Red bear, long grass mower on charcoal gas

it is bcs season now…yesterday we mowed something less than 3 hours, on the picture is shown the charcoal consumption…

hopper diameter 30 cm…

ash build-up around the nozzle…thanks to egr no clinker.
actually i try to make the horse hair in the filter a bit wet with a sprayer…good results.
in the end filter i can observe in the black housing if dust , and how much goes through…
with wet filter nothing.
at the red mower 250ccm the filtering was perfect with sheep wool, but with the bcs not because of his greater motor suction, 480ccm… but with umid horse hair it works well.
horse hair absorbs umidity ( therefore is used for rubber boots socks), sheepwool i dont know how it absorbs umidity, must also be tried.


I hadn’t seen these before, maybe you have since I think a UK company owns them. Or maybe I did see and forgot. These are called stripper headers for combines, and They just take the grain off the heads and leave the stalk standing. One guy did a pea/oat mixed crop with it. They go about 2x as fast through a field. The standing residue, collects more snow for water, and the straw gets knocked down and keeps the ground cooler during the next crop. They go well with a disc drill. and those don’t dislodge rocks in the soil.

Edit: This is a MUCH better video, now I just have to learn French.