Picture gallery...cars, trucks , gasifiers, older and newer history

Wiklunds, charcoal.

Rolls, charcoal.


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Spring, snow is melting.

1929, Svedlund charcoal gasifiers.

Volvo hp-1, made by the same man that designed volvo pv444

Unknown woodgasifier.

Unknown charcoal gasifiers.


Some more.


Hudson, with charcoal gasifier welded into right front fender.

World record in slag buildup, a municipal employee bus driver refused to do the needed service on his charcoal gasifier, because he don’t liked the whole idea about woodgas power.

The car that made the first “all over Sweden trip” on wood.

Czech made “Janka” woodgasifier.
“Autoropa” charcoal.
Bruce woodgasifier.
ABG charcoal.
Lion, charcoal.

Hedemora woodgasifier company.
Mr Svedlunds private car, with hidden charcoal gasifier.

From an ad for: “the woodgas school”.
“Nama” woodgasifier.
“Hamo” charcoal.


Looks like an ancestor of Stephen Abbadessa’s bigger gasifier :slightly_smiling_face:


found this collection with known - and unknown pictures…




Giorgio and others, thank you for all these nice pictures, indeed people have made many different forms of gasifiers and “extra” equipment that they put on vehicles. If I were judging design, I’d go for the VW Beetle, but if I was judging reliability and gas quality, I’d vote for Wayne’s WK and his truck, that’s just my opinion.

Happy New Year to everyone!



johan, i think this are coarse and/or fine filters…interesting that there are two gasifiers in the same unit, i see 2 nozzle intakes…maybee for less heat production in each of them?


Alf Westergren, chevrolet de luxe, gasifier Imbert Sport, with special monorator made from a Wascator washing machine.
A bigger and more modern straight six engine, disguised to look like the original.
Volvo 142.

Some madman from Godegård on his way to Borlänge, and on to Dala-Järna.

My first Imbert hearth.

Rolls k13, charcoal.


Thank you Giorgio, that was my guess too. But that also means it was no cyclone or dropbox and I guess it was an easier build wit only two filters on each gasifier.
Perhaps they only made one size gasifier and put on as many parallell gasifiers as was needed to match the engine size.
All in fast production and cheaper retail price which would sell a bigger quantity to the masses, I imagine.
Interesting pictures, thank you for sharing :smiley:


Some more.

Look the size of wood they loading…

“Vintage” gasifier car.

Mercedes-Benz 170v, with Mercedes-Benz gasifier.

Mercedes-Benz truck, with mb gasifier.

Mercedes-Benz gasifier with central nozzle.

Cleaning of mb gasifier.

The famous gasifier beetle

Opel with gasifier, and a heavy smoking Dkw two-stroke.

Panhard charcoal gasifier with water-cooled nozzle.

Early British gasifier, 1934.

Opel Blitz trucks, and prototype Imbert trunk gasifier.

Imbert ad.

Gustlof woodgasifier.


Goran, I just discovered something that is related to this bigger wood in gasifiers. My Estate stove is taller than it is wide. I have been burning my cherry wood big 3" to 6" pieces like most people do in the hearth.
It burns okay this way but there is some smoke coming out the chimney when adding wood.
So this morning I started putting the wood in vertical. Wow what a difference in how the wood burns. More heat, and hardly any smoke coming out the chimney when adding more wood.
I saw this being done in some of the Soviets gasifiers pictures that were posted here on DOW.
I have done this in my gasifier by accident when I put and bigger piece in my WK Gasifier. This always takes care of a tight Charcoal bed. Per Wayne K. So I just followed his lead in doing this.
But we are on to something here in gasification that I feel might have been forgotten about in certain designed gasifiers of the past decades. Something for sure to look into. Thanks for posting those pictures of everyone to see. I do know the staight wall firetube is of the Soviets design with the flat plat restriction opening. I have seen it in there old drawings and prints for easy parts replacement in their gasifiers.


Hi Bob, yes i burn “standing” wood in my stove also, to get a good, roaring fire, which gives the hot, glowing charbed, good for “horizontal” wood loading. Most wood burns “better in fiber direction” it seems?
As for the pic i posted, im pretty sure it is arranged that way, maybe as a commercial for woodgas, before ww2, or something “historic” after ww2.
As you say, i’ve seen drawings and pic’s of gasifiers loaded with big/long wood, but i believe this is just “asking for trouble” nowadays, this was probably something that worked long time ago, lack of proper size wood, no one crashing in to you if you stopped along the road to brutally push down your bridging wood, and, ofcourse the quality of the roads that time…bumps and holes…and the hard, leaf-spring suspension on cars and trucks would really help shake down the wood.
I don’t mean to be discourage anyone, or saying it can’t be done, just some thougts. :smiley:
And yes, i can see the benefits of the WK gasifiers capability to eat bigger wood due to it’s “deep” charcoal reserve, it must really “safe” process a big chunk as you describes it.


Here comes a curiousity from my stuff:
The woodgas board game: Control.
Inspired by the “Sweden around trip”

The game pieces, the blue woodgas car, and dice is missing.

I live “at the fold” about 30km from checkpoint 31 :crazy_face:

It’s a 2-4 player family game, you could be “the woodgas car”, “the charcoal-gas car”, “the bottled acetylene car”, or “the calcium carbide acetylene generator car”.
When the player arrives at a check-point he’s gotta pick a card, suited for the car he’s driving, there are cards like: You filled wet charcoal, and your filter clogged, you get 10 penalty-points.
Or: the diaphragm in your acetylene pressure regulator ripped: 15 penalty-points.

Start and goal in Stockholm.
I have ideas about scan this at a industrial printing company, and print some copies, if the price is right.
Would be fun gifts for woodgas friends :smiley:


More blurry old pic’s…

Swedish Prince, Bertil, (the motor-prince) getting ready for a woodgas racing event.

TG woodgasifier, discretely mounted on it’s own “balcony”
Storebro, charcoal
Lion woodgasifier on one-wheel cart.
IBA woodgasifier

Wood powered milk-truck
Rappo, charcoal

V-kraft (V-power) wood

H.O woodgasifier for smaller cars
General Motors, charcoal, (system Svedlund)


I did not know there were so many different manufacturers of Wood / Charcoal units back in the WW2 erea. Amazing what man will create and can do when you take away his gasoline and diesel fuels.


Kind of like what happened during the lock downs when people couldn’t get out to get their Big Pharma drugs. A lot of them starting feeling better. No, not really the same. I just like to say crap like that, but it’s true.


Bus with Finland made “Otso”, wood, observe the “balcony” platform, for re-fueling.
“Belz”, charcoal, swivelling away.
“Don’t blame your gasifier if you buy fuel from a unscrupolous wood&charcoal seller”
“Dont use force when poking your gasifier!”

Old comparison between charcoal and raw wood.

GM charcoal.

A delivery of 400 original Imbert’s to Stockholm dairy central plant.

"It looks like a gasifier, it smell’s like a gasifier, it cost as much as a gasifier, i wonder why it wont power the engine?


About 300 makers, only in Sweden during ww2, im making a list for my historical interest.
About 150 makers not approved by the “woodgas bureau” (yes that was needed, due to all small business, seeking fast money, making gasifiers of inferior quality, or just fake copies)