Life Goes on - Summer 2024

Nice day today, the engines ran good, and the belts stayed on the pulleys (even with friction improving syrup)
Sunny and warm, a lot of visitors.

Some more videos coming later.

A nice load of fuel.


Goran, thanks for the report.


marat, and all who have lost animals what they loved

it is important to know from where a animal soul comes, what is their sense in life , and where they are going when dying

the apostle paul- or saint paul- has said: the whole creation suffers (or sighs) in birth pain

a interesting discussion- or argument- for those who like to understand about soul and human soul, about body, soul and spirit
secrets of creation


There is nothing special to post, some work in the field, where the weeds grow faster than the crops, mowing around the homestead with a hand scythe,

in the workshop, a car with a refrigerator for transporting meat from a farmer friend is being repaired, the refrigerator did not work well, 
 the alternator is worn out, because the electric drive of the refrigerator

outside in the yard, the red VW of mine and your friend Kristjan, which I lifted into position for repair today, 
 water is leaking into the combustion chamber, I hope it’s not a cracked head and a new gasket will solve the problem


So true! Old cars have been an interest of mine since I was a little boy. I have visited many car museums and car shows. I have read many car books and magazines. I have consumed countless hours of automobililia-related TV and online content. But rarely, apart from all of you good folks here, have I ever encountered anyone who even knows what gasification is.

We need to identify communities where we can introduce the idea of woodgas. Perhaps:

  • Car culture
  • Anyone with a large supply of wood/wood scrap
  • Welders/fabricators
  • Environmentalists
  • Preppers
  • The off grid/self-sustainability community
  • The thrifty
  • Who else?

We also need to identify newer donor vehicles and learn how to tune them to best run on woodgas.

A growing community could help us all.


HansR. I can think of at least five active members who would identify themselves as one or more of the categories you have listed.
“Who else?”
All who hand blacksmith and forge work.
All who do annually heat with wood.

Newer donor vehicles are a more and more difficult one due to fuel-use licensing & taxation restrictions. Safety and inspection laws and repetitive intervals. With on-board computers actively monitoring for original design compliances. And with the onboard computers now able to be outside bi-directional communicated and controlled.
Do to the purposed designing since 1996 for a narrow use of only one specific pump fuel.

Small; non-road, not-vehicle IC engines have much more flexibility to adapt over to wood-for-fuel without the severe now vehicle designed in restrictions.


In my opinion, it is necessary to include racers in this list in a variety of categories: on firewood, on charcoal, for endurance, for maximum speed, for maximum range on the same amount of wood fuel.


I thought you had to hack the canbus, part of the reason I started the oscilloscope thread. You can also use them for other performance things.

This is a guy that is rewiring a GM Gen V harness. Which is nice because he is showing the pinouts and what wires go where, along with how to take apart the connectors, although you still need the male connectors to crimp on them on. He sells the harnesses so -possibly- he could make a custom one. And honestly, if the goal is to cut the fuel pump it might be easier to trick the fuel rail sensor to thinking it has too much pressure since that is an analog reading. then maybe it won’t send fuel.


Once you have your patch cables in place for canbus sniffing, a “logic analyzer” might be helpful. A logic analyzer immediately digitizes the analog signal into “binary” and then on to higher level text/number “tokens” that are easier to read and understand.

Some scopes have them built in and they aren’t necessarily super expensive on a stand alone basis, at least for modest bit-rate specs. Theoretically a modern microcontroller could do canbus data rates.

edit: repeated word


I never said hacking into and modifying the new generations of vehicles was impossible.
I said very difficult.
First you start out with what IS.
The hardware many, many circuits of wiring. The the many sensors inputs - analog and digital. Then the manufacturers generational often exclusive programmer language.
Then the fact that the computer will fight you having been designed to not be changed. Report out any attempts at unauthorized change.

So we say that the personality type and skills actually needed to build and operate an effective useable wood gasifier/engine shaft making power system is a one-in-a-million of the general population.

The personality type and skills set to effectively bend a modern vehicle to your needs and desires is at least as rare. Only one-in-a-million of the general population

Marat gave the short-cut key.
Only get involved in vehicle systems that others are modifying for racing.
Then let them develop the work-around; bend to my will hacks and hardware systems.
Why my if ever-to-be-woodgassed vehicle is now our 2017 GMC 6.0L V-8 “LT” systems.
Lots of racer, aftermarket hack-a-systems support on these.

Others it may be M.B., Mercedes, or an Asian brand and model.
Steve unruh


It must be extremly rare that those two one-in-a-millions is the same person, I know that I am not the one to bend a car computer to my will. I perhaps can but I don’t have the will or motivation to do it.


Is the main problem, no one can figure out how to shut off the fuel pump on the newer vehicles? Or is there another issue with the computer that needs to be modded?

Most of the changes revolve around higher performance/efficiency, lighter weight, safety features and with a healthy dose of theft prevention.

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Since almost all the electronics that let a modern vehicle function are made somewhere in Asia and if even one of those do-dads fails then the whole system is severely compromised or inoperable I personally think trying to adapt these vehicles to wood gas is increasingly futile. Global politics is another roadblock. The PTB are working hard to hamper your ability to freely move about unhampered. They want you pretty much in the same position that existed when there were lords and serfs. Serfs did not leave the lords domain without permission. They are hard at work making sure your car can be remotely shut down by their authorities. They only reason wood gas vehicles are not yet under attack is because it is a minute niche of mainly hobbyists in todays world. Once they have converted all your power equipment to electric, they will give way more focus to cars and then you will be a wood gas outlaw. Your vehicles will be confiscated. You are either aware of what’s going on in the world or you are the frog in the pot. Understand this

Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.

— Henry Kissinger

A quote by Kissnger about the same time he had Nixon pull us off the gold standard and allow Fiat money manipulation to swell the price of your 1970 $3500 dollar truck to you current $60000 truck. Start connecting the dots.


Not all of them. Some are made in Europe especially sensors, and most of the designs are done in Europe and the US.

TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company) is the largest manufacturer. Both Intel and TSMC are building fab production in Arizona. I think they come online in 2025.

But that isn’t necessary auto components, A lot of times automakers aren’t using the latest fab technology which shrinks everything smaller because the designs haven’t necessarily proven themselves as reliable, and they have to test -everything- because of all the EMF the engine produces. Automotive grade components are between consumer and military grades.

Which is very true with fossil fuels. In fact, imports of fossil fuels was the ‘easy’ way to determine a 3rd world country’s economy. The more they import, the better their economy was. It kind of changes with solar, batteries and EVs. Certainly other issues exist with the new technology. Some good, some bad but certainly different.


I think it’s mostly to do with all the extra sensors. I can kill my fuel pump and my 2011 model truck with the 4.3L Vortec still ran on charcoal gas. But my check engine light did come on because my O2 sensor I guess was reading too lean. I forget the code it generated.

It’s also harder to advance your ignition timing without a physical distributor. You have to change the whole timing map. The knock sensor will advance a little bit on its own but not by any noticeable amount.

Garry Gilmore also had shown his OBD2 Ranger made big adjustments to the fuel trim and he had to reset the computer by disconnecting power. It ran fine on charcoal gas but when he wanted to run on gasoline I think it barely let out any fuel. I could be remembering wrong and it might have let out too much fuel.

Not that it’s impossible but you’d have to learn a lot more to run on woodgas on most OBD2 systems, like programming your ECM, on top of already building a gasifier and plumbing it in.


that is my other question. There is an unused e85 sensor pin for the fuel density sensor, and I believe that advances and retards the timing but i don’t know if you fake it, whether it works to adjust timing on non-e85 vehicles. I am assuming that is analog sensor since it was only one wire, but given the layout of the plug, there may be more then one wire.


Apparently my 4.3L is not eligible for Flexfuel. I was planning to have that added as a kit but they looked at my VIN and said it wasn’t compatible. Kinda made me mad because I’ve seen my gen of Silverados with Flexfuel badging.


flex fuel, I believe, not certain, it requires SS fuel lines, and ethanol compatible gaskets. plus the fuel density sensor, and I believe that uses a metal intake manifold, higher volume injectors, the gas tank fill valve opening i think is larger and possibly the fuel pump is different. BUT it uses the same wiring harness to the same computer and I believe it is all wired already.


Cody, my s10a is obd2, and it runs pretty well on both petrol and gengas, don’t know how much better your cars run though, when you set the ignition yourself, but I think the s10a resets the ignition itself when I drive gengas, I can check what it’s on when I’m driving if you want.


I am not going to debate again the true nature of the effects of OBDII as it has evolved down through at least six more, and more, restrictive changes since 1996.
Plenty of videos out describing the EIGHT mandated programmed in system performance self-monitoring test it must do, repeating continuously.
Each along time change to the mandated program requirements has the system more and more taking away your engine power, and transmission gears; to stop you driving what the system had determined has become a polluter vehicle.

Because it really was all done under the guise of reducing vehicles contributed pollution. Later after 1996 then they dropped the veil of any diminishing returns on efforts and adopted zero-net goals. Meaning no achievement could ever be good enough until they got their eco-religious, social-political, insistent-for-all; ways.

And when eco-idealisms doesn’t get enough results then they fall back on an even older trick than idealism . . . fear-mongering

You can manipulate and spoof the advanced on-board vehicle systems as you can. You results will vary tremendously.
And do try this before vehicle hacking to physically install a gasifier system.
Why I said the ultimate way have been complete just make-me power programming.
Whether “chip” replacing; physical plug-in box overlaying; to complete in-a-box plugin replacement computer.
Hundreds and hundreds of hours to put-in and then make up that re-writing chip. Overlay plug in. Or a complete new-purposes plug-in computer. Only racing applications gets this done.
And damn easy then to get eco-cops onto your ass. For breaking the laws against any changes in the factory installed, and laboratory certified, anti-pollution systems.