LS engines on woodgas

Again put things into the perspective of you; me and we.
What do we have on hand, now, in-place today? Available.
And What can we do with these to take our own home grow solid solar-carbons wood to make other useful to us energies?

The millions and millions of already made 21st Century General Motors V-8 engines are the existent base to work on here in North America.
Hell of a lot simpler with many fewer wear point s failures than any same era made Fords with thier long chains driven double overhead camshafts and three valves.
The Chrysler/Dodge/Ram/Jeeps 21st Century “Hemi” V-8’s with similar simplicity.
Any GM haters out there, go that way. These also have some hotrod users support.

Then that pulls you back into how to ignition spark and ignition timings control these beasts?
TomH. there are now four generations of more and more guys and gals electronics hackers now. They love to do this shit. Look at the guys and gals doing the aerial drones, and the mini-warring robots. Put their energy and interests to doing actual needful things.
Only a very few of them can; and would get into hand fitting pistons from five engine tear downs into the block with the best cylinders. Modern CNC precision manufacturing makes this now possible.
So . . . collaborations.

Some few like Chris Seanz, KrisijanL. need to do the least collaborations doing it all themselves.
But remember the pictures and videos of ChrisKY making rocking chair music while WayneK welded.
And Kristijan has had to let others do metals working machine working for him.

These accross the oceans material and manufactured goods exchanges coming to a screeching halt with then the receive areas having to make-do with what was on hand has a very, very long, long history.
“Use it up. Wear it out. Make do. Or do without.” Is the American wisdom stating this.
Only the myopic incredibly narrow minded stupid Elites in any era think since They-Are . . . We-All; must be foreign-exchanges dependent too. They live in fear of ever losing the status-quo that feeds them allowing them to wander their flights of “creative” expressions.

Lose the fears. Reject the dependencies. Self-learn to do things for yourself.

Point in case. Just this year one-by-one I bought in three of exactly the same small very 21st century inverter generators. Made-in-China. Now by my own skills I have on-hand at least 20 years of 2000 watts of electrical power.
Because regardless of where originally made I can use the stacked up old lawn mowers to keep a system ignition sparking, and producing power.
Don’t need no Gov’Mints to show me.
Don’t need no University geeks to geek it out for me.

For each of us the long term true value investments should be in yourselves.
Making do’s with what is on-hand. Wearing existing on-hands out, usefully working them. Simplifying out lives to not need the over-specialized, over-educated expecting privileged Elite’s and their made dependencies systems.
“Specialization is for insects.” Robert A. Heinlein.

To really live a Life. Live a life.
Steve Unruh


Hmmm. Well TonH. there are some good bones pertaining to this topic on LS engines in Uncle Tony’s video.

ALL. Start precisely at 12:42 thru 16:22. He wows there with his “options are FREEDOM”.
He is meaning having the experiences, and means, to take engines back to manual systems.
The diesel to spark guys for woodgas have proven this.
JohanL. adapting in a Robert Bosch inline six cylinder Volvo ignition distributor in place of the mechanical fuel injector on his 3 cylinder David Brown tractor. For woodgas.
More recently TONE making up a right angle drive to adapt in a three cylinder ignition distributor onto his three cylinder diesel then woodgased tractor.
Both a combination of welding hand grinding/file fitting with a little lathe work.

CNC 3-D printer and programs not needed. No electronics degree needed. Distracting time wasters in my opinion. Added step to not getting things done to real usability.

Then for any interested you can pick up Uncle Tony’s modern failure culture theme again at 18:42. Non-technical. Key idea “freedom losses”.

By the way. I am 10 years older than this dude. An early born Boomer. So at 14 I got to see/use/do many vehicle before electronic ignitions and even most emissions controls.
Tony was not there. Tony is wrong. Across the board electronics started with power diodes in vehicle alternators. Then quickly invaded the alternators voltage regulators.
Generators with two and three unit points type regulator controllers. Yeah. I did those too. 6vdc. 12vdc. 24vdc.
I anita’ ever going back! RPM range limited. Only lower wattage power capable. 20,000; to at the most 30,000 miles service life’s. Generator system needed rebuild servicing or replacing 2-3-4 time for every 100.000 miles.
And I’ve been so happy to work use-up retire; or gift away all small engines with stinking ignition points under a three layers down flywheel.
Sheee. Every spring it was trear the thing apart to clean and file, gap reset points.
Sat un-use building up contacts oxides. High electrical resistance then no or a very weak spark. A worn out of time spark.
So the real reason for the change over by OEM’s to electronic ignitions was a Federal mid-70 mandate for a stable no-touch 50,000 mile ignition system life. Misfires pollute grossly. Eye watering. Coughing hacking. Only getting rid of the points to electronics could deliver this 50K. That is now mandated 80K Federal. 105K in the State of California.
Ha! Ha! In the mid-late 70’s we’d learned you could cross hack electronic alternator voltage regulators much, much. US <-> Japanese <-> European.
Then the first and second generation OEM electronic ignition systems and components.
No fear here in me.

But even before that TomH it was the winter roads salters that have been the real extreme take away the ablity to keep a vehicle going for 20-30-40 years!! Idiots! We out here far-West knew you had to have one vehicle at least with true ground clearances and true soft rubber snow tires.
Now in the past 10 years midwesterners and easterners moved out here have brought their must-salt demands! Now we suffer intentional stolen vehicle life years too. Millions of dollars of bridges and overpasses life shorten every winter.
Who drove this TomH.?? The iron workers Unions? The steel companies? The mid-west Salt mines owners and workers??

My Opt-Out Red-Line is interconnectivity demands built into all vehicles now. Means I generally lose interest in vehicles newer than ~2012.
Yeah. My 2017 GMC 3500 only has ONE transmitter antenna. Easy to “flip-switch” that one. The wife’s 2014 Ford Edge has six antenna/transceivers. Blind these. Then no climate control at all. Not even fan speed control. Screw the satellite radio.

Love points, eh? Show me someone who can replace out a worn rubbing finger block.
Re-fuse in new tungsten metal contact faces.
No thank you. I’ll be adapting in transistor amplified magnetic and Hall effect ignition thank-you. You only learn these things by hands on doing them.
Hats off to JohanL. and TONE.

LS? Read up on GM’s OPTISPARK system. Just do a much better job not having the corrosion sensitive, and mud and dirt sensitive ignition wires down low in the salty roads sprays.

Steve Unruh


Spent the time before the sun got too high in the garden weeding and thinking. One of the reasons people don’t garden is that they are to lazy to weed. I don’t mind, because I do the beds mostly by hand and that leaves my brain plenty of room to cogitate. Then just to be sure I came back all sweaty and watched the Uncle Tony video again. I agree with everything he said but from my perspective. You are a technician and mechanic by trade Steve. That gives you an entirely different perspective. You can maintain and service those 2012 and up vehicles, if you can get the replacement parts. I’m actually a fan of electronic ignition modules In distributors. I have a replacement sitting in the glove box of my 2000 Dodge Ram 360cu in EFI truck. Been sitting some years now because something happened in the fuel system and after proving it wasn’t the pump or regulator and having replaced the injectors I ran out of the things I had the talent to trouble shooting for and put my tail between my legs and slunk off to use the 2002 chevy 5.3 LS that now has 300,000 miles on the engine which still works fine despite being in a frame and body that is basically held together with pole barn screws and duct tape. It’s a wonderful engine but when it dies, it is dead. The Dodge has a gear on the end of the camshaft and it turns a distributor and I understand that perfectly. If those parts wear out I know how to replace them and I’m no mechanic. Everything I know about engines I learned when I was ten years old by assembling and disassembling a plastic visible V-8 I got one Christmas. One of these days I’ll locate a intake manifold for it and stick the big Holley I have on it and it will live again. Because that’s what kind of talent I have. Simple things for simple minds. Do points and condensers represent a blow against the empire? Well I know for a fact they work fine under 6000 rpm. That’s the extent of my experience with them. Clean them with a nail file and set them with a match book cover. Every kid I knew in the the 1960’s could keep them working. These young hackers you mention who can reprogram a ECM. Where do I find one. On Facebook? I think a guy named Rob who was on the site last year could do it. Anyone else? I’m with Tony. I have to snatch every crumb of self control I can from the evil empire. He talked about permits and licenses. He barely scratched the surface. Your birth certificate is in reality a deed of ownership by the government. Think that’s wack? Dig below the surface. It’s all there. Your SS number, drivers license, all designed to keep track of you. All promoted so that it seems perfectly logical.