New project! Normans next gassifier truck

I have not completely decided on that part yet, but insetting the tree into the bed would be easy, there is a lot of room to come onto the bed and get away from the cab. I have debated a simple cross over/header like Bob did, but I want it to look as much like a standard flatbed headache rack as I can to keep with the camouflage theory


I was thinking the same thing looks pretty tight for the rail tree. But he has the leaf spring mount on the other side at the frame. @Norman89 so marcus make sure you will not have to be taking the rail tree apart to clean the soot or pieces of char out. Put in lots of water flush out points. I remember Jakob at Mike Gibbs place slushing his rails out and taking them apart to do it with water. He had more room to pull the piping apart.
My rail tree was very difficult to pull apart so when I rebuilt it I do not have a rail tree up agaist the cab. Just a 3" header pipe going to the side rails, 4 on rails on each side.


The Toyota isnā€™t the funist thing to get the front rails off the tree, specially now I put silicone hose on the tree which seems to grip the pipe a lot more then the fernco couplers did but I can still get them in and out. There is a bit more room on the Toyota because all the front rails are above the bed where the cab tilts forward, giving a little extra room but to get them out I have to first pull the side rails off, then the front rails need to swing back inside the bed to come off the rail tree. I have though about a hard welded front rack with flushing points, just not sure on layout/design yet that will look like it should. I would like to make it look like a full headboard/headache rack to comes right to the top of the cab but I also want to see out of my back window. This is something that bothers me in the Toyota, if I have something in the bed I like being able to see if it is shifting around and needs attention in the Toyota I canā€™t see anything really thatā€™s inside the bed. Another reason I offset the gasifier in the dodge to the outside of the frame, opening up the back window space. But I donā€™t think that would be very easy to do if I had not gone with the flatbed, otherwise the gasifier would have been hanging way outside the body of the truck and since this truck will see a lot of off-road use I wanted the lower barrel protected, and the flatbed does that for me while freeing up the back window viewing area


Looks good MACUS, I starting my cooling rails behind gasifier barrels. sinse its shorter than some cooling rails i may run two rails on each side , over the fender wells and still have the flat part of the bed for hauling. All so i made a smaller outer burn tube houseing than the barrels. Good luck with your new build, Mine aint tested yet, though that is my plan when progressing as i feel more alive.I like your idea dopping burn tube housing outside the frame, I had too move the frame rails out behind the cab , too drop my burn tube down next too the drive shaft. Since your v10 has a longer burn tube and housing, that looks like a great way too mount it and have more hauling space left over.


The original plan was to have a 10ā€™ flatbed, but that was stretching the hitch way out there to a point it would not be usable. The idea being I could still haul my 8ā€™ camper on the truck with the gasifier. I could still do this on the 9ā€™ bed I made, but it would be far from ideal, to much weight past the axle I stead of centered over it. Now if a guy could come into a cab and chassis V10, that could be done pretty easily. But the extended cab is needed for hauling the family, so thatā€™s what I went with. If I really need to the camper can be loaded on my car trailer behind the truck


Doesnā€™t seem like it would be that hard to move the axle back. You would need a longer driveshaft and brake lines is all, now that you donā€™t have to be concerned with the location of the bed or wheel wells. I donā€™t know about the wiring for the ABS. I usually by-pass that when it starts screwing up anyway.


What abs??? :grin: I thought about moving the axle, but just had 700$ put into the driveshaft. Now a third gen pickup has the axle much further back, but was not available with the V10 just a hemi. So to keep with the V10 the east way is a cab and chassis truck if I were to go the heavy hauler route. I made the compromise for a longer then stock bed with the extended cab, and maybe Iā€™ll see how the camper sits if I get some air bags on the truck


Hi Andy here and I am new to the forum. I am very interested in woodgas but hardly have time yet. I have an early model victory gasworks unit I got that was a few years old but never started. I am wondering how many liter engine it will run safely. I ran two different small engines on it and worked good. So much to learn yet. I have the WK book and some day want to build one :smiley:


Andy whatā€™s the diameter of the choke plate at the bottom of the gasifier?

Also Iā€™m pretty sure they use ID plates at Victory Gasworks, should be near the base maybe?


Welcome to the forum! Lots to read and learn here, do you know which model you have?


Welcome Andy. SteveU may have worked on that Victory unit. Iā€™m sure heā€™ll have an answer for you.

Ok then Marcus. How about a tag axle for when you have the camper on. That would be an interesting piece of engineering on a Pick up.


We need to have a beer sometime Tom :grin: I have helped install a tag axle on a Toyota motorhome chassis before where we tore the motorhome off and made a flatbed toy hauler


Not everybody drinks alcohaul, i had too quit when i was about 47 in order too quit smokeing tabaco . AND glad i quit ,but now only wish i had quit useing alcohaul and tobaco sonner. Now i need too quit coffee or drink it black, It all catch up too body when getting older. Too much sugers in every food out there allmost every. OR its a likely health trasher.


Itā€™s a once in a while thing for me, more the expression of I need to have a good sit down visitation. We would have much to talk about


Thats Cool, i had a drinking problem for years, once i get started , i dident like too stop, or i would close the bar.and bring a 6 pack home. Glad you dont have that problem, i must have too much indian in me.


Alcoholism runs in my family along with many other addiction, I have a strong will and destest not being in control of my body, so I donā€™t drink. A cold beer on a hot day, few and far between for me. Beer was once a food group, but the beer we have here is not what they have in Europe. Also a culture difference


Partly why a lot of us are even here, just staying out of trouble.


Been there and done that, had 2-1/2 DUI by time i was 21 i lost my driving privilege, too two different lawers and two different judgments too get it back two years later, Its a lot harder now than it was back in 1981 when i got mine back. Well yes many other troubles people end up into while under the influince of alcohaul. I had it in the famley,but it dident sink in till i learned the hard way that i needed too quit drinking or never drive while under the influince, witch is any beer more than a beer an hour, back then, So i stayed on a bycicle for about 25 years when drinking time rolled around after work.too get too a store, or stop by the bar / bars.


I think the truck has taken the oath. It will only run on gasoline or WG.


Hi Andy,
Yes welcome to the DOW.

On your early model Victory gasworks system be best if you set up a topic on say the Small Engines category then with pictures.
Some one of us could then ID it for you and give range of usages.
Be too distracting here in the middle of Marcusā€™s project thread.
If it ran small engines O.K. then roughly 3x, 4x for a safe larger engine loading.

Can we call you AndyW? More than a few Andyā€™s here. Like Steveā€™s, Bobā€™s and Jimā€™s, Chrisā€™s and Wayneā€™s!
Steve unruh