Well since we are mostly STILL in the middle dead of space heating winter you sure put up some nice PRACTICAL-USE realistic home heating information David Bailllie.
The really nice thing about these MODERN secondary burning bulk woodstoves past their minimum of 70% to as high of 85% fuel-to-spaceheat efficiency is their wide range of wood fuels use flexibility.
You and I can fuel with large, small, medium, splits in all species. Dial in the heat needed with the fuel woods types and sizing. No special stick form; chunk form; pelleted form, needed. And these types ONLY able to fuel with their own designer fuel form!
In mine I routinely burn bundled up 5 to 15 mm sticks “harvested” out of the always accumulating homestead thinning/pruning/wind harvest pile.
Wifie loves accumulating woven reed and wooden splits garden baskets. Done their potting soil time and rotted out and I wood stove burn these too. I can and have burnt thrown-out and black molds damaged picture puzzles. Corrugated cardboard; always. Pasteboard packaging; always. Anything and all things wooden/paper broken, discarded, no longer usable. Tables, chairs, garden furniture.
Every year the wood shed floor accumulates blocks splitting strandie chips and bark chunks. I paper bag these up and wood stove these for heat too.
I have burnt tossed out, water and mold damaged books. “Pulp” fiction as the easiest to do. Hardbacks: tear the covers off. Roll an bind the center into log form so they can gap lay.
Every year my nusie wife disposes of the oldest of her patient and business files. Roll them up. Bind then and logs-like burn these in the heating season wood stove. Ashy pita fuel. But saves the professional shredding costs to then just land fill contribute-to-the-ages.
Comes from the air CO2 and grounds minerals. Recycled back for another growing go-around. Says I.
Yesterday, Sunday, wifie cleaned off one side porch the chickens tried to take over. Soiled cardboard boxes, and gifted to us paper-pulp egg cartons. Ha! And all of my saved holes worn pig skin leather gloves. Sigh. I went a wood stove step too far. Chicken shits makes strong corrosives burnt. And the leather gloves had much preservatives in them.
What you all rocket stove enthusiasts fail to understand is I DO rocket forced time and velocity daily for ~20 minutes from a cold start. Rapid use ~2 pounds of wood/paper fuels with all four of my stoves airs wide open to get my charbed established hot and driving. Get my 450 pound iron and brick stove up to good operating temperatures. 16 feet of double and triple walled chimney pulling up draft really strongly.
Then it is velocity/outputs cut back to a hot cruising 1 pound to 12 pounds of fuel wood and hour.
6000 to 72,000 BTU’s an hour into our 1300 square foot home.
250 heat needing days a year.
10 years on this current EPA certified stove. 50,000 working hours and only needing some sacrificial drop in stove bricks changed out.
I find those chasing the 85% efficiencies upward invariably are actually space heating with electricity, propane, natural gas. How do I know? In an actually people lived in space that 15% of chimney “waste” is needed to dehumidify a real house from people/pets exhaling/resperationing out pints a day, individually. Washing/showering in-house moisture contributions. Cooking moisture contributions in-house.
The bulk wood stove handles these all quietly, handily just as matter of course.
I see this same efficiency/numbers chasing bragdiosa on every social media platform.
My Toyota Camry gets 46 miles per gallon! Hiway cruise; yeah, maybe. Not overall driving sister of mine.
My 300 WinMag can push bullets out to 4000 feet per second! Yeah, sure brother-in-law. 15 pound capable only varmint bullets at the cost of barrel leade erosion.
My 2015 Ford F150 has a world-class beating EcoTech 2.7L V-6 engine! Yes sister of mine. DUAL exhaust turbo’s needed. Active continuously computer adjusting four cam engine. Demanding fully synthetic expensive motor oils then. For the l-o-n-g chain driven on each cam oil-pruurized phaser/timers. For the exhausr heat oil cooking turbo power boosters. My 24 year old Ford F150 with it’s “big” old last millennia push rod valved only one cam V-8 gets the same overall fuel used mileage and uses standard cheap dino lubricating oil. Yours will choke on any poor quality gasoline. Mine keep burbling along.
Real use numbers in all things are full cycle use numbers. Been sitting cold unused; through full use; then back down to cold sitting accumulated numbers. Year around use numbers. Cradle to grave numbers. Charletons, con-artists and the shallow minded use snap-shot, steady state numbers.
BillS, as you are finding true rural living is a demanding practical durable, long-use, simpler-is-better lifestyle.
Ignore those who do not live similar to you. Without similar values and goals.
tree-farmer Steve Unruh with min 88 inches rain a year. 122 inches in especially blessed years.