general area, I think I seen some around my area about 15.00$ for metal 55 gallon barrels.


There is a coatings supplier in this area that I have bought barrels from. 25 dollars for 5. I’m sure any body in that business has to find a way to get rid of those. You have to burn them out though. Not sure what eco damage that is doing. Having filled up every other available garbage can and drum here I have been storing my char in the 27 gallon totes with the yellow lids. I have found I can stack them six high and still get them down without any trouble. You whipper snappers could probably do 8. They stack real nice.


I captured a few moments from this afternoon , … need some more concrete sand , …


Wow Tone, that could be one hell of a good charcoal crusher! A little overkill, but… :wink:


Hello Martin, I was also thinking about this, and the chopper for thicker wood could be adapted from the side, the flywheels weigh approx. 1200 kg.
These days I finished construction work on this building,…


Some time ago i bought a cheap, mini-mini sand blasting air-brush, for cleaning very bad carburators and like (which it’s work great for :smiley:)

I can higly recomend it, even the tiniest jets and channels can be cleaned whitout getting clogged.
However, today wife and i tried it for some “artistic” work, sand-blasting glass.

I made a stencil on some self-adhesive printing paper.
Maybe, im the only one in the world with a “Imbert gasifiers” promotional drinking glass :crazy_face:


I’m kind of astounded by the stencil. I couldn’t do something like that if I worked at it for a hundred years. :star_struck:


That is genius I didn’t know they made those, I might need to order one. Looks like it just hooks up to a air brush compressor?


Hi Marcus, i guess a air-brush compressor would do fine, i don’t need much air, it’s recomended maximum 4 bar, and thats what i run it on, regulator and water collector from my big compressor.
Edit: i think they was called “air erasers” on Amzon.


Does it use talcum powder instead of sand? Looks like it would have to be powder.