Life goes on - Winter 2023

today no drive on wood,
but drive with wood on…
see what has happened!
the sharp tooth of the time has found a victim again…


Yeah, my 69 year old body is feeling like that. Just got a hernia doing wood harvesting. Typical. Breaks down just after the warranty runs out at 65.


Yes. Much preying on the human nature of Hope, and Prayers.
My other sister with Yamaha 2000 watt suitcase engine inverter-generator with now no gasoline cans . . .
I advised buying two 2 1/2 gallon new gasoline cans (age and hands strengths 5 gallons too heavy). Told her no harm as long as they had spouts she could twice a year empty them out into her car. Then re-fill with fresh gasoline. Easy do in the Spring and the Fall. Clocks time changing as her reminders
But instead she bit and has bought an Amazon offered up mini-power bank system w/solar panel.

Sigh. Folks not actually working, maintaining power-energy systems have no real concept of power-time-costs equivalencies.
I actually told her O.K. fine you just bought yourself maybe 12 hours of back up minimal power.
No-no she said. They say with the mini-solar array it will recharge itself in six hours. No sister dear not a 50 watt PV in our short cloudy overcast winters. Take a whole week, minimum.
Sigh. Come her birthday next summer I will gift her the two gasoline cans, filled. Buys her another 50-60 stretched-out running hours of minimal backed up.

The really sad thing is these un-knowledgbe, un-experienced people out here in these far-West coast states mostly do politically vote their hopes and dreams. These dashed on the rocks of hard maths realities come the real use-needs. Then Opp-sie said. So sorry.

All DIY power systems you are just buying yourself Time with some power.
Hours. Days.
Months? Expensive and hours and hours of mainteneces. Maintneces ignored and then will be a no-go when you want and need it.
Even lithium battery pacs.

Here. The wants to be the most annoying presenter in the world says; Not too hot. Not too cold. Not left undercharged. Not left overcharging:

A new god to put your faith into - the BMS.
Steve unruh


Lake effect snow comes in narrow bands. You can get none and the guy 10 miles away can get buried. We we got trapped in a couple of those bands this week and got way more than we could want even if we were skiers/snowmobilers and any other demented winter sports enthusiast. No issues with outages and I’m a ready Freddie if we get one. Smaller gasoline inverter generator with 25 gallons of Non-ethanol stored, a 4500W dual fuel to provide 240V power to the deep well pump with 200 gallons in the propane tank. 420 amp hours of lead acid battery bank through a 3000 watt pure sine inverter for house hold power and a 750 watt Bluetti power station for carry around power. However, it took me a bunch of shoveling to get a hip high path carved out to where my wood gas generator and fuels are set up and it would take a fair amount of effort and possible failure to even get that stuff up and running right now. Just saying that you can plan and plan and still never get all your bases covered.


Yall check my new ride! Just picking up kids from school…


-27C again this morning. A few sticks into the kitchen wood stove for a pot of coffe and boiling some potatoes. 100 ponds of logs into the boiler.
Truck gasifier lightup and a bag of chunks added. Still -20C at 1pm going to work, where 800 MWh worth of chips will be burned during our evening shift. Wood is king. BBB.


I think the best way to gasify that one is to eat beans. :slight_smile:

Since it was the next video on my playlist and we were discussing storm survival. This for some reason caught my attention lol.


Hahaha! I didn’t know you equator people owned skis :rofl:


Sean, beans will work but if you realy want gasification l suggest jerusalem artichokes/sunchokes. Beans seem like amateurs in comparison… good for the gut thugh, in moderation…

Hmm l must admit l have trouble figuring out what you found so interesting in that video… must be the sallad that girl made :smile: other thain that l have no clue :wink:

JO, we got skiis allright. Dusty and rusted from the couple of warm winters lately but dont forget lm born in the Alpes :wink:

Now seriously, l feel the goverment did us from behind again… its geting worse and worse. Had to go to town in the morning, 8" of snow on the road, one car in the river on its roof, couple parked on the roadside, and l met exactly 6 snow plows, of wich 2 were parked on the side, 3 just drove around with the plow lifted and 1 actualy did the plowing. Is it just here that the authorities dont even pretend to give a shit about people anymore?


They are encouraging you to up your skills and go electric!


Glory-be, old Mr Sun has finally showed his smiling face here.
Been 20+/- day since he made more than a 20 minute peek-a-boo; I fool-you, make shadows showing.

Be a full four hour block of good sun today. I do really need to get with getting at least BrianM’s 200 watts of PV . . .

In the background is a combined 22 cylinders of additive 13.7L of engines started and running to re-charging up three of my four Group 31P lead acids batteries. What I’d use, pulled for a small overnight battery bank.
And of course get these that were snow and ice covered vehicles interiors heated, and de-humidified.
Be 1/2 hour costing maybe half a gallon/ 2 liters of gasoline. A nessasary maintenance, every 30 days. To retain twist of a key back-ups.
Steve Unruh tee-shirting around at 42F/6C for a vitamin D recharge


Nice Steve, we are at 50 °f but no sun at all. It is still nice having this warm weather and next week it is supposed to get warmer. Come on spring time the day light hours are getting longer every week.


I can hardly wait for this thread to finish. Winter is for the young.


We can finish the thread anytime, but that doesn’t mean winter will end for you. :slight_smile:


I’m 76 years old Sean. Winter could end for me at just about any time. :joy:


While it is true, you have been saying that for at least a decade :rofl:
You are probably as healthy as an ox. :slight_smile:


I think Tom has the same kind of Hee Haw luck as me and my dad. Can’t brag about yourself or anything you got or it’ll break down.

If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all.


Hey Tom
I am also at the age where I don’t risk buying green bananas any more :smiley:


There is actually a name for it?

If I just expect something to work especially when it needs to work, it breaks. Is there a name for that too? :slight_smile:


Me too! If I buy green banana’s then I get hungry and all I have is a green banana to eat unless I wait a few days… Lord knows I could wait a few days to eat but I don’t like green bananas. :slight_smile: