Life Goes on - Summer 2024

Been raining pretty hard here, just heard something pop and our power went out. I think it was our transformer, but it could be someone wrecked out on the road and hit a pole.


that is one reason why it is easier to do a standalone generator and charge an EV to drive on wood or if you want it portable, mount it on a pallet to put it in the back of the truck. It also doesn’t hurt resale value much. It is holes to hold the pallet to the bed, and a hole for the plug, and a tap of the charging harness.


Unfortunately, things don’t always go according to plan, the engine head is cracked on two cylinders, which will not be able to be repaired,

The head gasket is metal and intact


Driveway maintenance ( weed control )


Power is back on, lightning struck the transformer but the safety device took the brunt of it.


You’re lucky. My 30kva 3 phase transformer was hit and one of the phases was fried a few years back. Had to buy another for big bucks.

It over pressurized the case and bowed it outwards.


Ouch! That is no fun Tone, can you find a good, used head somewhere?
What type name is the engine?


Well, i think Tom h is right, im having too much fun
 not long after the country fair, we had “GodegĂ„rd summer meet” . I was invited to show old chainsaws, and i couldn’t say no :smiley:

My chainsaws display, i also got interviewed by a local, free weekly magazine, about my woodgas truck :flushed:

Some saws, im pretty run-down after carrying, pull-starting, running and loading these old beasts.

Feels like summer is here already! Really hot now, the other day Cindy dug a “cooling pit” in the shade of my wood-wagon. Pretty cute :smiley:


This gave me a good laugh and I suspect some good chuckles during the rest of the day too :smiley:

Göran, of course you have a chainsaw show-off trailer. Which chainsaw connossieur doesn’t have one? :joy:
It would be awesome to check it out some day

Tone, those cracks is such a bummer.
What is the next step with the car now?


Kristjan said that he would ask for a used head at a nearby car junkyard, well, even otherwise, the VW needs sheet metal repairs and electrical installations, we’ll see if it’s worth investing in. Goran, the engine is a 2.4 diesel.
Johan, greetings, well, there is no point in investing a lot of money or work in this car.


Those engines are surprising inexpensive in the U.S.

Especially compared to Marcus’s 3 cylinder geo metro engines. I checked prices because I thought it would be a good power plant for a gen set.


Saw this today. Glad I’m not on city water.


Just a quick update.
Been super-busy lately. Youngest daughter moved up from Gothenburg with her husband and little 1 yo Helmer. They bought a house across the river. Only about 2 crow-miles, but almost 10 DOW-ing.
At the same time my patents are moving out. The municipality bought their property to extend the neighbouring school and they will move to an apartment. Loads and loads of stuff to sort through, distribute within the klan and store away.

Wood-wise I’ve been prepping next winter’s firewood + some more, built a new “airy” chunk trailer to free up the ordinary trailer and of course the actual chunking. The weather turned out to the better for the past week and chunking while the sun shines is a must.

Both vehicles are running on wood, but with minimal maintence lately. The Volvo is still running hot with the suspected heatex airleak. We’ll se when I can get the time to fix it properly. Most of the work the pickup have been doing lately.
Oh, and the Volvo got a new fuel tank for slightly longer trips.


Morning Wayne! Funny, I was asked this morning by son-in-law about tips and tricks conserning driveway weed control. I directed him to your video :smile:


DOW forum is my thing but this is something to share with my daughter. She said goodbye to her horse last year ( respect, very strong decision) but still is a horse girl :grinning:.


Tone, is there finally something you cant fix?


I guess Joep would recognize shoes like this?
Why do i post them here? Well they’re made out of WOOD, and they’re semi-charred.

I’ve always wanted a pair, and found these when searching the stuff after parents-in-law’s house, that sadly burned to the ground some month’s ago.

I always use “clogs” like this, but wanted a real wood pair.


:grinning::grinning::grinning:I can send you some. Did they used to walk that way in Sweden or just in Holland. Cant find some pics of mine, the got a nice cowprint.

Wood is poplar.


For conservation?

Looking for pictures brought back nice memories. Couldnt find the pics I was looking for. Kinda the same as with your chainsaws Goran :grinning:


Haha, no, my parents-in-law had them hanging on a wall, their house burned to the ground some month’s ago :slightly_frowning_face:
I found them in the ashes, and they said i could keep them.
This was probably “tourist examples” i remember nice paintings of windmills, and shiny varnish. Im going to sand them to look better.
Shoes like this was used a lot in south sweden (skÄne) later evolved to wood with leather top, still used today (my favourite shoes)