Life goes on - Winter 2017

That would stop me from DOW.
I guess a lack of sun and a lot of rain is not even in the same league as SNOW.


Heck when it gets desperate cold and snowing I think man a wood burner back there would be nice maybe I could use it to warm up a littleā€¦ Lol
But bad tires is a show stopper in the snow for sure.


One of my fall projects, cold smoke house. Now I need some hams to smoke!


You better build a pig pen next spring pigs will be here soonā€¦

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I thought it was an outhouse until I saw the metal ring. That would be too cold to sit on!


Ha, we say at new year the day streches for s roosters yawn :smile:

While on measurring unites, l heared inches were used here in the old times. Kind of strange, we had litle influence from the Britishā€¦


Don, thatā€™s what my wife said, ha-ha

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That is built a lot like my grandpa did. Instead of a smoke house, he put a large canvas bag over it and took people for balloon rides at the fair.TomC


That might double as a heated out house if you keep a fire in the smoker. :grin::grin::grin:


Were getting our first snow here In north central Arkansas been out feeding my cows.



Nice Heathy looking head of catal there Robert Shuler, how is your wood gas engine fuel project headed. How ofton do you folks get snow in arkinsas.

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I just read that Alabama is getting wiped out by the flu VIRUS. There is absolutely nothing in the pharmacy that is anti-viral. Extensive research and testing has proven that black elderberry IS anti-viral and, works against the flu. Some pharamacies are starting to carry sambucol. It is made from Sambucus Negra (black elderberry). Yes, in spite of our warm weather, the flu is going through SoCal also. I got it and, knocked it out pretty quickly with Sambucol and Honeysuckle flower, another anti-viral.
Here is a snip that I wrote on the flu;
Wishing all of you a prosperous new year.


Any beekeepers on the site? I am thinking of starting with a hive or two, wuld be interasted in some experiances from over the pond :slight_smile:

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We are having a tough time with honey bees and honey collecting on this side of the pond. To much farming using chemicals that kill bees. I havenā€™t seen a honey bee on my property in years. TomC


Yes same here. However things are getting better with many goeing eco, or not farm at all, and l am thinking to give it a try.


I keep on thinking about getting some hives and giving it a go. The ranch that I work for lets a company bring in their hives and put here, but for whatever reason there are no hives put in any of my pastures and hay meadows.
What I keep hearing is that I would have to ship the bees somewhere warmer during the winter, but I really donā€™t know.
If a conversation starts up, please tag me in it.


Allan, typically, the bees over-winter in Florida. We are losing bees so fast that they fly in millions from Australia. The newest research seems to point to fungus as the bee killer. They are weakened by pesticides and, the fungus finishes them off. This situation can NOT continue. They spray insecticide, it kills the bats that eat TONS of insects. So, they have to spray more insecticide.
Roundup is failing, etc.
There is however, a light in the tunnel. They are working on a system to do away with both GM crops AND pesticides.


No need to ship the bees south, here itā€™s standard practice to winter outdoors, they feed sugar syrup with a top feeder, hive reduced to one or two supers, hive wrapped with an insulation blanket. Not sure if they take special precautions against mice, all that info should be available online. A certain percentage of hives will die over the winter, depending on the overall colony health heading into winter, obviously fall feeding is important, and good queens.


Between soil erosion, and lack of bees, worms and who knows what all, I have threatened to stop renting my land out to these huge dairy farmers. But DAM I am getting outlandish rent. Iā€™m trying to monetarily break them, but they keep planting and paying. TomC


I am going to get some this spring, Iā€™m looking into flow hives, conventional bee keepers donā€™t like them, but I think for one or two hives less invasive to the hive.

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