Just went for the evening feeding of the animals and discovered I have several more, my black doe kindled and I can see 6-8, minutes old babies. That puts me currently at 20 rabbits, I think?
Also my first hatch of quail are near six weeks old now and I have the hens separated to keep as egg layers, 22 of them all the roosters are in the big pen. Was time to butcher my spare roosters from my initial hatch since I have a pile (24?) now so 4 got the to see the inside of the fridge
After a quick warm water bath I rough plucked and the boys finished them up, then I taught them how to clean them prep for a meal. Was a proud dad moment for me teaching my boys where there food comes from
Do you always pluck the whole birds before you gut them? I don’t have the patience for that. I skin them and spatchcock them (cut the backbone on both sides from neck to tail). I got it down to just under 3 minutes per bird on a production line from head off to cold water brine solution.
What is your favorite cooking method?
Interesting. Will try that next time. Guess since l usualy braise them skin doesent realy matter much. Occasionaly we fry them whole. These defenetly must have skin on.
Iv been just trying different things, the first few i skinned and spatchcock then just for speed efficiency, but I love them baked just like Cornish game hens so I like having the skin on. It is very labor intensive to pluck them by hand, these last couple I blanched in 150f water for 20 seconds and it cut time in half if not more, but I intend to build a plucking machine hopefully. Intention with those birds is to fill them with stuffing and baked thanksgiving style, I’m just trying as many recipes as I can just trying to find what ways the family likes them