Unfortunately my pv went down a while ago and I have not had time to get it back online properly, those 6v batteries I scored from the dumpster? They did NOT like the cold snap back in November when i accidentally over discharged the bank and I damaged the batteries they won’t take a charge above 80%. I need to bank my deep cycles back up which is on my to do list this weekend and individually assess the 6v batteries and see what I did, but in the mean time they have still run my shop lights and power tools for building the quail hutch and other small projects, minimal demand stuff. But the panels continue to pull in power every day, even coated in ice or with big cloud cover. No way I could fill the demand of my household without massively scaling up the array, charge controller, inverter, wires ect, but it can power the little shed and some extras here and there, supplement my power needs, even had to temporarily run the quail brooder heater and lights when the power was out for a few hours
Little pieces all add up. The budget pv I have does help.
One day it will get scaled up with decent components. Might be after a societal collapse for all I know but I’ll get around to it.
Just not super high on the priority list at this moment