Life goes on - Winter 2024

I built my stove Marcus. It’s 2 foot lengths of 8 inch channel with the flanges turned outward on the sides and bottom and a 1/4 inch plate top and back with 2 inch angle welded across the plate to prevent warping from the heat. Just a shroud in the back to hold a cheap box fan to blow air through the channels which are boxed in with 20 ga sheet metal. It’s either going full tilt or not at all so everything burns. I just mention this because it’s heated a lot of space for 20 years with no sign of deterioration and the metal was all obtainium.


Dont get me wrong. I am very thankful for this little stove. (Price was right, free)

But due to the fact i had to convert it over from a corn burner.( It was designed to be constantly fed w/an auger)
The fire box is about a 1/3d the size of other out door boilers designed for wood.

With temps above 0F it does pretty good. Even down -10F is not to terrible.
But this morning it was -31* with a high of -9*.
Had to stoke it about every 3-4 hours.

Sure glad these temps arnt going to stick around too long. Sure does cut into the wood supply.


Since we are talking stoves/ boilers, this is my new one. Stupid to change in the the heating season but cant wait. The Atmos has some broken bricks again. This is a Blaze 26 woodgasser with lampda. Bigger fuel hopper and should take chips. Funny story how I got it. Almost for free. Expensive thing from CZ again. Yes Goran/ Marcus, I have those days too but it never ends with the idea having things done. More often could there even be more damage. Stay calm is the only thing that can save you. Good days bad days. The new boiler was a good day :grinning:.


This is one of those other days. Jumping around since 6.00, now almost three hours later we are at the exact same place as where we started. Taking 10 tons from the truck. No work done


Yes, it seems to be the weak spot with Atmos boilers. I know several Atmos owners up here and get similar reports.
If anyone is planning to install a downdraft boiler, make sure the bricks are simple enough you can cast your own. I installed my “new” boiler in 2003 and have been 100% wood heating Sept-April ever since. Zero maintence apart from cleanouts. 22 years and I still haven’t touched the bricks. 4 simple pieces held in place by ash and gravity.


I forgot where you live ChrisW. Where ever it is I want to stay far from there. Sounds like Minnesota or N. Dakota. 0 f here this morning. That’s about all I can take. Had to run a space heater in the laundry room all night. One more day and night and then back to normal which is high 20’s. That will feel tropical. Wind chill is in the minus teens. My stove has been very hungry as well. Dog insisted on her normal walks yesterday. I hope she is more sensible today.


Is Atmos boilers based on the Swedish invented Atmos steam-boiler?
Or is the name a coincidense?
I’ve read some about the Atmos steam boilers lately, as im investigate the possibilities to make a small, low pressure, wood fired steam boiler, for cleaning, and try super-heated steam for fast wood-drying.
Sounds stupid to dry wood with steam, but it has been done a lot.


Probably a coincidence. Atmos seems to be a fully Czech company.


Interesting! I’ve read some about Dokogen gasifiers, they built them long into 1980s.


Yup, central MN.

Not as far north as @BillSchiller.


There is an Atmos website in English…
with options for other languages…
Úvod - ATMOS
Good stuff in the “About Us” pages! :v:


Mike, I think most of us have seen that Land-Rover look-a like vehicle with a gasifier. I seem to remember someone on here speculated it was from Australia. Now we know it’s probably a Dakogen gasifier made by Atmos in former Chechoslovakia. Never knew gasifiers were made commercially as late as early 80s.


Thanks Mike. Didnt find the Land Rover. For the record, Atmos did a good job. After 5-6 years one brick was broken. Ordered a new set but got damaged on the way. Next set also (guarante). No time so I made a quick fix and collapsed this week.

The blaze is high tech. Dont know what to think about that yet.

Thanks JO, no cleaning is the advise. I like that.


Here is the page with the Land Rover.


Wow. 9 days. Life doesn’t seem to be going on much in 2025 so I’ll share something that even I was a little surprised about. November 18 we had a full day of sun. the 21st we had 2 hours. No sun in December. January 15 we had 2 hours. 16th one hour and January 26 one hour. ;Today is our first sunny day since the middle of November. You do not see PV panels on roofs in these parts. Gray is bad enough. I guess we could be up in the higher latitudes where no sun winters happen. Really sick of winter and it’s only half over.


Yeah, my wife finds it annoying when I start moaning already in springtime about the fact it’s only a couple months until next winter :innocent:


While I am enjoying the warm almost spring like weather. The days are getting longer again, so you made it through! :slight_smile:

Solar will produce electric on overcast days. It just isn’t as much as full sun.


Well. Pv is just about nothing these days. A few weeks and some cold sun will get some production. But now? Next to nothing.
You are right Tom, no sun is depressing. I hope this will be a better year. Way to much rain last year.


We just came out of a 2 week freeze of beautiful crisp cold sun every day, today was supposed to be the start of a winter snow storm and I woke up to rain. Supposed to drop back below freezing again tonight then 2-3 days of snow, going to be an icky slippery mess for a minute. Been rough on the birds and rabbits battling frozen water every day, they get an hour or so to drink water before it freezes up again


Yeah. Yeah. Same-same with us here down south of you.
Odd. Unusually long. Record setting. Only less than 20% of a typical January’s rain and snow. Our year around creek was down to early August flow level.
Now we’d better pray getting cold participation weather hammered this February/March to make up mountains snow pacs; and ground water aquifer recharging.

Question to you Marcus . . .
Now that you’ve had your dose of true blue-sky winter sun; how well did your mini PV system produce for you?
Then how in comparison to cloudy raining December?

The have big system PV promotes have always told me that thier big system will still produce in clouds socked in weather.
Yeah. So. How much? 10%? 2%? Still color me skeptical about going big with PV, PNW wet-side.

Steve Unruh