Properties of a good wood gasifier

jan, i think the motor sucks a certain quantity of air, this air is distribuited to all nozzles…the bottom nozzle is surrounded by coal, so not consumes gas, but produces gas…my modest insight…


But isn’t the charcoal under the top nozzle for turning co2 into co etc., so combustible gas must be there too?


yes, but the whole oxygen that enters by the bottom nozzle is immediately burnt by the bottom nozzle and so the gas produced above cannot burn because of lack of oxygen…shure tone can explain better, but i also try to understand the gasifier high school…
in the start up procedure , i think, there - from the bottom nozzle - will be burnt some bad gas, but this helps to create there a glowing nest, what consumes all the entering oxygen…


Giorgio, thank you for saving me the painstaking writing. :grin::+1:


Mr. Don, you obviously miss nothing, next time I have to think about where I point the camera.


Hmm, here is something (more) I don’t understand at all, if oxygen gets in somewhere below where the combustible gas has been produced, then it should be easier to burn than charcoal?


i think not, tone has showed with his traktor gasifier that it works very well, otherwise he would produce weak gas what would not give so much power to the tractor…
i think the very hot glowing charcoal around the bottom nozzle consumes really all entering oxygen immediately…this is a really new design, cracking all and no shakers needed…


The weakness of oxygen entering a gasifier is when it is only meeting the gas. The bottom nozzle has very small holes, and is surrounded by charcoal at all times. It is simply making more gas and the white heat made will crack any tars that slipped past the first nozzles.


Hi Jan, if you over pull on a gasifier. This meaning you pull the oxygen pass the charchoal bed where there is no charcoal your gasifier it will go into what we call heater mode burning up good gases that should go to run the engine…
So lets think about this I am pulling really hard on my gasifier driving down the road. There is lots of air coming into the nozzles going down deep into the firetube. Now some good gases are created higher up in the gasifier hot lobe of charcoal and some of the gases are created in a different part of the hot lobe lower. Yes there are gases being burned up thats whats makes all the heat and the hot lobe bigger. But there is even more good gases being made from this. How the gases have passed out of the hot lobe where there is no oxygen left. It is in a no oxygen vaccum state heading through the charcoal to the least reistence points. This is the top of the slots of the grate. It is at this point over a 1000°f we know this. Now we add more oxygen in this new area start making more gases by making a new hot lobe area. Yes some gases are burned up like in the above hot lobe area too, but more gases are made then are burned up.
Remember we are operating this in a vaccum state. If we start to coast down a hill the vaccum decreases and the action of making gases slows down. This stops the strong making of gases in the vaccum. Is there oxygen entering the nozzles a little but the vaccum is gone that is what makes the gasifier produce good gases like CO, H2 , CH4 and a lot of it. The vaccum causes a flow of gases to move a certain direction.
In a normal atmospheric pressure these gases can be made. But in a vaccum state making these same gases CO, H2, CH4 is different on how they are now isolated in the vaccum state when being made. There is a different action being applied here.
Sorry for writing so much, but this is exciting stuff that takes place. Puts a SWEM on my face thinking about it all happening in a gasifier.


Bob, you write as if you almost crawled in there to watch it!


Today I was working in the field, the tractor was working great, well, after about an hour it started coughing and losing power, all sorts of thoughts went through my mind,… here is a picture to identify the error… :grin::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I see the pipe to the filter fell off but how did the gas ignite from the cooler?


Ran out of fuel,diesel


Ha, seems you forgot when you last refueled :smile:


Al, the prize is yours,… if you want, I can make the lower nozzle and send it to your address. :+1:


Folks, eagle-eye Al F. saw the big blue liquid refill can and red funnel sitting on top of the filter barrel.
I certainly did not see this. Hiding in plain sight. Ah . . . here diesel cans are code colored yellow.


I have sent 1000’s of hours watching very carefully and focusing on what is really taking place in the fire as it burns around a open camp fire. Now in your mind think about it in a vaccum at -30 inches of water this is completely a different state or environment with the fire is burning in.
When divers go deeper then 35 feet under water for a long periods of time. They need to go through decompression or they will get decompression sickness or the bends. In their blood nitrogen dissolved in the blood and tissues by high pressure forms bubbles as pressure decreases causing sickness or even death.
Similar to this is the isolation that is taking place with the gases in a vaccum environment has they are being cracked or converting by the oxygen being stripped away to form CO, H2, CH4 The carbon turns to ashes with the minerials. If it is to hot then slag is formed with the ashes.
If I use the mind then I am there inside the gasifier seeing it all happen. And with out getting burned up in the prosses of seeing it take place. The mind is amazing and powerful thing that God created. This is how we are made in His image.


If you are serious, I would be honored to have a piece of your handy work. Thanks


Hi Al, if you want to see it. Look at what Tone is doing right now with his new gasifier design. He knows where his inspiration is coming from and he is very humble about it too. He is using his mind to think out of the box of the normal designs that have been handed down to us all. Look again at what Wayne has built from a FEMA gasifier design and kept fine tuning it until we now have a WK Gasifier. I can just look at your hopper lid design on how you are putting back into the hotest spot on your firetube, right into the center to burn the tar for alot more power. And this list goes on and on for many of our members here. Our minds have this creative thoughts that can create things that have never been thought of before. Or has been thought before and forgotten. Then thought up again and then created. We all have it. We all can think independently and individually.
I like looking at things and imagine how it all works.
The true Blessing from God work for Good for us all for His Name sake and Glory.
Sharing the information and what we make, this is what DOW is all about.


Thanks, for trying to help me but I still don’t understand, I’m far too unintelligent for this, sadly.
I have to keep reading, and hope I can understand.