The Gasifier That Wanted To Be

Koen, and All, It has been a long time in the works on this project, started this project about 1 1/2 years ago. Did a lot of thinking along the way, working problems out on it. Got side tracked a bit, Bought The 92 Dakota From The Book from ChrisC. Brought it home and completely rebuild the fire tube and other things. Built my Charcoal Retort and Charcoal Grinder Trommel Classifier.
Lost my 1996 Subaru Out Back donor car, because Dana loves driving it so, and she gave her 1996 Subaru Lagucy to our teenager Marjie so she would a car to drive back and forth to high school. Started building my Wood Chunker almost finished with it. Ha Ha, life goes on, Thank You Lord. Today was one more step closer to the Dark Side of Gasification. You Just Got a Love It.


Thank you so much for posting pictures. This is an exciting build. Hopefully you will be driving around with it before long. Its great seeing your vision take shape.


Running the Dakota with a little extra grate shaking during the week you can soon drive the car for free in the weekend :smile:


Wow, my hat is off to you ! Big time. Amazing people on DOW. :relaxed:


Have you ever notice…

that some projects stare back at you when you walk by, it’s like they are saying… when are you going to finish me, and get me making some charcoal gas to run a engine on.
Alright, Alright enough with the guilt trip. You are next in line to get finished.
I have three other gasifier and a wood stove project that need to be worked on too.
What do you do when you like to drive on gasification too?
Gasification it’s got me. Is there a Gasification Anonymous?
I Hope Not!


I think the closest thing to gasification anonymous is this forum, where you admit your addiction and are consequently encouraged to pursue it, just don’t inhale the CO! :blush:


encouraged yes, but only with the associated demand for audio visual verification.


Yup, the whole junkyard looks as a gasifier to be… and all objects seems to be possible parts for some kind of gasifier thing…

last week, wife and i, walking in a shopping mal , tools and stuf section, she say, pointing towards some iron part and asking me " can’t we make a nozzle from this ?"

Talking about addiction…


The Gasifier That Wanted To Be, NOW IS! a charcoal eating gasifier as of today. It shot out of the gas flare nozzle a 3 foot beautiful flame.

By the time I was going to take a picture of it, the notice THIS! And shut it down quickly, something is not right. Might be a leak on the edge of the barrow.

The next run will have the cooling rails on, this single pipe started to get warm to the touch.
The rest of the fire tube barrow was warming up. The concaved disk where the nozzle comes out started to burn paint off, so my conclusion is the ceramic wool is going to be installed like I originally planned.
Looking into the gasifier intake opening I could see the charcoal was not touching the nozzle when running. The bed of charcoal had a slope to it, away from the nozzle like planned. The big heavy piece of steel above it was glowing. I use my truck exhaust to keep the heat under control on the lobe of charcoal fire just pass the nozzle.
All in all I’m very happy with the short run.
Just letting it cool down and die out so the can inspect it, FIX the air leak, and put the insulation in.


Allright Bob! Patiently waiting for a flare video!

It seels a glow had channeled to the side of the barrel?


Yes, I’m pretty sure it is a welding pin hole close by. It doesn’t take much to start the char to light up, it loves the big O. I had my suction blower at full throttle to get the 3 foot flame out the gas flare nozzle.
Yes for sure there will be a video.


And as you know once the charcoal is ignited it really doesn’t want to go out
I have had some thoughts about a snuff system, water would be cheapest but that would make a HUGE steam cloud.
Maybe a CO2 or nitrogen bottle

Looking good Bob, you are definitely taking a new path


You are so right, if the charcoal can get air it will burn until it is all gone. I put a ball in the gas out pipe to help the charcoal to smother out. If there are anymore leaks they should show up in the ash trail by the leak. It’s been 18 hours sense I shut it down, I hope when I open the Gasifier unit open all the charcoal is out. I have a spray bottle for just in case.


Cleaned out the Gasifier and found this right at the end of where the hot char lobe ends.

It looks like I didn’t get all the nails, staples, screws out of the charcoal after retorting the wood.
There was not a leak in the barrow just hot gas going by the stainless steel plate.
The nozzle looked good, but it was a short run, need to put a couple of hours on it.

In stalled the ceramic insulation so all the gas will flow across the char bed.
Next is to finish the cyclone and mount it and then hook up the cool rails.
Glad the bitter cold has gone away, it’s been in the high 30’s *f today.
Taking a DOW coffee break and loving it.


I finally settled on what kind of filters I will be using, thanks to @Til for sharing the Generateur Gohin-Poulenc gasifier filter system.

I have a lot of 5 gal. Buckets that come from the car wash that Dana’s Dad works at. So I incorporated 2 lids put together in with a piece of plywood sandwiched between them, like WK hopper/gasifier connection.

The lower bucket will be clyclone type spin with a trap space below.
The gas will travel up through the lid tubes.into the filter bags.

This white 90* will screw into the buckets to give the gas a spin in the bucket, had to grind it down to fit tight up against the wall.
Coffee break is over back to work on this project.


Looks amazeing Bob! Keep us posted!

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Real nice weight saving filter idea Bob. Not to mention will not rust out.


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I did a little more work on the filter, installed the clycone nozzle in the bucket, and a 3" clean out in the bottom of the barrow. I can still unscrew and remove the nozzle for a complete clean out, but I’m thinking I can just vacuum it out and dump the ash.

I need to sew up some towel bags for the filters like @KristijanL used.
Finish the bag hanger rod to hold up the filter bags.
Outlet on top of the bucket, mounting brackets.
Hook it up to the cooling rail.
Give it the second test run.


THANKS BOB i never quite seen how kristijan had his tolw bag filter mounted.seems like he had too have had some sort of cage too keep bag from closeing together , i know he ran the gas in from the outside of the bag, buy did not see how he mounted bag, or what spesific kind of materiel that worked, And wood the materiel work for wood gasifier allso.